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Everything posted by Toothbrush

  1. @bybrandy - your mental gymnastics sound a lot like mine. Simone Biles has nothing on me lol
  2. 5/5 * Surprisingly the geography question was an instaget. I almost missed the LBJ question because my mind went to log cabin & Linclon, but remembered the category was 20th century history and thankfully came up with plane cabin & LBJ in time.
  3. I did the same thing. My son laughed when I told him because at 14 I don’t think he’s ever looked up anything in an actual dictionary. I guess at one point I thought my parents may as well have learned to tell time using a sundial! 4/5 w/one * As usual Thursday was my downfall. I was thinking of a company logo & came up with NYSE. Friday was a lucky guess that I figured was wrong because I thought the falls were named for Gabriel & co.
  4. Tl;dr I won a free sofa from IKEA About 7 years ago I went to IKEA for Christmas lights (& Swedish meatballs), & they were giving away scratch cards for prizes & I won an Ektorp sofa. We were shopping for family room furniture at the time and were designing a sectional, but cheap Dr Toothbrush decided that with 3 kids under the age of 7 a free sofa made more sense than spending a lot of money on furniture. I grudgingly agreed, and we got the sofa & a few other pieces of the Ektorp grouping and upgraded to a more durable, stain-resistant fabric. Turns out Ektorp isn’t the most comfortable for someone with a long torso like Dr T, so within 2 or three years we had donated the furniture & bought what we originally planned to, and have had no problems even with 3 active kids & cats. And Dr Toothbrush is still cheap. Lol
  5. 3/5 w/* I got the Olympics response correct because I remembered the first LA games had been in the 30s, and the number of years had to be divisible by 4. So either 1932 or 1936 & 1936 was Hitler’s infamous games in Berlin with Jesse Owens kicking all kinds of butt. The dates of the UK labor issues led me to winter and then the Richard III quote, and IKEA was a total guess that I actually thought was probably wrong. I had no clue for Thursday or Friday. I keep forgetting that Frankenstein is an early 19th century book (not that I would have gotten it anyway), and the name John Muir sounded familiar but no way would it have crossed my brain.
  6. 4/5 no * Thanks for the award @saber5055. Too bad my 5/5 was probably a one & done lol
  7. 5/5 * My first perfect week for season 37!
  8. Hands off of Shaun you hussies! He’s mine!! (and yes, I realize it’s been 40 years lol) I just binge-watched “The Morning Show” and was amazed to hear his beautiful singing voice at Alex Levy’s fundraiser.
  9. Thanks! Just ordered one for my niece, each of my girls, & myself.
  10. 3/5 no * The only one I was sure of was helicopter. Netanyahu & Journey were guesses; almost went with Bon Jovi.
  11. 4/5 w/1 * It took me a few seconds to run through cosmetic companies before giving it a go with playwrights. Thankfully I thought of The Bard first & got Avon quickly. And a little walk down memory lane remembering the little Avon lipstick samples that my mom would give to my sister & me to play with when we were little. No idea for Friday. I guessed affair of the necklace even though I knew 1797 was too late. Hubby knew it so between us we had a perfect week lol
  12. I like it too, but I wish they were going in the direction of Isaac Wright's post-prison career of trying to free the wrongly imprisoned. A lockdown binge was "The Counterpart", in which Nicholas Pinnock had a good-sized role. He is so different here - body language, whispery raspy voice, stoic. I can understand the acting choices & the voice may be a technique he uses to hide his British accent, but I hope that as Aaron adjusts to life on the outside & becomes more comfortable his body language will reflect that.
  13. This was a fun episode, except for the lack of kittehs. I wore a sweater dress with leggings to Christmas Eve dinner. I didn't feel like fooling with tights & heels, but it was a little too chilly for bare legs. But my dress was right at knee-length, which IIRC is shorter than Kat's, so I hope I didn't look dowdy. I thought it looked cute & I did get compliments including from my 11-year old daughters so there's that. Love the idea of a PSA about pet adoption. Me too! And an apron. I would seriously buy at lest one of each. There's no chemistry between them - best friends or romantic. They just seem like work neighbors.
  14. I broke my 3/5 streak with a 2/5. Boo hiss. I got Mt Everest & Iceland, and got as far as August for Monday. @Trey I prefer Twining's Irish Breakfast Tea so will bring a pot. And some petit fours.
  15. You are not. This is one of the better episodes. They seem to be hitting their stride. And I want a kitty apron.
  16. 3/5 no * (again!) I guessed Moscow on Monday, & I didn't even try Friday because I never get the Greek philosophers right. Hindenberg was a guess for Wednesday, but it was the only German aircraft name that I could think of. We had wonton soup, sesame chicken, lettuce wraps, & egg rolls for our Chinese New Year dinner. And a ton of fried wonton strips which my kids called Chinese Fritos when they were little. Mardi Gras!
  17. Me too! Based on your user name I think we may have the same/similar profession. I'm an actuary, and a former co-worker called me Stats Queen.
  18. I would think not, because if so pre-menopausal/menopausal women would be getting false positive pg tests every day. But the last thing this show needs is a change-of-life pregnancy/baby.
  19. That's what I was hoping too, but she mentioned 2 lines on a pg test.
  20. I keep telling @theartandsound to quit copying my answers! Love the mirror award @saber5055 Very clever!
  21. Yes, which is why that is all that came to my mind. Bonehead answer since the Swiss are famously neutral.
  22. 3/5 no * I guessed CNN for Thursday & the only answer I could think of for Friday was the Swiss Guards. Which made no sense since Switzerland =/= invasion force. The hubster guessed the French Navy. Spanish Armada seems so obvious after the fact!
  23. Heather's ex is a dud. Poor thing must have had negative self-esteem if she thought he was the best she could do. Her practically begging for an atta girl from him made me cringe. But their girls are delightful & seem to adore her. I was glad to see her looking happy & confident, although I could have done without the patented HW fight at an important (to a HW) event. At least Robin on HWoP shut down the Monique/Gisele nonsense at her open house. I loved Whitney's dress at the party, and while Heather's dress did show a few lumps, I thought she looked pretty & confident. I'm a size 4, but at 49-years old & having had 3 kids I'm not exactly lump free myself. Jen's faux (I hope) fur with the Gucci logo embedded was tacky AF. She still doesn't get why everyone has issues with her, and I hate that I share a name with her. But at least I do not have an 8 (or 1) member glam squad. Mary fat-shaming the choir guitarist was so rude, especially since he was not overweight that I could tell. Not that it would have been alright if he were. And the picture of Grandma & Jesus was creepy. Reminds me of the Prince Harry & Meghan Markle stans who photoshopped Diana into pictures of them with baby Archie <shudder> It's sad that Whitney has lost contact with her dad. He seemed skilled & personable at his beauty school audition. Meredith & Lisa need to stop making their kids happen. Lisa's little one doesn't have anywhere near the attention span to attend a marketing meeting (which is to be expected because he's 8!), & the older one just wants his car. Of course he knows nothing about the products because this is probably only his 2nd or 3rd time seeing them. And I realize that facial hair oil is all the hipster rage, but this child shaves once a month, if that. It will be years before he will have any experience with a beard, and I don't think he has been involved in any market testing. Maybe they can join forces with BrookS MarkS. Buy a BrookS MarkS original high-fashion masking tape track suit, and get a discount on the Fresh Wolf line. Giant fast food diet coke not included.
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