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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Enty also makes up a lot of stuff. Take it with a grain of salt.
  2. TLC may have assumed that Jilly Dully would deliver as easily as her mother and her sister-in-law Anna, too. Or at least not end up with an emergency caesarean after 826 hours of at-home labor with a behemoth breech baby, instead of the complication-free home birth she arrogantly assumed she would have.
  3. Gamma didn't see Chase shooting up in the car at Santa time. Carter came to the car alone, opened the door, and saw Chase injecting heroin into his wrist. They had a conversation, and then Gamma came to the car. I don't think Carter was as tight with Gamma as he became after his grandfather died -- Grandpa Carter certainly didn't seem happy with him. I think Anspaugh and Romano both knew Weaver would throw them under the bus in a minute. Remember how Romano looked at her during the meeting with the hospital lawyer and Chen after Chen and Malucci killed the Marfan's patient? Romano knew Weaver was lying about being paged.
  4. Some bible-thumper group used to give those out just off campus at my high school, in Kansas. Same size, same color cover. I find it typical of people like Cathy that they evangelize to people who probably already think like them (and pat themselves on the back for it), but they won't go near people who would be able to argue their "facts."
  5. I wasn't referring to the Dullards. My comment about insurance and emergency room visits referred to GIL AND KELLY BATES, who did admit to using the emergency room for wellness care. I'm well aware that medical issues can come up at any time and that insurance is no guarantee that one won't have medical bills.
  6. Well, they lie about everything else. "Debt free" really isn't debt free if your family survives on donations and love offerings while you blow a quarter of a million dollars on a lost cause, vanity political campaign, or if you rely on hospitals to write off your emergency room bills because you're too selfish to pay for medical insurance or wellness visits for your family. Also, I'd like to see them try being "debt free" in a state that has a much higher cost of living than Arkansas. Good luck paying cash for a house in Michigan, let alone in California or New York, dolts.
  7. Or Jim Bob and Mullet are bankrolling them. That's the most likely answer.
  8. I just caught another bigoted comment from season two. Referring to a doctor with an Asian name, Ruby says, "Egg rolls they know, but medicine?" Do you all think that comment would fly now?
  9. I'm well aware of that. My great-grandmother married when she had just turned sixteen, and had her first baby 51 weeks later. She had her thirteenth and last baby 27 years, nine months after the first, just to name one similar circumstance in my family. That particular ER storyline went well beyond that, though.
  10. The show started in 1994. Carol left at the end of season six, which would have been 2000? Not so uncommon by then for professional women to keep their own surnames, at least in my area. YMMV. I'm watching the season two episode where Mrs. Saunders, the obese, "postmenopausal" woman has unexpected twins, and Benton delivers them. Her daughter looked mid-thirties, at least. How old was that woman supposed to be?! In the same episode, Carter is talking to Mr. Rubidoux about Mrs. Rubidoux going to long-term care. Mrs. Rubidoux's first name apparently changed over time -- here Ruby calls her his Helen, but I remember other episodes in which she's called Sophie. Some writer lost the Post-It note that had the characters' names written on it, I guess.
  11. Not only that, how the hell did Luka manage to get a marriage license without Abby's presence?
  12. I just wish her sendoff had been more realistic. I know it's dramatic license, but the whole storyline about Carlos was absurd.
  13. Is she really as annoying as Janice (HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE)?
  14. If I'd based my opinion of Mariska Hargitay's acting skills on her role as Cynthia, I'd have guessed her career would be very short. I was happy to see Cynthia hit the road, so to speak.
  15. I was just reading about her the other day. That's a real shame. As an epileptic, I wonder why she had seizures. There are so many potential reasons.
  16. *Friends was always pretty unrealistic, but in a fantasy kind of way (young adults who live in great apartments in Greenwich Village but don't apparently work all that much). ER was unrealistic, but in a more everyday people kind of way (the various shenanigans in the hospital itself, Carol's should-have-been-condemned house, the overwrought personal dramas). *The characters on Friends never changed all that much -- Joey was always a womanizer, Monica a little uptight, and so on. The characters on ER evolved, and there were so many new characters that even halfway through the series' run, it didn't feel like the same show. *Friends was a comedy in every sense. What was the most depressing longterm storyline on Friends -- Ross and Rachel? On ER, the sad longterm storylines involved deaths and Abby's family. Even the happier storylines, like the baby ones, on ER didn't last that long. Little Susie's lasted a year. Ella's lasted longer but was very much a sideline. Joe's lasted a year or so, but it was after the show became a parody of itself. Tl; dr -- the two shows were apples and oranges, but I miss them both. I've never been a big TV watcher, but I tried to never miss those shows, Law & Order, and SVU.
  17. Her storyline did come to a rather abrupt ending. The PTB could have stretched it out a lot longer had they wanted to really make a story out of it. "Dr." Lee went from being a great doctor and coworker to being a total fraud and exposed nutcase in about an episode and a half.
  18. I actually liked Amanda Lee, before all the BS started coming out. I would have enjoyed seeing her character develop, if she hadn't been a total fraud.
  19. I saw both sides of the issue. I don't remember Doug calling Mark by his first name in front of patients, but Anna shouldn't have snapped at him. She did have a tendency to get defensive, didn't she? I've always wondered if the character was written that way, or if Maria Bello was just a bad actress on a level with Michael Michele. I've been listening to the Amanda Lee episodes. How ludicrous that she conned her way into a professional position, and nobody checked her credentials or caught on! Also, why is Carol, a nurse, wearing dress pants and a button-down dress shirt on the job? Those falsehoods are one thing that always drove me nuts about ER.
  20. In one episode, Anna called Doug out for calling her by her first name in front of a patient. I don't remember the title of the episode, although I clearly remember the conversation. Maybe that had something to do with it.
  21. I just realized that Paul Sobriki played Wednesday Addams's boyfriend, Joel, in Addams Family Values. I've seen the Sobriki episodes so many times, and I always knew that I knew his voice from somewhere. Finally!
  22. Jesus, put that shit behind a spoiler bar. Gross. Derelict, shave the back of your neck, or have Jilly do it. You look sloppy (what else is new). At least, now we know Jilly doesn't have a big zit on her nose, and it really is a piercing.
  23. Also, it can be painful for even the most self-aware person to admit to themselves that their parents sacrificed them to a lesser god. Parents are supposed to love and care for their kids, right? What do you do when your parents did neither? If you're Jessa or Jill, maybe you just pretend everything was peachy.
  24. Dry shampoo, in my experience, is not as good as real shampoo. Plus knowing about it is not the same as using it.
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