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Everything posted by Starfish35

  1. I admit I hadn’t thought through the timeline as to whether T’Challa could have met Thanos before Thanos destroyed Gamora’s planet. I know the conceit of the show is supposed to be that one decision breaks it away from our main MCU ‘verse, but…I’m not sure that totally holds water. For example, what could T’Challa possibly have to do with the Collector having Captain America’s shield? It seems that the universe was already a bit different than our own. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That’s a lot of handwaving, though, I know.
  2. Quite a lot better than last week. When it first started, I thought it was going to be just GOTG with T’Challa instead of Peter, but it diverged pretty quickly (and hilariously). I actually loved fanboy Korath. And I’m really not a fan of Peter Quill, so I kind of enjoy T’Challa being so much more competent of a Star Lord. (Although, yes, where did the name come from?) T’Challa did forgive Yondu pretty quickly, but it’s a 30 minute episode, so I can forgive that. I’m assuming Gamora isn’t here because T’Challa talked Thanos down before he conquered her planet. I don’t know about Rocket though. It’s so good, yet bittersweet, to hear Chadwick Boseman as T’Challa again. 😢
  3. I’m continuing to catch up on the MCU Disney+ shows. I finished Falcon and the Winter Soldier last night. I’m finding myself unable to really be objective about the show right now, due to real life issues. Many of the show’s themes juxtaposed with the real-life images coming out of Kabul right now…. I suppose perhaps the show just hit too close to RL issues that feel particularly raw right now. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but…well. Perhaps just not good timing on my part. A few random thoughts: I really can’t stand Zemo. I don’t know what it is about the guy, but he just comes across as insufferably smug and sleezy. Sharon. It’s interesting watching the show already knowing that she’s the Power Broker. Is she a Skrull? I’m not quite sure, now. I don’t really know what a Skrull would get out of the Power Broker position, and yet, I still don’t find her turn completely believable. The other thing is - the way she was holding that cloth to her bullet wound at the end kept making me think maybe she didn’t want anyone seeing exactly what was under there. Like…maybe not-human skin? Bucky - Don’t kill me, Bucky and/or Arrow fans, but I was getting a whole lot of Oliver Queen vibes from his performance. Even to the voices sounding similar (at least to me). That’s not a criticism! I actually found myself more interested in Bucky after this series than I was after three Captain America movies. Can we get an Ayo/Bucky team-up series, please? Please please? Sam! It will be interesting to see where they take the character from here. I like his Captain America with wings outfit at the end. It’s a good way to use his already existing skill set and get around the no-superpowers thing. I also enjoyed his partnership with Bucky - Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan have good chemistry - and I wish they’d spent more time on that than they did. It actually felt like they put most of the best moments in the trailers. 🙄 I also appreciated his relationship with his sister, and that they didn’t forget that he used to be a counselor for war veterans. And of course how he tried so hard to save Karli throughout. Walker - Ugh. Countess Valentina Allegra de Fontaine “Don’t call me Val” - LOL. I love her. A+ casting. On to Loki! Eventually.
  4. I think there’s been references to it here and there. Like in the episode where Behrad takes Nate to meet his family (where we first meet Zari 2.0), his mom is giving him a hard time about finding a “nice Persian girl to marry.”
  5. Good beginning to the season. Very creepy opener. It’s been months since the season one finale, but Courtney is still wound tight and looking for trouble. I like how all the kids are dealing with things in different ways. Courtney is hyper-focused on being Stargirl, likely as a reaction to her bio-dad’s rejection. She desperately has something to prove right now. Yolanda is having major PTSD from having killed Brainwave. The scene where she broke down and cried in the confessional booth was powerful. Beth…poor Beth. Of all of them, I almost hurt for Beth the most, because she tries so hard, and she has to be feeling so abandoned right now. Rick seems to be adjusting the best, other than his terrible teacher. I think he’s trying to be kind to Grundy, in a way. We’ll see what comes of that. I was a bit surprised that the family’s first reaction on finding that an intruder had broken into the house was…to blame Courtney? I mean, yeah, maybe Courtney shouldn’t have been so quick to jump into a fight, but…..intruder! Breaking into the house! Speaking of the fight, is that the first sign of budget cuts I see? 😒 It was really awkward having most of that fight out of sight. Cindy is starting up her own ISA. Yeah that was predictable. I didn’t realize that was Mike’s picture she laid down last, though. I don’t know why I didn’t recognize him. And Pat’s new “partner”! Wonder where that’s going to go, but that was hilarious. Poor Pat.
  6. It never would have occurred to me to check there. Thank you!
  7. Why would it have been Bucky? Even leaving the Steggy relationship aside, Peggy was the team leader, and might have been the only one linked to Steve’s armor. He was? Wow I really didn’t remember that. ETA: oh wait, you mean the One-Shot Agent Carter, not the series. Her boss in the series was Dooley. I’ve seen the One-Shot, but I barely remember it.
  8. Oh thank you! I thought it was just me! The other thing that kept throwing me is that I kept thinking that the awful misogynistic Colonel Flynn was supposed to be Colonel Phillips from CATFA, and they didn’t sound even remotely alike. It wasn’t until later in the episode that I finally clued in that this was a completely different character.
