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Everything posted by RealReality

  1. Well this is the first time I really, really liked Brittney. Maybe she can make Ray a snappy screened tee shirt with something about "Universal Basic Income" Anyways, he is fairly young and does not appear to have children, I think he should try to attend a trade school or get some sort of vocational education so he can make more money. Brittney and Marcelino's storyline is so poorly acted that its almost entertaining, those two deserve some sort of reality show Razzie. Oh, Brittneys friend just "accidentally" spilled the beans. And Marcelino's faux outrage in his old dad New Balance sneakers...."this is real disrespectful!" Was Stan molesting that cat? Also, Stan is crafty like a fox! Last season, when they were in the car lot, he was desperate for Lisa to marry him and she refused. Now Lisa is demanding he marry her.
  2. I agree. But I think the most important thing SHE has to do is accept it. Once she accepts it and accepts that people will think it somehow reflects poorly on her and comes to terms with that, the easier it will be for her to just shoulder shrug and move on. I think Chris can support her, but I wonder why they can't try an OLG thing? Do you think he would work hard if he had his own restaurant.....or a food truck. OMG that would be such fun and he could probably make a lot of money with little investment. I feel like Kenya took a while to marry anyone and it was fine. I watched the first season or two of OC and I feel like some of those women weren't married. But if you tell me I'm wrong I'd totally accept it because that was forever ago.
  3. I think it can happen, like sometimes you really can fool yourself into thinking that you can make someone "good on paper" I had a boyfriend in law school and he was a nice guy, but he wasn't very good on paper. He was incredibly patient and he nearly worshipped me, but he just wasn't a go getter. And I come from a family of fairly judgmental "go-getters" so even if you don't see the judgment from your family, you always know its there. My boyfriend was smart and capable and I really thought I could make him want more than what he wanted. What he wanted was his kinda basic job and penny pinching to make a mortgage he couldn't afford. He had been raised not to think very highly of himself or to see his gifts, but even if he could, he didn't seem to want for himself what I wanted for him. We broke up for a lot of reasons, but I think the more I tried to get him to be "good on paper" the more insecure it made him and that was that. I hope he is safe, he had a very customer facing job
  4. This is an interesting point and I could see where it would be somewhat infuriating. Peter Thomas was constantly called out for being bummy, and he WAS a bummy user. I also think he was an asshole who I expected to go full madea to get a peach. But Chris seems to get a bit of a pass for a guy who, at this point, doesn't seem to have a job. It may be because of his personality, which is laid back, but protective of Candiace, and I think the other women on the cast (I vaguely remember him telling creepy Michael Darby to buzz off when he was trying to intimidate Gizelle at the reunion, but I could be misremembering that). However, if those private cooking classes are all he is doing, he is essentially jobless, because I refuse to believe there is some massive audience dropping $1,000 on the regular and then paying $75 per person for his classes. When Candiace said thats what he was doing, I really assumed that he was doing some sort of direct to consumer online cooking class you could sign up for. What he is actually doing seems stupid, and perhaps designed so he can TECHNICALLY say he is doing cooking classes without actually DOING them. Its fair to think that if Chris were not a white guy, he would be called out as "ain't shit" and I think thats an interesting point.
  5. I think Shawn was 100% going to follow her. He was right up on her bumper. He had no problem showing up other places where he wasn't wanted. Last time it was acceptable because he had 50k on the line. In case you forgot. But for me, if someone just did a total 180 on me, I'd probably hang out for a bit and maybe call a friend to vent. He was right up on that car like he was getting ready to follow her.
  6. Dorothy married a black doctor. I dont think she is putting white men on a pedestal. It's possible it just seems like she wanted for candace what she wanted for herself . I think candiace could have absolutely married a black professional. But as @drivethroosaid, that man may not have been as patient with candiace as Chris is.. I think Chris loves his crazy wife and I think candiace loves her shiftless husband. Whenever they do a couples confessional they really appear to enjoy each other's company and at the end of the day, to me, this is the most important. Juan can barely look at Robyn and Michael always looks like he'd rather be anywhere else. Even Gordon and Mia seem okay but not particularly happy. And gizelle is just a whole mess.
  7. I think the issue is just that Ashley's "motherhood" on the show is more performative at this point. She always has those kids with her. And about 80% of the time the first thing she does is whip out a boob and start breastfeeding. Which is using motherhood as a way to shield herself from the criticism and preemptively gather audience sympathy. She needs a dedicated full time nanny or a demotion. And I am not even a little into the at home with Ashley and her creepy husband segments. The way Ashley did Katie was one of the more ugly things I've seen. It was just gleefully kicking someone when they were down. Ashley is gross. But Michael is more gross so she has cover.
