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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. People who are from or whose ancestors were from El Salvador are referred to as Salvadorans. El is the Spanish word for the; thus, saying "El Salvadorans" is equivalent to saying "the Salvadorans." There is no e or i in Salvadoran. Can someone post screenshots of the Josiah/Lauren house for those of us who don't have cable?
  2. Well, they probably are actual humans, not some Arkansas version of Stepford wives. So they breathe, eat, excrete, bleed, all the usual human things. Other than that? Nada. I agree it's all producer-driven, scripted bullshit.
  4. Joi Abbott was unlikable, but her (estranged) husband was an absolute ass. He wanted Greene to save his obviously terminally ill child and even refused a DNR order. And he apparently hadn't seen Ricky in awhile!
  5. I remember the Mark-Jen house as being like Nelson's trailer by the train tracks. That figure struck me as low, too. Maybe the producers and/or writers made the salary figures low to make the characters more relatable to viewers.
  6. Benton's niece made a comment at Reece's baptism about Benton's mother rolling over in her grave at him dating a white woman, but later Jackie spoke of Elizabeth more with affection than anger. I agree they wouldn't have lasted. She was a rebound for him, plus their professional rivalry made everything complicated.
  7. I'm up to the Joi Abbott episodes in my latest rewatch. Something that has always bothered me -- Joi Abbott talking about Ricky in front of him. "Ricky's my responsibility. I have to see him through this" or "Sometimes my daughter plays with him." I understand that the character blamed herself for passing the faulty gene to her sons and that she was overwhelmed, but really, did she have to be such a bitch? She's always been such an unlikable character for me.
  8. He wouldn't be the first gay man, if he is gay, to figure out hetero sex. TFDW, anybody? The turkey baster comment made me giggle.
  9. Greene didn't buy the house until he had been an attending for five-ish years. Corday moved in at the same time he did.
  10. Google shows results for either one, including a reference to "og mit liv" in a book by Peter Torjesen's daughter. https://books.google.com/books?id=pnc4yN8qoisC&pg=PA23&lpg=PA23&dq=og+mit+liv+peter+torjesen&source=bl&ots=ue4D934b4R&sig=IgW5Z8XEdfjECnsiQ17NL6QhgBM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjq5cG36KbdAhXomq0KHSrXDlIQ6AEwDXoECAAQAQ#v=onepage&q=og mit liv peter torjesen&f=false If the single t on his birthday present is in error, it's not on Jeremy.
  11. So does Dan. Deena Dullard better hope her child takes after her and not its father.
  12. October is my guess, based on past Duggarling engagements.
  13. Rogers and Benton County aren't Houston or New York or Los Angeles. For that matter, they're not Tulsa or Little Rock or Dallas. We'll never know how much money, if any, Cathy and her sons got after Rick died. We'll probably never know who is paying for Derelict's JD, whether it's the federal government or Cathy or Jim Bob or none of the above. Hell, maybe NOSTRILS is paying for it out of his house-flipping proceeds, in exchange for future real estate legal work, and that's why the Forsyths don't live in their own house. (I don't believe for a minute that Nostrils is paying for it. That was a Flying Spaghetti Monster-type whimsy.)
  14. My grandfather was a Detroit cop and retired after 25 years. His pension was only $2200 a month, and he worked when civil servants were treated better than they are now. Topic: My money (ha) is still on Jim Bob.
  15. I live in a suburb that has a reputation for paying civil servants very, very well. I'm told there are multiple applications for every job opening, but a bigger suburb to the south that hires more officers and firefighters has a hard time filling positions. Having lived in small towns in the south, I think it's likely Rick Dullard didn't make all that much money and didn't carry that much insurance. After all, too, he was only 48. I very much doubt he had enough to pay for his sons' college educations AND bankroll Derelict and his family to this day.
  16. I'd argue the exact opposite. What I see is people making excuses for children and their shitty behavior, using children for bragging rights, and declining to criticize other people's parenting and children because it'll get them shamed. There's a lot of room between "children should be seen and not heard" and "children are blessings." I could go on, but I don't feel like dealing with it now. I'm convinced the only reason most people have children is because they get pregnant, and society expects them to have kids. I know many people, blue collar and white collar, who chose not to have kids because they don't like them and/or don't want them. That doesn't mean they see kids in general as a bother or that society has a "heavy dislike for children." It just means they made a decision that's right for them. Look at the praise heaped on parents. I can tell you as a childless person that it makes me feel like a total loser just because I haven't spawned. My childless and childfree friends feel the same way. Mother's Day, that noted social construct, is one of the biggest gift-giving holidays on the calendar -- and it's made up! That to me doesn't look like a culture that dislikes children. For the record, I like most kids and I'm disappointed that I haven't had any. That doesn't mean I'm going to overlook another volunteer's brat COLORING ON MY SHIRT at an adoption event or getting in everyone's way when we're working, or that I'm going to excuse my eighteen-year-old niece living like a damn pig in the bedroom she has to share with her sister. YMMV.
  17. A fisher "cat" is a member of the weasel family, not a cat. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher_(animal)
  18. Wasn't Dan Dullard's Boy Scout job a management position? Considering Rick Dullard's relatively young age when he died, that small town, Arkansas police forces probably don't pay that much, and college expenses for two kids, I really doubt that the Dullards and Cathy are living off insurance payments from his death. Cathy being an accountant doesn't mean much -- having a degree doesn't stop her (or anyone else) from being an anti-science bigot, so maybe she ignores basic tenets of accounting, too.
  19. The writers hit most of the black male stereotypes with Chris and Kenny Law, didn't they? It was uncomfortable then, obscene now. ER in general was big on ethnic stereotypes, right from the pilot.
  20. If Ofsmuggar is pregnant now, it's a big change in her usual reproduction schedule. Mason turns one this month; if his mother sticks to her normal schedule, she won't announce a pregnancy until spring.
  21. I've never though Benton/Corday made much sense. I think she tried to flirt with him, but he never reciprocated until he found out Carla was dating Roger. I also think Benton was a condescending ass to Corday most of the time. Remember when he told her about "just listening" in a jazz club? It's too bad Corday couldn't remove the giant stick up Benton's ass.
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