  9. This was the visual that made me think Wonder Woman: I think not just the sword and shield but the framing with the background. 🤷🏻‍♀️😁
  10. Thanks. I somehow missed that the armor was powered by the Tesseract. On another note, I did find it somewhat amusing that, while it’s not Steve and Tony, it is (another version of) Cap & Iron Man. Although I do agree that it was a bit of a missed opportunity not making Steve the Winter Soldier. Probably just not enough time.
  11. So….Peggy Carter is one of my favorite characters ever, so I was expecting to totally love this, but….it didn’t quite live up to my expectations. Admittedly, they were trying to do a lot in a 30min episode, but as others have said, it just felt a bit too much like a rehash of CATFA. And it was all just a bit over the top, in the dialogue and voice acting, to the point where I started wondering whether it was a deliberate style choice. Maybe to give it more of a “comic-bookish” feeling? I didn’t feel like they made Peggy a Sue, though. I thought they kept her fairly well in character, allowing for the new super strength of course. And Steve and Howard as well. I thought Bucky, on the other hand, had very little resemblance to his movie self, oddly enough. I do agree with the comments though that have said this is Peggy’s story, not Steve’s, so I wouldn’t expect much focus on the Stucky relationship. How did Red Skull get the Tesseract back? I missed that somehow. And was the sword and shield pose a deliberate Wonder Woman homage, or just a coincidence? Overall, an interesting idea, just a bit of a disappointment in execution.
  12. In retrospect, they might have been better off having the two Zaris merge somehow…..instead of having Zari 1.0 stay a separate entity, just have Zari 2.0 pick up the memories from the first timeline. It would have made for a weird Nate/Zari/Constantine triangle, but otherwise, it might have been an interesting storyarc to see Zari try to reconcile the two sets of memories/personality quirks. And I’ve no doubt Tala could have done an amazing job with something like that.
  13. Well, in that case, it wasn’t just about protecting her people; it was also about ensuring a timeline where her granddaughters still existed. And In order for that to happen, Amaya needed to move on from Nate and find whoever was the girls’ grandfather. It would be harder for her to move on with her ex dropping in for a visit every so often.
  14. I…..am even more confused. Ok. “Starlet” in my understanding is an actress that has not made it big yet. An aspiring star, if you will. Since ScarJo is an actual legit star, I am just questioning the use of “starlet”, because it makes her sound like less of a big name than she really is.
  15. I’m confused, I’m sorry. What I meant was that ScarJo is a star. She is long long past being a “starlet”, and it just felt rather (likely unintentionally) scornful to call her that.
  16. “Starlet”? Since when is ScarJo a “starlet”?
  17. I’m pretty sure it always said it would be available to regular subscribers in October.
  18. Well I just finished binge-watching WandaVision. It’s been on my watch list for months and I’m just now getting around to it. For a show I wasn’t all that excited about, I got surprisingly into it, and it’s actually gotten me interested in seeing the next Doctor Strange movie. Which, seeing as how I really didn’t care for the first one all that much, is kind of surprising. I’ve always supported Wanda, especially since I felt like she unfairly got the majority of the blame for what happened in Lagos (as we’ve discussed previously in this thread). But I was never all that invested in the character. Now I am. Definitely am. A lot of people will probably reject this comparison, but in a lot of ways I was reminded of Buffy Summers, another of my favorite heroines (Whedon not withstanding, ugh). That was another super powerful woman who just wanted a normal life with a family, but just kept getting kicked in the teeth by her life. I’m not saying that what Wanda did to the people of Westview was ok; it definitely was anything but. But I understand it. And I’m definitely invested in seeing the next part of the Scarlet Witch’s journey. And also Monica’s; that definitely upped my interest in Captain Marvel 2.
  19. I remember it the other way around. The girl didn’t want to have anything to do with him and spent her time drooling over Bucky, so he finally wandered off on his own. ETA: here’s the clip. So in fairness she was not drooling over Bucky - I misremembered that - but she was definitely giving Steve the cold shoulder, and that look she gave him when he offered her popcorn said “how dare you talk to me.” So I don’t blame him for leaving.
  20. Yeah same. The only thing that even vaguely interests me is Gideon, but that’s not enough to stick around for. And I can’t stand Avalance (“co-captains for life”, ugh). I can’t say it’s the first time a favorite show has crashed and burned on me, but it still kind of depresses me a bit. Oh well. What can you do? 🤷🏻‍♀️
  21. You might be joking, but I wouldn’t be a bit surprised at this point to see this exact scenario play out. 🤦🏻‍♀️
  22. I’m not sure it’s the network. As far as promotion and crossovers go, she’s still the Legends leading lady. It’s just how the writers of this show have been treating her. I do kind of wonder if it’s some sort of payback for her comments a year or so ago about wanting more for Sara than just the relationship with Ava. But speaking of crossovers….Flash is doing that five-episode “feels like a crossover” thing to start their season this fall. I wonder when they started filming? It just occurred to me that maybe that’s why Caity wasn’t available for this panel. It’s just a guess, but maybe? I’m not sure why they wouldn’t just say that, if that was the case, but 🤷🏻‍♀️?
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