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Everything posted by RealReality

  1. Oh, sorry I wasn't clear. I was in California. I was only thinking that, while no one likes to fail, it's not like grace has to wait an entire year to try again, like I would have had to if I had failed a third time. LOL! Tyra Banks is still a supermodel, so work that fivehead!! Ashley was getting to the Sherman helmsley hairline though! I mean, they do have a deluxe apartment in the sky.
  2. We kinda saw shades of this with monqiue but she wasn't nearly as obnoxious about it as Mia is. Monqiue was tired of being "just" a mom and wife. Even though that's the life she signed up for. But I think monique really did try to start something of her own. I don't think mia has or had anything to do with the business. She literally just wants to take credit for something she hasn't done and doesn't do. It irks me everytime I hear her say she is a "boss bitch" or has the nerve to ask anyone else "how many businesses do you own" "You have several? So then you understand how botched boss bitches only talk boss stuff"
  3. I think she looks amazing. But I would agree that it's becoming a bit much with the Victoria Secret "my man just got in town" lingerie collection at the pajama party. I'm hoping that she gets used to her new body and dresses normally. Maybe a turtleneck at some point. LOL.
  4. Back in the Paleozoic age, when I took my permit test if you failed three times you had to wait a year before you could take it again. If Grace can take it as often as she wants she is going to pass just fine. There was a "study guide" I got my hands on, which was basically old exam questions that they recycled after changing a word or two. The actual book wasn't the best
  5. I agree. I thought Karen had told her to get to know the other women. I think if it was my friend and she had given me that directive I would have TOLD her I was going to the outing just to get to know them. Karen is in a good position. If Mia is going to get into beef with Wendy, Robyn AND Gizelle, that kinda only leaves Karen and Ashley. Ashley is messy and will run and tell mia's business with a quickness, so that probably won't last. Candiace probably isn't going to want to mix it up with Gizelle, Wendy and Robyn since they are friends. So, that means Karen will have a warm body to throw in front of the bullets.
  6. I've always had this unpopular opinion. LOL. But yes, I think she has become more palatable and toned down for the people who despised her before. I think some people will always hate her. Takes all types to make the world turn I suppose!
  7. I can almost guarantee Robyn wouldn't have responded like that to anyone who wanted to have drinks without Gizelle. I think Mia is doing a weird ass course correction. Wendy called Mia out for being disloyal to Karen at the boob party. Now Mia is going way overboard to be "loyal" by sending that weird ass message. Baby, no one wants to talk business with you Mia, because no one else is trying to work a pole, or a cocktail, or an elegant ballgown at a strip club to get a man whose age she doesn't know.....and thats the only business you're in. I'm not sure why Mia is thinking that making an enemy of Gizelle is a good idea. Look at the littered bodies of the women who have had beef with Gizelle. Monique and her binder are still gone, and that girl that tried to talk mess about Sherman? she was on for like an episode. Karen is surviving because Gizelle needs a foil, but its your first season and THIS is what you want to do? I don't think I'm a dummy (technically, I am ALSO a doctor) and I legit almost failed my permit test three times. Luckily the third go around I got my hands on a VERY detailed study guide.
  8. Is Michael laundering money? Because I feel like movie production and real estate are kinda the purview of money launderers. I had to LOL at Ashley and Michael trying to convince me they are hot and bothered for each other. Michael shouldn't act in any of his "movies" as he was looking directly at the camera. The two of them hug with all the passion of my nephew hugging me while he is watching that cartoon about the monster truck and his friends. He is so creepy, he is 100% going to have some sort of "casting couch" "I have a special movie role for you Juan" situation going. I also had to LOL at Ashley pretending like she has any say in what Michael does with his money. Girl. Girl. GIRLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL that man is just as likely doing this to hide money from you in the event of a divorce.
  9. I haven't even made it to the party and I'm already cackling. I wish somebody anybody would ask Mia how she got interested in chiropractic? How did she choose The Joint franchise? What type of analysis does she do before opening a new location? How does she ensure that she isn't cannibalizing another of her locations? How does she choose staff? How long do the background checks take? What are the licensing requirements for a clinic in state? I don't know....all the stuff a boss bitch CEO should know. She is a phoney baloney and it bothers me. Listen, its fine, you made money moves and pole danced (figuratively and literally) into marrying a rich guy. Given where you came from, this IS an accomplishment in and of itself and you probably faced a lot of competition. But I HATTTTTTE it when people claim credit for what is not theirs. There are a lot of women who DO build companies from the ground up. This ridiculous ass candle company that Wendy wants to start? It'll crash and burn, but it'll be hers. Gizelle's makeup line? Crash and burn, but it was hers. Even Ashley's restaurant crashed and burned, but she managed it. Robyn's Embellished line? A small business venture that is her own. Karen's wig and perfume line, yes, she is more of a face, but whatever money she is getting is based on her work. Even using your rich husband's money to start a business is your business. Mia's talk of boss bitch is getting on my last nerve because Mia knows, and I know, and Gordon knows that what she did was marry a man who had a string of successful "The Joint" locations. She isn't running shit but my last nerve with her shenanigans. You married a rich dude, its great. /rant over.
