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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. Did Corday euthanize Dean Rollins, the serial rapist and killer with whom she had strange interactions?
  2. Their revisionist version of Michelle's miscarriage as a stillbirth could also be a reflection of that. Miscarriage = your fault; stillbirth = tragedy.
  3. So do the overplucked, almost tadpole eyebrows, which unfortunately she has taught Nuri.
  4. You can get decent haircuts for women for $11-15 plus tip here in the upper Midwest, if you use a coupon. The quality depends largely on the person doing the cutting. I get a haircut every two to three months.
  5. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/176957/baked-kale-chips/ 10-15 minutes at the same temperature!
  6. Those two could babble at each other all day and never risk an intelligent conversation. It honestly offends me to see people like the Duggars or Maxwells inflict their rigid beliefs and shitty music on a captive audience, especially seniors.
  7. The Gaineses attend a homophobic church. They're far more like the Duggars than a lot of people like to admit.
  8. He didn't even know her name. Don't doctors have some kind of character clauses in their employment contracts?
  9. More ER bullshit: Doug isn't censured, let alone fired, after he brings his epileptic one-night-stand, Nadine Wilkes, into the ER in status epilepticus, and she dies. (This one hit close to home because I have epilepsy and was just beginning to come to terms with it when this episode aired.) On her vacation to Hawaii, Susan has a layover in Phoenix, and she has to be carried off the plane because she's so freaked out. She ends up vacationing in Phoenix instead. Later, she mentions to Mark that Chloe is still working as a claims adjuster. How the hell did perpetual fuckup/stoner Chloe ever get a job as a claims adjuster after five minutes of sobriety? (Yes, I know I asked the same question earlier in this thread.)
  10. And at least the Maxwells look like they get decent meals, albeit sans Pepsi. The Maxwells also don't wear 1940s mismatched rejects while Teri spends the household money on makeup, nail polish, hair bleach, and new clothes. Go ahead and laugh at the thought of Teri doing that.
  11. I'm pretty sure Christopher is the one who got dumped a week before the wedding.
  12. Jesus H., why don't they just put a price tag on her forehead?!
  13. That photo is pretty heavily filtered, too. No one has skin that uniform or teeth that even and white (at least not naturally)!
  14. Didn't Christopher Maxwell also have a failed engagement? An almost left-at-the-altar situation? The Maxwells are cleaner and far more industrious than the Duggars. Perhaps Jim Bob and Mullet should invite the Maxwells to visit, give them gallons of bleach, Pine Sol, and furniture polish, and turn them loose on the TTH. John David could fly the Maxwells down, a planeload at a time. ETA: I un-hid a post above and saw confirmation that Christopher, the creepiest of the Maxwell boys in my opinion, did have failed relationship, whether courtship or actual engagement.
  15. Season 2, Carter and Harper blowing off work to find somewhere in the hospital to fool around -- an early example of ER failing to mirror reality. How did Carter not get expelled from school for drinking while on duty, match day or no? Also, whoever cast ER did a great job of choosing James Farentino to play Ray Ross. He and George Clooney could be a real-life father and and son, right down to the fugly haircut.
  16. Don't forget the ass crack-showing skirts. I'm still astonished at what "modern modest" Jessa wore while filming her early stages of labor with Spurgeon. That skirt couldn't have been any closer to her skin if it were sprayed on.
  17. That's a given, and also beside the point. There are people who have role-play Duggar Instagram accounts. Apparently, nothing is off the table when it comes to the Duggars' followers, either leghumpers or snarkers.
  18. Or it's a fraud. Who knows. Could very well be a Duggar snarker.
  19. Probably not, but I'm doubtful about the person who asked her. I don't know many eating-disordered people (including me) who would admit it. P.S. I'm recovered.
  20. Quick observations: 1. Mullet is busty. 2. That is an incredibly fugly skirt she's wearing.
  21. I don't think Derelict is the problem. Someone here posted once that Jill put everything she had into raising her buddy team, and by the time she had her own children, she had nothing left to give. In contrast, Jessa and Jinger cared for their buddy teams but didn't make it the focus of their existence, and both of them seem more engaged as a mother. I have wondered if Jill is repulsed by her own children. They represent proof that she's had sex, and they are boys. A boy molested her.
  22. That was on the long-ago Duggars Hit the Road special. Johannah was the baby then, so it was 13 years ago. There were many Duggars a-barfing on their scenic flight over the Grand Canyon.
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