  8. This isn't some new Ashley strategy. Ashley ALWAYS has a reason why the shit done to her is "totally different and way worse" than what she did to someone else. That has been a day one thing, IMO with Ashley. It was fine when she came for Robyn and Juan, but if anyone talked about Michael grabbing butts and being a general weirdo it was different because that was her HUSBAND. It was fine when SHE made a prison rape joke about Ray, but totally different and unfair when Karen turned it around on her. She can talk about rays penis but no one can talk about the mystery holes Michael is sticking his penis in because it's totally different and much much worse. There is always a double standard that Ashley is trying to advocate. And it might be acceptable if she were even mildly entertaining.
  9. But it would be true. Ashley has no problem hitting below the belt in the name of "keeping it real" And according to gizelle you gotta have a thick skin. Ashley made prison rape jokes about Ray. Her deadbeat mother shouldn't really be off topic. But I betcha the minute anyone brought it up Ashley would find a reason why the multitude of shit she has slung is somehow so much different and better. I wasn't a fan of askales dress but her headpiece was stunning on her. Robyn looked like she was going to prom.
  10. I'm curious about all of this with the exception of the last question. Candiace needs to get another manager and Chris needs to do his job. It involves an apron, but what exactly is it? I refuse to believe that people are paying $1000 on a regular basis for his cooking classes. On a totally unrelated note, why doesn't Wendy know how much it costs to make a candle? This mystery can be solved by making a candle. Which is not hard.
  11. Whoo boy, Ashley is lucky she is a messy shit stirrer because she cannot read to save her life. Dry hair? Gizelle is lying and Wendy is right to trust her instincts. Gizelle knew exactly what she was doing, and her behavior that entire weekend did not come from a good place, it came from Gizelle being petty and miserable. While I generally found this episode boring, MVP goes to whatever editor kept pointing out that Karen was not in Surrey County. Gizelle has spent multiple seasons shitting all over everyone's relationship but was "deeply hurt" because Jamal's shit came out at the reunion? I was laughing at Gizelle's revisionist history.....yeah, Jamal told her all about what was in the binder....sure Jan. So, Ashley doesn't know babysitters or just doesn't believe in them? I appreciate that neither Candiace nor Ashley fell for Mia's tricks at the goddess lunch. Candiace doesn't want Ashley at her video shoot and Ashley knows she and her forehead are not invited. Done. No, you need to go to Surrey County immediately to see this marvel of nature!
  12. That girl is far, far too good for him and I think that date was a fake. No way Derrick set up a friend like that, unless he told her that she could get some money to be on TV. Of course daonte managed to mention that he has a high sex drive on the first date. He is such a weirdo, that girl probably couldn't wait to get out of that boat. Daonte seriously confused as to why Nichole's mom basically thinks he feels he is owed sex, when he pretty much told her he felt that Nichole owes him sex because he spent money on her. I'm glad he got told off and told to leave. Nichole's mom was right, if the relationship doesn't work for him, he should leave. Which is the same expectation we should have for everyone. Daonte is not broke because of Nichole, Daonte is broke because of Daonte. Without any prompting, his parting words appeared to be "I'll be here if Nichole needs me" So then he is willing to keep giving her money if she needs it.
  13. Shawn is such a sanctimonious weasel. I think Sara probably had a bad feeling about him from the second he picked her up, but tried to ignore it. I've done the same because I wanted to give someone a chance, but at some point you have to pay attention to that sixth sense. Shawn looks like a shlubby rat, especially in his great value brand jeans and off brand hanes beefy-tee.. He is just draping himself all over her and it looks extremely uncomfortable and off putting. He has asked her for sex at least three times in the hour she has been out of prison. I think she was kinda testing him in the pizza place and he failed. Instead of picking up on her discomfort and sarcasm when she talked about cornfields, he played right into it and I think she was annoyed. Take notes Nichole, you don't give weird men your mommas address if you're paroling there! Good on Sarah for being very direct and straightforward with Shawn about not following her....which he was absolutely going to do if she hadn't gotten out of the car and told him to buzz off on national TV. He is disgusting. fucking six times a day sounds like a part time job. Or her actual job. Either way, thats too much for me.
