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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. They're lying. Or. It didn't happen. Oh, wait. Same thing.
  2. Not enough money left over to buy his own pair of shades after Jill got her sunglasses, extensions, makeup, quarter-inch-thick acrylics, hoodie blouses, costume jewelry, new shoes, etc. etc. etc. That also explains the photo of David wearing Jill's leggings. He couldn't get new pants so he wore Jill's leggings instead.
  3. So did I. With my father, no less. I remember helping my grandmother make grape jam when I was even younger, and that was a seriously messy and hot job. Anyway, maybe the Dillard kids might actually get something close to proper nutrition, unlike their mother and maternal aunts and uncles.
  4. Jill's still got the sperms, though. It's ok. Nurie won't mind. Those sunglasses look exactly like the cheap ones I got at Kohl's.
  5. I think I only had one fall out "organically." That was on an airplane, and no, I didn't get anything from the tooth fairy that night. Yanking your kid's loose tooth? Not a big deal unless the kid doesn't want it. Filming yourself while yanking your kid's loose tooth, and then posting it to the eternal internet? Majorly big deal. I was grossed out by Austin's dirty fingernails, though. Give those things a scrub after work, Austin. Nail brushes are your friends.
  6. Carlin needs to lay off the self-tanner. She's got the Kardashian tan thing going on. Actually, she looks like a fundie Kardashian anyway.
  7. It's the same smelly, cheap, crap merchandise no matter how it's displayed, so probably a bit better if not the same.
  8. Future Webster daughters: Either following their parents' (shitty) example because otherwise they'd have to admit that their parents are awful people who didn't give much of a damn about their kids' happiness, education, and well-being. Or, angry and embittered (and barely literate) because they realize that their parents are awful people who didn't give much of a damn about their kids' happiness, education, and well-being. And favored their brothers over the girls because of something the girls couldn't control or change.
  9. Is that Poser Boy, well, posing? Is he flashing a gang sign for the wannabe gang?
  10. In all fairness, this issue isn't unique to Joy. Hospitals are confusing. Maybe at hers, you go in at the ER and then turn left to go to radiology or something. The giant hospital near me is like that -- there are regular doctors' offices and imaging suites in it as well as the usual hospital stuff. If your doc is near the ER end and you don't want to trot half a mile from the parking garage end, you probably just go in at the ER entrance. My hematologist is at the west entrance, which is a whole other animal.
  11. And would the girls be allowed to join the family business as anything other than a secretary (while waiting for a husband)? Nope. Not in a million.
  12. Never underestimate the power (and willingness to spend money on junk) of fundie leghumpers?
  13. My father was adopted at age six (a long story that never should have happened and ruined multiple lives). There are 1001+ reasons why an adoptee might or might not want to see their birthplace. I'm not going to criticize Tiffany or even question her on this one. I still think she and Poser Boy, or at least Poser Boy and his wretched family, are pretty lousy people. That's a different story altogether. I hope they never adopt if only to spare their adopted child being raised in a cult.
  14. "Gawd will provide." As far as Nathan, he probably thinks the kids are wimmen's business.
  15. Maybe they can get some from the Rodriguii! They've got enough ratty, fried, overlong hair to make toupees for the balding Duggars.
  16. Ah yes, the Pot-Oh-Mack River. That's nasty. I am aware that some people think kids don't need daily baths, but weekly?! They must have itched like mad, and probably smelled too. Even as prepubescents, my younger brother and some cousins definitely needed a daily bath or shower. Kid sweat has a special funk.
  17. I don't think he was actually in HR. I think he was a receptionist, which is much more his level. Can you see a doofus like Evan being in charge of making sure everyone's I-9s were done correctly? @cereality, I'm reminded anew how much Carlin's selfish parents ruined her chances at a normal life. If she weren't one of a litter, I could see her being needy on a normal-people level, maybe like the loud, showy attention-seekers so many of us know. But since the only real attention people in her family get is from weddings and childbirth, she'll have as many as possible and have fake "episodes" in between just to get attention. That's damned sad. I hope Evan's testicles shrivel up so they don't have any more. Those two lazy asses need more kids like the Duggars need more hair.
  18. THIS is THE dress...to NOT look good in? It's not the worst thing she's ever worn, but it sure isn't the most flattering, either. Is that a belt or just elastic?
  19. I wonder if the Spiveys felt sorry for Justin Random Duggar, and gave him a job and let him marry Claire partly to get him away from Arkansas. You can't tell me that even allegedly "thirsty" fundies don't see something wrong with the way the Duggars and Bateses treated their children. Otherwise, there'd be a lot more fundie families with 10 malnourished kids to a bedroom.
  20. New title for those who don't qualify to be a pastor even by low, low fundie standards.
  21. I wonder how many takes it took Dumb and Dumber to get those perfect "candid" shots. Nice gaping maw again, Carlin. 🙄
  22. Let's compare that handwriting to Jill's own. I wouldn't put it past her to "grade" her own kids' "college" work.
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