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Everything posted by SweePea59

  1. I was so worried that it was going to turn into a dementia story. I would love a fashion house story. Eric vs Sludge. A fashion show down. Family members choosing sides. And Eric winning. Eric's "you can go now" made me rewind and watch again! Sludge is an oaf. Eric has panache. Now if they can just find a way to shoehorn $Bill into the story, or better yet a concurrent storyline with $Bill and Wyatt +/or Liam.
  2. I thought all the women at the mermaid party intentionally had bad hair to show that they all had been in the pool, except Hope. They all looked bad, but overdressed Hope was the worst. Hope's hair was hideous. I hope she does something, (anything!), with it when the party's over. Those party scenes made me miss Stuffy's abominable wigs.
  3. Ya know, I had forgotten all about Syph and Dick-in-a-box line dancing in their little cowboy hats. Why, NinjaP, why did you make me remember? And since that B&B judge was played by our own David Kimble, it would have been great to see him be the one letting a psycho go in GC too. I would have tuned in. I was enjoying Tucker and Ashley. But I got tired of wondering. Tired of wondering which one was playing the other, tired of wondering if his feelings for her are real, tired of all of it period. There were no clues. I got to feeling that, in the end it won't have mattered or made any sense and that essentially there was no real story there. Just all maybes that I was reading into something that wasn't there, only because the actors are so good.
  4. The beauty of this is that I can see and hear Cricket in my mind saying this. And thank you, NinjaP, for keeping the memory of Paulie Tightpants alive.
  5. I'm days behind in reading the posts here, but I just read this and had to applaud, praise and comment on just how perfect this statement it. It's everything she wants in a mate. Bravo NinjaPenguins! And then there's this apt description of the dumpster humper herself: Too funny, too perfect!
  6. It seems odd that we haven't heard anything about Douglas and Beth missing Liam. I guess they're cool with him moving out. It's been a while since we've seen Douglas. I miss him.
  7. Sheila's "thing" (I can't think of a better phrase or name for it, maybe MO or something) is that she just wants to be loved and whenever the object of her affection doesn't love her back, she blames a third party. Which is exactly what Finn is doing, even though Stuffy hasn't stopped loving him. I'm afraid that they are going to turn Finn into a villain like his mommy. Although that would be fun, I really like him as a mate for Stuffy. They are a good match looks-wise and acting-style-wise, and he seems like a fairly good replacement to fill in the void made when Ronn Moss left, which would also make it like Stuffy had married a man like her dad, the "real" Ridge, not that greasy hobo Sludge. If they turn Finn into a psycho villain then they would write him out, and I really don't want to see that happen. This really has me interested and watching watching, not just watching. And, even though he doesn't know about Liam kissing Stuffy on two separate occasions, and Stuffy lying by omission, he is right about Liam. That part is different from Sheila's love troubles. I am curious to see where they are going with this. And I hope it continues to be interesting. We know JMW will be taking a pregnancy leave and that it will be written into this, and I'm all for having a break from her, (although she does make me laugh), I hope it doesn't disappoint and ruin this story line.
  8. The only thing that changes in the Lame and Stuffy scenes is Stuffy's wigs.
  9. After what happened to Katey Segal when she was on Married With Children, I never want to see an actress's pregnancy written into a show again.
  10. And that heinous music. I had to mute the tv. But then that just made me have to look at the screen the whole time to see when it would be safe to turn the sound back up. Lose/lose situation. Also, I was afraid that I would hear them doing that old Purina Cat Chow commercial jingle.
  11. I'd love it if they brought Coco back to B&B. And RJ needs something to do other than worry about his sister's marriage. I only watch B&B now. Y&R sucks way too much. I just get bored, sad and angry* about it when I watch, so that's no good. Giving Faith a pet for the sole reason to kill it was too much for me. * angry that the show is so bad, not angry as though I was engaged in the storylines and was reacting to certain events I seem to recall Phylthy coming on to Adam once or twice and him rejecting her vehemently. Probably back when MM was in the role.
  12. I am sure there has been no mention of any of Sheila's other children since the Finn reveal. I did the math and Finn would have been born in 1989 or 1990, just before Sheila's first appearance on Y&R. She then miscarried her son with Scott. After she came to B&B, she had Mary/Erica with James Warwick in 1997. Then she had Diana with Masimo Marone in 2003. Back on Y&R they retconned that she had Daisy and Ryder with Terrible Tom Fisher in 2006. And that Y&R mess was so awful that they don't even acknowledge any of the bizarre shenanigans from that time period here in the B&B universe. Thank goodness. I'm fine with never hearing about Daisy and Ryder again. But we saw Mary/Erica and Diana here on B&B. I don't think they'll mention either of them to Finn since in Mary/Erica's case she had one of the most outrageous cases of SORASing ever, and while she would be 26 now based on her birth date, and younger than Finn, she would be about 40 if they followed along with her SORASed age and brought back the same actress, which is all just too messed up age-wise to involve Finn. And in Diana's case, besides the fact that we have to pretend that Sludge isn't the son of Mas, and that Thom-ass and RJ inherited Eric's design genes, Joseph Mascolo passed away, and had left the show long before that. So I don't think we'll ever hear about Diana again. We don't even hear about Deacon's son or any of Eric's off-screen grandchildren. And let's face it, Sheila is basically here to antagonize Stuffy. There's no room for either of Sheila's daughters in that. They couldn't be love interests for Finn.
  13. Does that mean they are also going to be producing their own life-changing, mental illness curing, save the princess game?
  14. Don't forget Diana, her child with Masimo, who was born in 2003. She would actually be 20 now. Diana would be Sludge's half-sister so would that make her Stuffy's aunt? Of course they want us to forget that Sludge, Stuffy and Thom-ass aren't blood relations to Eric, so I doubt we'll ever see or hear about Diana again.
  15. I hate DianeJenkins mostly because she is being played by an unnecessary recast. If they had brought back "the real" DianeJenkins, played by Alex Donnelley, then I am sure I would be team Diane. I consider myself team Tucker and I pray that he is playing both DianeJenkins and SyPhyllis.
  16. I'm going along for the ride, whatever it is. But I do believe Sheila has hugged Finn before, hasn't she? How about when she introduced herself to him at his wedding, did they hug? I'm not sure. Also consider that his adoptive dad was in actuality his bio-dad. So he has had hugs from a bio-parent his entire life. If in fact adopted children do get a physical feeling from hugging a bio-parent, who is basically a stranger, that trumps the bond they have with their adoptive parents. Hey, what am I talking about? Finn is finally having an awakening of his very own inner crazy. His dark genes are sequencing.
  17. Don't get your hopes up, I seriously doubt he's going to tell SyPhyllis how he boinked Dummer and what Dummer is like under the sheets. (She just lies there!)
  18. If they were surprised then they have not been paying attention. Maybe they are finally starting to realize how bad things are on the show.
  19. I have a fun feeling about Finn/Sheila. Can't wait to see what hijinx ensues! You know it will be prompted by Waffles and Stuffy smooching. Good times ahead. But as much as I love both Deacon and Sheila, I don't like them as a couple. It doesn't make sense for me.
  20. I watched the last 15 min.s of the show. And in the final scene it looked like Dummer was sleep walking, walked up to the bar, and then woke up and didn't know where she was. I was left wondering what the actress was trying to convey. So was what she was doing - smelling? You know what they say, the more you smell, the more it stinks.
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