  10. One of the things I really liked about Wendy was her ability to laugh at herself. I think its a rarity on these types of shows. But I loved her for laughingly joining in the slither Congo line, even though she was the butt of the joke. She has laughed at going overboard about the degrees and the doctor thing. What Wendy didn't recognize was that there would be a portion of the viewership that would snark on her and I totally think she took it to heart. The new look, the new "business" the new tee shirt ready catchphrases, the new beef that went from 0-100 in two minutes are all Wendy becoming a cookie cutter "housewife" and it sucks. I hope she finds a middle ground. I think she looks amazing though.
  11. We haven't even seen Wendy make a damn candle! She hasn't even been spotted putting a candle in a box. If she wants to salvage this idea, what Wendy should do is a series of web videos making candles. I make soap and candles are a kissing cousin. I feel like it's not a super duper hard craft to learn. From the world of soaping I can tell you that people love watching people craft online. At least it would give her some cred and maybe make this look slightly less ridiculous.
  12. The Mia origin story IS interesting. But I just thought the waver voice was an act. Like why were they discussing her mom again? What was the made up excuse as to why they had to talk about it on camera? Her husband is very acutely aware of the camera and looks directly at it. And she was trying so hard to cry for like 4 seconds. If she wants to communicate sadness she needs candiace tissue squares. Because she can no longer produce real. tears. I found Kenya story interesting too WRT her mother. But I dont remember Kenya doing a ton of crying. She just explained her pain and it seemed authentic to me. ********* While I think Wendy is putting on a show for this season because was called boring, I think she just doesn't like Mia. And I get it. Wendy is loyal to her friends. She values that in people and Mia just rubs her wrong. But, i think she has been practicing I GOT TIME, TICK TOCK!!!!!!! to use on someone. It just happens to be Mia. 4 degrees, a doctor, and out her screaming catch phrases. Wendy has more money and degrees than I do, but I'm legit embarrassed for her. How you gonna have 4 degrees and speak in catchphrases. ****** That candle line. I just can't with it on every single level. How the hell is reselling generic candles going to catapult you into being the black Martha stewart?
  13. I'm scared to listen to Ashley's song. It was that terrible combination of an awful song and a total earworm.
  14. I question whether Michael could have afforded it. If there is one thing these past 4 years had taught me it's that real estate values are highly variable and projects are leveraged to the hilt. Making a giant production of giving Ashley the Porsche while having a cash bar seems very "publicly wealthy and privately poor"
  15. No. First season Ashley was on, Michael threw her a 26th birthday party and there was a cash bar. Gizelle talked shit and rolled her eyes. Candace and Chris also had a cash bar.
  16. No. It was both. Ashley's first season she had her 26th birthday and it was a cash bar. Gizelle shit talked it so hard. Candace and Chris also had a cash bar.
  17. Neither did I. I'm always suspicious of people who showy with their wealth but cheap with the small stuff. In their first season, Michael bought her the Porsche and made a big show of it......so everyone could see how rich he is. But they had a cash bar? Nah dawg.
  18. She better be sure about that. Michael Darby shows all signs of being a toad of a human and I wouldn't put it past him to hide his assets to avoid child support/alimony/post nuptial agreement.
  19. Under the best of circumstances being a sex worker is a job. Why would you lie about your job but tell the world about having clit surgery? This is why I'm not a fan of Mia. She wants to cosplay as this free spirit without taboos or boundaries but lies about a taboo job history. Having seen Mia in camera I am confident that no one has ever or will ever pay for her "time"
  20. Wendy and those catchphrases are so bad. And like you said, it feels extremely practiced, particularly since, IMO, Wendy was always so articulate last year. "They call me doctor" may have felt like a lame comeback but it was authentic. "TICK TOCK!" is just cringey. I liked Wendy last year because she was real and could laugh at herself. I get that she just doesn't like Mia and her reasoning that she just doesn't like flip flippers makes sense to me because wendy isn't one. Gizelle may be hypocritical. But her kids are grown and I think her family has money. Ashley, on the other hand, keeps making babies with Michael Darby who is a creepy sex pest and serial butt grabber who is in love with another woman's fiance. Ashley may smugly think she has the upper hand but Michael Darby seems just the sort of shithead to hide money and plead poverty to get out of paying child support. And Ashley's mom is a mooch. Ashley doesn't have anyone to lean on if Michael leaves her high and dry with 2 young kids but uncle Rodney. So I think gizelle is right. Ashley needs to be careful. And if she doesn't know exactly where Michael's money is, she needs to find out. And she needs a separate side hustle so she can capitalize on being on the show. Please choose better than Wendy and no more singing.
  21. I'm not even sure what the lifelong dream is? Black Martha Stewart? Candlemaker? Just a lifelong passion to resell candles she bought from aliexpress? I really feel for Wendy. I think she took all the negative feedback to heart and is changing into a cookie cutter "housewife" and its sad to see. I was embarrassed for her trying to make those catchphrases happen at the spa. I could almost see visions of a hundred hanes beefy t-s with "TICK TOCK" OR "I GOT TIME NOW, TICK TOCK! boldly screenprinted on the front. You have four degrees sis, speak in complete sentences.
  22. I just can't get on board with Mia, everything is so fake. Even the scene about her mother.....were her tear ducts surgically removed? It was like she put on the wavery, cry voice and couldn't quite make the tears happen so she gave up. Its too much, too fast. She should slow down. Also, what is this recycled story line "I talk with my hands!" That was just last season Did anyone else notice there wasn't any tea in Karens cup?
  23. Karen left her own party last season. She is so ridiculous. Everytime she tries to throw stones it ends up being something she did.
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