  14. I cosign this entire post. And I like Chris well enough. But what your local theater friend did is what Chris should do. And I think that you may have hit the nail on the head with his ego. I wonder if part of the husbandger thing was just an easy storyline for the season. Because it doesn't make a ton of sense to me. Chris can be supportive without being her manager. Candace helped Chris with his restaurant by being a hostess, she didn't insist on managing the place.
  15. I dont even see how the client pool is deep enough for Chris to be working a few hours each month. This is the season of silly ass business ventures
  16. I agree. Her face always gives me "melted crayon realness" Mias look is ageless because everyone who overdoes their face like this all look the same to me. Her lips literally look distended from the rest of her face. I'm watching another reality show where a woman is clearly not doing her "shots" and her lips and face are settling back. And she looks so much better. Mia should do that. Like focus on facials and regular dermatology and stop with the injections and see if she doesn't find improved texture and a prettier face.
  17. I think the poster above who said Michael doesn't really want to buy a house with Ashley may be onto something. She has, on multiple occasions said that that was his bachelor pad so he had it before their marriage.
  18. That's interesting and I actually agree with Chris in not starting a YouTube cooking channel. I think he has enough publicity from the show to get people to pay for his classes. Everyone has said his food is good and he is personable and articulate. But I'm not paying $1,000 for a one time online class, unless Idris Elba is teaching it with his shirt off. It doesn't even seem like the website he is on does much to promote him or his classes. I had to click on some blogsite with pop-up ads. ITA about Ashley. I'm not at all interested in her and the Michael Darby "redemption" scenes. Even when he is trying Michael Darby is still a creepy weirdo.
  19. And honestly, my friend is one of those people who gets a kick out of merchandise that connects to the shows she likes. I bought her the quad cookbook from M2M, she purchased an embellished cap, she bought some sort of hair wrap from that woman on empire. She had every....single....Gordon ramsay cookbook and religiously plays his game on her phone. She IS their market. She really loves to cook, she likes candace and so this would have been a great and fun gift for her. .....for $100-$200. Not for $1000. He really should try to launch his as a standalone business doing the classes. He has a huge kitchen. And IIRC, you can write off some portion of your mortgage if you're using it for business. Get a few cameras and do a class. You can even have Wendy on your channel selling those candles. He could make it a whole mood. LOL.
  20. This is a valid point. I never even thought to question someone with so sad a story. Who would lie about that? My logical brain knew it was an odd way to spill oatmeal, I guess unless you took it out the microwave too hot and spilled it. I wouldn't make too much of the cocktail. To me, if you're just desperate to spend time with your mom, you're not going to chastise her for having a drink because you don't want to scare her off. And her mom may be one of those people who feel like she can have just one and be fine. There are addicts who have this mentality. I dont know if it works or not.
  21. Robyn saying that after Juan dismissed her on that cringe call. I really do feel second hand embarrassment for Robyn. She needs to talk about Juan and that wedding as little as possible. Even if they get married he is likely to embarass her at the reception.
  22. Yes. She said the baby had trouble latching but it sounded do-able, just difficult and time consuming (time she can't give hubby). But as someone who doesn't have kids it's entirely possible (likely) that there is some danger to her son that I didn't understand. And therefore, like you said, Michael isn't even a factor or consideration in the baby having surgery.
  23. I'm not sure how it all works, but TO ME, it sounded like she could feed the baby it just wasn't easy and she had to do it often. What struck me was that it sounded like she could do it and was willing to do it, but if the baby couldn't get it together enough so she could give michael "attention" they would just opt for surgery. To me, that seems like it would be the very last resort and if it wasn't it would be what you would do to keep your sanity, not something to do so that michael darby can get some sex he doesn't really even want.
  24. So, a friend's birthday is coming up, she is a total foodie and fan of the show so I figured I might buy her a cooking class with Chris Basset. The website is either confusing or its just a pretty awful business model. It seems like their target market are companies who want to do team building through virtual cooking classes? If you have a "celebrity chef" why wouldn't you market those classes to the general public? Apparently, you pay a $1000 flat rate for the chef to do the class and then $75 per meal kit that is shipped to each persons home. I'd have been fine paying $100-$200 for the meal kit + the class. I don't get it at all, to me this model makes much more sense having classes every other week or every month that you can sign up for in advance. I wonder how many companies are really doing this? I think Chris B. would almost be better off partnering with a meal prep service and doing the live classes himself for a per person fee and a cut of the meal kits. Anyways, if you're interested, its TryHungry.com If you see something I missed let me know, but I'm not paying $1075 for any sort of thing.
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