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Everything posted by Starfish35

  1. Ah ok. I figured that was probably it. Thanks! Disappointed there was nothing more about Jason. I’ve kinda given up hope on Wally. 😢 Has there been any talk of a S5 renewal, or was that it?
  2. I want to know. I don’t care about being spoiled. 😁
  3. So I haven’t watched any of season 4 yet. A couple of questions….I’m assuming Wally’s still dead? Was there any follow-up on the Jason Todd tease from S3? And how about the ring tease from the end of the season? Did it turn out to have anything to do with Legion of Superheroes, as was speculated?
  4. Per Variety: DC’s ‘Wonder Twins’ Movie Not Moving Forward at HBO Max
  5. Oh now that’s very interesting. So he doesn’t know that Anakin is Vader at this point.
  6. Did they? Honest question, I’m not trying to be snarky. It’s been a long time since I watched Infinity War, and while I remember they were secretly meeting, I didn’t remember it getting to the stage of them discussing marriage. But maybe so - like I said, it’s been a few years. Obviously they were in love, and Vision at least was thinking of a future for them for him to have bought the property in WandaVision. I just didn’t remember them having talked about it in Infinity War.
  7. I assumed that meant Owen was blaming Obi-Wan for Anakin’s Fall.
  8. I’m feeling oddly sad about the cancellation, since I hadn’t watched for a couple of seasons. I feel bad for all the fans that they ended on a cliffhanger, and I feel sad that it ended like this, without a proper wrap up. I hope we still get to see Sara somewhere down the road, but it sounds like WB Discovery is winding down the Arrowverse. And I hope we get to see Caity go on to bigger and better things.
  9. From TVLine: Caity Lotz on Legends of Tomorrow’s Cancellation: 'I Am Endlessly Grateful' to Have Played Sara for This Long
  10. I watched the Season 6 premiere, but then just….never got around to watching anymore, and then after I heard about the clone thing, I didn’t really want to. Season 5 really did a number on my love for the show, with all its focus on Ava. By the end of that season, I couldn’t stand Ava, to say nothing of Avalance. And it seemed like, except for here, that was all the fandom seemed to care about. So I just had to distance myself from it. Sara Lance, as she was on Arrow and the first few seasons of this show, will always be one of my favorite characters though. From the original Black Canary on Arrow to Captain Lance in seasons 2 and 3….that’s the Sara that I loved.
  11. Yes, that’s how I feel. I loved the show, and I was a huge Sara Lance fan, but I finally had to quit watching because it had just become an exercise in frustration I didn’t need. ☹️ I still miss what it was, but it hasn’t been that show for a few seasons now.
  12. Same. Also, can’t say I’m all that excited at what appears to be a larger role for Korg. That’s a character that’s better in small doses, IMO.
  13. Ok. I loved Ragnarok. It’s one of my top 5 MCU movies. That being said…….I don’t know about this. I don’t know why, exactly. It’s just a bit much, somehow. One thing, of course, is that I’m not a Peter Quill fan, and I hated his scenes with Thor in Infinity War. So I’m not looking forward to more of that. (Although I’m always up for more scenes with Thor and Rocket). That being said, I did love Ragnarok. So of course I’ll give this a chance. I just can’t say that the trailer particularly filled me with excitement.
  14. From IGN, whose original story quoted the Rolling Stone article:
  15. From Rolling Stone: Ezra Miller Arrest Prompts Emergency Warner Bros. Meeting About Star’s Future
  16. They really should have cut their losses with Ezra a long time ago. I know hindsight is 20/20, but I bet WB/DC is really wishing they had recast right about now. 😕
  17. I really hope Wanda isn’t the villain. I know it seems likely at this point, so I’m bracing myself, but I hope it’s not what it appears to be. It’s funny - before WandaVision, I don’t know if I would have cared all that much. But WandaVision really got me invested in the character.
  18. I would have preferred bringing Peggy to the present, personally. And I think it could have been done in a way that it was her choice, not Steve talking her into it (maybe think Gillian Taylor in Star Trek IV). It wouldn’t solve the writers’ problem of removing Steve from the picture, though, and I think there is the sticking point. Even if Steve still handed over the shield to Sam and “retired”, it would be hard to explain him not coming back when the next global crisis hit.
  19. I can’t identify it - what am I looking at?
  20. Wow, good eyes. Even knowing where to look, it took me a while to find that.
  21. Runaways is also on Disney+. I think Cloak and Dagger is the only one that they don’t have yet. Well, except the Netflix shows, but I’m betting they go to Disney+ rather then to Hulu.
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