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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Not yet. And the show would never show it if it did happen.
  2. Not to mention that he went from content, hardworking, conscientious Doug in one episode, to moody, selfish, self-absorbed Doug in the very next. There was no transition. Even at the time, I wondered why the writing was so poor.
  3. Guys, sometimes people can't help the color of their teeth. Genetics and antibiotic use can factor in.
  4. Maybe she grifted a laundry folder from the Container Store.
  5. Doug frequently jeopardized others!
  6. The sole medical bills bankruptcy I mentioned was from having three children in 37 months without health insurance. Both parents were able-bodied and they lived in his mother's house that whole time, and their rent (if they paid any at all) was less than $400. People like them give a bad name to anybody who files bankruptcy as a very last resort. (They've since filed BK at least once more -- I suspect twice.) Topic: I'd like to hear Derelict's justification for capital punishment for rapists. I suspect it has little or nothing to do with protecting the victim.
  7. Same here. I just find it amusing that some people (not you) condemn Derelict or others for being judgmental when we're here doing the exact same thing.
  8. Somebody tell me how Tony Gates and Katey Alvaro, to name two, got away with half the crap they did. Especially Gates! I'm not a physician, but I'd have written him up for insubordination his first week!
  9. I've heard that statistic. I spoke only from personal experience. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/643000-bankruptcies-in-the-u-s-every-year-due-to-medical-bills/
  10. Possibly. I will say, and this is my experience only, that of the many people I've known who have filed bankruptcy (sister, father, ex-friend, friend's sister x 2, neighbor, uncle x 2, uncle x 3! Three!), only one was due to medical bills. The rest were living beyond their means; the neighbor, for instance, was unemployed and pulled equity out of her home to buy a $1400 designer mutt. The ex-friend borrowed money from me to get her electricity back on two weeks after spending over a thousand dollars on Christmas gifts for her two sons and her boyfriend. The sons got gifts from her, their father, four sets of grandparents, and more. All of us here are judgmental.
  11. Jill's just an attention-whoring fool, so please don't imply her expression means she's having a seizure. Seizures aren't funny. -- an epileptic
  12. As @kokapetl pointed out, Evelyn needed more like $45,000. And while I hate to defend a Duggar, it isn't their responsibility to bail a relative, or anyone else, out after his or her poorly considered racking up of credit card debt. It doesn't matter whether the Duggars are wealthy or not -- not their responsibility.
  13. Kem said once or twice that she was afraid she could get used to living in luxury, or even in comfort, in Chicago. I got the impression Kem had some skeletons in her closet.
  14. I wonder if Felicity had a baptism or dedication this week, and that's why the Vuolos were in town.
  15. He was with her when she met with the police or assistant district attorney*; he had a major effect, IMO, on Sam not being charged even though the police/ADA knew her story wasn't adding up. *It would have made sense for it to be the police, but considering how little sense ER made at that point, it was probably the state attorney general!
  16. Again, she overloads on the liquid smoke. The thought of three tablespoons makes me gag.
  17. So if Sam and Alex went on the run to get away from Loser Steve, and then Luka convinced Sam to come back to Chicago from Louisville, where was Loser Steve afterward? Did he give up on "like the coolest job ever" and hit the road again? The writing by this point (season eleven) truly sucked.
  18. Carter and Kem really didn't have any chemistry. I'll always be disappointed that TPTB forced that stupid storyline on us rather than leaving Carter with Debbie, the NGO worker with whom he did have chemistry. Carter/Debbie made sense; Carter/Kem never did.
  19. He doesn't look at all like he's clenching his teeth. He has the same smile as his brother Smuggar. Josiah actually looks pretty happy here. Sex must have done him some good.
  20. The ER staff was always using the department's fax for personal stuff: Corday announcing Greene's death, Carol's pregnancy announcement to Doug, Abby's loan application.
  21. Kem and Carter never made sense. That storyline was obviously just a way to get Noah Wyle off the show. Carter should have ended up with Debbie, the NGO worker he worked with (and was dating?) in Congo before he met Kem. They had chemistry and the pairing made sense. Kem and Carter went together like oil and water.
  22. Yes, I meant interior screenshots. Forgive me -- I assumed that was acceptable since there have been so many posted in this forum already (Duggars, Dullards, Vuolos, Seewalds, and so on).
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