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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. The fact that their "midwife" is in San Antonio also tells me that television and agreeing to be seen on screen also played a role, whereas not many doctors will allow themselves to be filmed for tv for liability reasons. I find it difficult to believe the Vuolos couldn't find a real midwife closer to home, or better yet, an obstetrician who delivers in a damned hospital. Once a Duggar, always a Duggar, even if prettied up and modestly modernized.
  2. "Intensely primal and profound"? Okey dokey. I'm disappointed that the Vuolos used a "midwife," albeit a better-trained and more pragmatic one than sister Jilly, for at least Jinger's prenatal care.
  3. So Bobby majored in Raising Children in Poverty? What did he do during that gap year?
  4. There's nothing wrong with Guinn's shirt. It's actually pretty compared to the shit Michelle wears.
  5. Well-traveled and affluent aren't mutually exclusive, as you know. The Duggars were well-off (ahem, Senate run) before TV money, but I doubt they would ever have left Arkansas/Missouri/Oklahoma/Texas if they hadn't been on the idiot box.
  6. They must not know that 1. The von Trapps were Catholic, and 2. Maria von Trapp was well into pregnancy when she married Captain von Trapp. For those fundies following along at home, that means Fraulein Maria and Captain von Trapp YOU KNOW! DID IT! before they were married. :O
  7. Michael Seewald looks so much older than his age, but in a good way.
  8. The Swansons may have made a nice profit by selling their Georgia home and moving to BF, Arkansas. Or maybe Mr. and Mrs. Swanson both come from well-off families. Who knows.
  9. It isn't anyone's responsibility to be present in the lives of anyone else's children, whether related or not. Period.
  10. It isn't a grandparent's or anyone else's responsibility to be "helpful" with someone else's kids, whether related or not.
  11. That mullet didn't style itself, you know. She's been slacking since Jana and John were born. There's a reason her first and last-born are the only ones she has a real bond with, to outward appearances anyway.
  12. People do the same thing on Facebook, which has no character limit.
  13. That's exactly what they are. One leg is visible on the chair in the center of the photo.
  14. "U" drive me up the frigging wall. "U" only have to type two more letters. Do it.
  15. That bedding and the headboard look like a hotel to me. And not Fred's Rooms-by-the-Hour, either. I don't care either way; I'm just curious why.
  16. That's likely. Prohibitions against eating pork and shellfish in the Torah and Q'ran probably have something to do with food safety at the time as well.
  17. Anybody notice Abbie is wearing a sleeveless dress? And it looks to be at knee length or maybe just above. Her family may be Gothardites, but I suspect they're the more pragmatic type of Gothardite.
  18. Whoever critiqued Jessa Seewald's hair for being overlong and heavy -- Jessa is a frigging paragon of modern style and fine grooming compared to Nurie and the other Rodriguii girls. JFC. Not for the first time, I wonder if Jill Rodrigues's goal is to make herself look better by making her daughters look ugly.
  19. Maybe Joy worked while Austin ate his lunch and watched Gideon.
  20. I wonder if Derelict borrowed his brother's suit for some reason. Dan Dullard is a few inches taller than Derelict, which would explain the overlong pant legs.
  21. I've heard of several weddings where guests were invited to the reception but NOT the ceremony itself. Now that's tacky. One was a fundie-lite/hypocrite wedding where the reception was a few weeks later, post-honeymoon. The other was a regular reception-following-ceremony wedding. I would not go to a wedding where I was invited to one or the other but not both. No way. I don't mind if the food isn't that great or the reception is blah. But I do mind being treated solely as a bearer of gifts. Back on topic: I wonder what food the Josiahs had at their reception. (I'm hungry.)
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