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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Her hair looks so flat because it's overlong and the weight drags her hair down (I have ridiculously thick hair, and I have the same problem when it's past shoulder-length). I'm guessing it looks greasy either because of the poor lighting or because she doesn't wash it often enough. With such long hair, I wouldn't blame her for not washing daily or however often.
  2. I'm aware of that. I have a strong dislike for using a plural to refer to a singular.
  3. I find it deeply annoying when people like Whitney tell me that I'm "going to love something" as part of a stupid sales pitch. You don't know that, Whitney. You can't possibly know that, so shut up.
  4. Liability. FR: "We offered him/her a helmet, but he/she MADE HIS/HER OWN CHOICE not to wear it." Lawyer: "Okay, you're off the hook for your client's head injury or paralysis." Or something like that. Perhaps Lawyer Dullard can enlighten us. (Forgive the graceless gender pronouns. I'm trying to be PC as well as grammatically correct, but sometimes it's awkward no matter how it's written.)
  5. And nearly every parent of more than one calls kids by the other kids' names. It was only my sister and me when we were little, and I still got called by her name, and she was still called Heathen. I'm sure calling kids by their siblings' names happens ALL THE TIME at the House that TLC Built. I give Mullet a pass on this one.
  6. Objectively, David Rodrigues isn't THAT unattractive, aside from the jug ears, which is a personal dislike. I've seen uglier guys. I think the general dislike of David Rodrigues and Stormy J comes from the way they treat their children. It's hard to rationalize David being fat and Stormy J having bleached hair and always wearing a ton of makeup and jewelry when their children are skeletal and the girls' clothes look like musty thrift store castoffs from the 1940s. As I've said before, I think Stormy J's mission in life is to make herself look better by making her daughters look ugly.
  7. What @Fostersmom said. Also, the mirrors in bathrooms tend to be bigger than the ones in, say, bedrooms, and bathrooms have better overhead lighting.
  8. I thought the "hair" looked more like acne. We know Jinger had acne in the past, so it makes sense for her to have it now, with postpartum hormones.
  9. Stormy J might not find a no-kill shelter with room even if she wanted to surrender the dog; no-kill shelters tend to be overfull and have waiting lists, especially in the summer. It bothers me that I stood up for the Rodriguii in any way. Here -- the kids creep me out. Now I feel better.
  10. Along with a little "take that, sisters Jill and Jessa."
  11. I'm starting the question the maturity level of people who constantly use that stupid thumbs-up sign in selfies. Seriously, Dullards, grow up. You look juvenile.
  12. If Felicity, age three weeks and with her hands in mittens, is capable of pulling that bow down and into her mouth, I'm...Grandma Duggar.
  13. So did I. My dad taught me to make sugar cookies when I was eight.
  14. Ofsmuggar's kids are routinely about two years apart. I don't expect the inevitable M6 announcement until late winter or early spring.
  15. And that is different than assuming she's not and saying "no way" is she part Italian.
  16. I'm sure you know this, but not all people of Italian descent are olive-skinned with dark hair. Diana Vuolo could very well be of Italian descent.
  17. She was pregnant again, with Josie, unless I'm way off in guessing Jordyn's age there. Josie was born at 25 weeks gestation a week before Jordyn's first birthday.
  18. I know it was a typo, but oh my dog, I'm howling! Moooooooo Yes, I'm overtired and kind of slap happy. How did you guess?
  19. Cathy may well have some money, but does she have "pay cash for loser son's law degree" kind of money? I still think it's either federal loans or Jim Bob loans. Jim Bob didn't make his money by being stupid -- I'm sure he sees the value of having his own personal peon lawyer. Is it confirmed that Derelict went to college on a full scholarship? I don't remember hearing that before, although I don't pay attention as closely as I could.
  20. I doubt Cathy has that kind of money available. It has to be federal student loans or Jim Bob student loans. ("I'll pay for you to become a lawyer, then you work for me until the end of time.")
  21. Snarkers have called him Derelict and Dullard so frequently, it's weird to see his actual name in print.
  22. I have to remind myself we only see what they want us to see. Maybe Jinger did have a real OB or real midwife in Laredo, and the "midwife" was only for show. Please let it be so. I'd think that if the Vuolos were bigots, they wouldn't be living in Laredo, but who knows. There are certainly more white bread cities in Texas if they didn't want to live amongst the browns.
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