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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. What did they do if someone needed the restroom? Duggars are frigging weird.
  2. Derick wasn't always so ugly. Before his fucked-up face surgery, he was almost cute in a dorky kind of way, like Jilly herself was then.
  3. It's not necessarily about moisturizers. It has a lot to do with genetics. I bet either Jim Bob or Mullet or both wrinkled early -- probably Mullet.
  4. That side pony photo is horribly composed. It makes her look like a giant head and belly atop two little stumps for legs.
  5. She looks even more foolish than usual. Red eyes, anyone?
  6. That started in Susan's very first episode back on the job at County. "Nurse. Nurse!" The old Susan was friends with the nurses and had too much respect for them to just call one by her title. I always thought Sherry Stringfield was just grateful to have a job again. Didn't she have to sign a non-competition agreement when she left ER the first time?
  7. She's a grown woman in her mid- to late twenties, not some preteen or teenager.
  8. I live in Michigan. Patio furniture manages to survive winters here, covered or uncovered, and I'm sure it does in West Virginia. I'm not faulting the Rodriguii for leaving their outside furniture outside. Back on topic: I suspect at least part of the Rodriguii dark circles is genetic. Look at David -- he's got dark circles and he most definitely isn't undernourished. I bet he gets his beauty sleep, too.
  9. I don't know about pregnant, but with all that hair and makeup, she looks like a porn star.
  10. I didn't say all used car lots were run by scammers, did I?
  11. There are plenty of non-fundies doing it. As long as people are desperate, scammers will prey on them.
  12. People who can't get credit to buy a car anywhere else. Businesses like that depend on people being desperate enough to pay astronomical interest rates, then often falling behind. The car can get repossessed and sold again; lather, rinse, repeat.
  13. Maybe Jill doesn't want to look at his jacked-up face, either.
  14. I doubt Tim is making enough money to have any extra, anyway. He's an eighteen-year-old kid with no education, no vocational skills that I know of, and maybe no work ethic to boot. Add in his lack of open availability for a job, and he's left with pretty much the most menial of work.
  15. Having hope gives hope? If that's the answer, it must be some bullshit riddle that a poor, suffering atheist like me couldn't begin to understand. Honor makes more sense, especially the line about marriage.
  16. Be prepared to see emaciated children dressed and groomed like they're on the Grand Ole Opry, and their headship and his enormous gut.
  17. In all fairness, in their area, OSU shirts are probably sold at Walmart, alongside Arkansas Razorbacks gear. I live in Michigan, where I can find UM and MSU shirts cheaply at just about any store. No college bookstore prices for me.
  18. FFS, Jill, go to Walmart and get some cheap sunglasses for yourself and your kids.
  19. It looks weird because it lacks a vent hood. Why? I've seen gas stoves under windows before. I wouldn't want one there because my cats would be sitting on the stove to look out the window, and in the process sprinkling their fur in the burners, but I see no reason why it's a bad idea.
  20. Quayde. Quaid. Kayed. So many possibilities other than, you know, the kid's real name. Surely they could call him Robbie or a derivative of his middle name instead of this illogical nonsense.
  21. That's a big stretch. Why not just name the kid Kade and be done with it? (Rhetorical questions here. I know fundies and logic are not acquainted.)
  22. The baby looks to be a good size, Tori looks happy, and her husband looks more like Randy Travis than ever.
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