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Everything posted by Heathen

  1. I was in traffic behind a work truck advertising XXX and Son's, Painter's. I emailed to point out the error, but got no response.
  2. You do realize that I made those error's errors intentionally? People need to stop blaming autocorrect or their device's devices for their mistake's mistakes. Back on topic: you really think Jessa is that catty? I don't see it in her. I think she's tone-deaf, but not malicious.
  3. Hell, people of all ages do it! It drive's me nut's -- it's a second-grade error, people. (It hurt me to write that sentence.) I know someone in her sixties who does it, and she allegedly has a college education.
  4. Did you notice that the article says Smuggar and Ofsmuggar lived under the house? No wonder the house in the photos is so clean! They hid all their tasteless generic junk under it.
  5. Idiot attention whores like Jill and Mullet Duggar think even the mention of the A word is persecution.
  6. I've thought all along that Jill exaggerated Janessa's condition just to get more attention for herself. Remember her SEVERE miscarriages?
  7. Wait a minute -- Jennifer is ELEVEN? If I remember correctly, Jordyn was born December of 2008. Josie Miracle was born December of 2009. Am I off, are these old pictures, or have the Duggars officially forgotten how old a child is?
  8. Great googley moogley! I remember Tammy Faye, but somehow I always forget Jan Crouch. Maybe it's my brain trying to protect itself. The cat Tammy Faye is holding looks like it can't wait to get away.
  9. If she keeps to her schedule, I'm expecting (haha) an announcement within the next few months.
  10. Only Lawson (in love with himself) Bates. The other Bates males tend to look like their faces are squashed. Gil and Kelly are self-centered con artists.
  11. 1. LOL 2. She's probably better off, considering how the Spices have done. Victoria Adams is the only one who has really been successful post-Spice, and that's probably because she married David Beckham, IMO. The others seem to have been overcome by personal problems.
  12. Are ALL the Arndt "children" still unmarried, living at home, and under Dad's thumb?
  13. Derelict probably thinks dirtypillows are an occasion of sin.
  14. Or if the show had left Abby as a nurse (she seemed like a natural fit as a nurse, never as a doctor). The interplay with her ex-husband was amusing, but all her other romantic relationships sucked.
  15. Do as they say, not as they do. The fundie way.
  16. Not to mention, if anyone had struck Timothy so hard in the head that he suffered a concussion, wouldn't there be photographic evidence that Jill would just HAVE to post? I call BS. ETA: Jill R said head, not face. I misread or misremembered, but I do think my point still stands. No way would she not take full advantage of an injury to her beloved firstborn son.
  17. I suspect Derelict always felt the concept of work was beneath him, even before he married fundie royalty. Nepal was just a way to put off having to do anything. Walmart was something he was compelled to do, at Mommy's urging, and he left at the first opportunity. Now he's just drifting.
  18. I hate the new forum layout. Where would Timothy serve as a "missionary pilot"? Does anybody really think Jilly would let him go to a place where "missionary pilots" might actually be needed? If Timothy managed to graduate, and even if he doesn't, he'd be right back to sharing a bedroom with his skeletal little brothers and giving presents to his on-the-market sisters and POS mother.
  19. I have my own school? 😉 Jill's post is totally money-seeking and attention-whoring to boot. I think Timothy has as much chance of becoming a "missionary pilot" and escaping his mother's clutches as I do of sprouting wings and flying up his nose (tm Monica Geller).
  20. It really does! The other photo, with Jeremy and Felicity, is much better.
  21. Someone needs to tell Austin it's trashy to wear baseball caps indoors. Look, there is actual tip money on the table. I hope it isn't singles.
  22. No, the last we saw was at the end of an episode, right before the credits rolled. Corday was giving him what looked like a massive dose of morphine, and he looked out of it. Or so I thought? That came after he was being wheeled away, screamed at her, and developed a DVT just as Corday thought she was rid of him. I'm rewatching "All in the Family" right now. I didn't even make the connection between that and yesterday being Valentine's Day.
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