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Everything posted by Tabbyclaw

  1. I fully embrace the pumpkin spice hype while it's here (it lasts just long enough for me to not be thoroughly sick of it by December), so naturally I had to try the Ben & Jerry's pumpkin cheesecake ice cream. I was expecting it to be of good quality because of the brand, but other than that I was just expecting the same flavor that everyone else is putting out, just with bits of graham cracker crust. Nope. This is indeed pumpkin cheesecake ice cream, with that perfect cream cheese tang under the spice. It is a wonderful thing, and I highly recommend it to everyone.
  2. There's a line from an episode of Haven that my best friend and I cannot let go of. God bless Emily Rose, she did the best she could on the delivery, and it made sense in context, but it was still a line that nobody could possibly have saved, and it has entered into our lexicon. Whenever we cannot possibly fathom the reasons somebody would do something, or whenever a killer on one of our TV shows is taking body parts from the victims (and we watch Criminal Minds, so this is not an uncommon occurrence), that's the cue for one of us to turn to the other and say, in a tone of intense dread, "WHAT IF HE'S BUILDING A WOMAN?"
  3. Harrie, I am deeply jealous of that thing.
  4. Not the best shot of Emily Rose, but damn, are the men of this show just incapable of taking a bad picture?
  5. This episode was a riot. I cracked up at so many little things. The faun playing an SOS on the panpipes when they knocked out C-Belle! Stan's perfect random appearance at the end! Wendy's "we're women, not unicorns!" speech needs to go down in history. So I'm sure everyone who's ever dipped into the pony side of children's programming noticed that between the rainbow mane and the blue diamond rump, C-Belle was Princess Celestia's head on Rarity's body. But did you know that that very combination is a known factory error that's highly sought after by toy collectors? Probably a coincidence, but what a hoot it would be if it wasn't. And now, for your delight and compiled by my best friend, some freeze-frame jokes. Dipper's thoughts (just the ones not related to what he was saying out loud): The last one is a reference to the mystery novel he was reading in an earlier episode. The third one... this show gets away with a lot. Mabel's list of good deeds (that we didn't see): Mabel's list of potential future good deeds:
  6. Not dinner, but a recipe that's been lunch for the past few days: coconut curry chicken soup. The recipe on that page is not entirely accurate -- if you look at the pictures in the linked blog post those are clearly snap peas rather than snow peas, and she is either pre-soaking the rice noodles or not using nearly as many as pictured if her soup is actually turning out to be soup and not just noodles in a lot of sauce -- but after a little trial and error it's a dead easy recipe that tastes great and reheats well.
  7. This was an NBC show until the network changed their minds partway through filming.
  8. Shannon L, you may be interested in checking out Haven, an underrated little gem on the SyFy network that will start its final season in October. It's a 'new person arrives in a small town and discovers it has a supernatural secret' story based incredibly loosely on a Stephen King novella, and it hits a lot of the same action/mystery/banter buttons as the shows on your list that I recognize. It has taken some soapy turns in the past couple seasons (and there was one sex scene last year that made me a bit uncomfortable), but overall it might be up your alley.
  9. The thing that bums me out about the cancellation? The show got 2/3 of the way to my personal trifecta of favorite tropes. We did a groundhog day episode and a bodyswap episode, but unless they're being really secretive about something to come soon, we're not going to get a musical episode.
  10. That rebel, with his wheat and wheat byproducts. I love how blatantly obvious it is that Alex Hirsch is just getting paid to be the biggest geek in the world and loving every minute of it. I think the way they shot the two reveals in this one was pretty well done. We see Bud bathed in blue light that instantly calls Bill to mind, but it's not him. And then at the end, when you've forgotten about that little fakeout, comes the real Bill reveal. That's one of my favorite dirty tricks for TV to pull. And now, for your enjoyment and edification, the freeze-frame list of Stan's crimes:
  11. There was a bag of the Lay's gyro flavored kettle chips at the register when I was shopping today, and I am so very weak against weird potato chips. And they taste like a gyro. I don't know how they do it, and it's kind of disturbing, but oh my God I'm pretty sure I'm going to go through this entire bag way faster than is remotely healthy.
  12. Oh lord, how long has it been since I watched Operation Petticoat? My dad introduced me to that movie when I was a wee young thing, along with Bringing Up Baby and Arsenic and Old Lace. It was a bit of a shock to me when I got a little older and discovered that most people think of Cary Grant as a romantic lead rather than a hapless straight man.
  13. If I sign a sworn affidavit stating that I have no interest in being Meghan Traynor's future husband and will never attempt to apply for the position, may I be excused from enduring her list of demands?
  14. *yelps at the very large Jake-face that suddenly dominated her screen when the thread loaded*
  15. My beef with "Honey I'm Good" is the feeling I get that the singer is seeking out women who look like they'll invite him home just so he can go off about how monogamous he is.
  16. Theory: The name of the town comes from a misunderstanding of a note early explorers made when mapping the area. It wasn't meant to be a name, but a warning: In this place, gravity fails.
  17. This episode was sort of weird, in that I'm sure it was awesome for the people who don't live on the internet, but for those of us who do the fandom got so much of it right that it almost felt like we didn't learn anything. One thing I find interesting is that I saw so much speculation that Mabel trusting Stan over Dipper was going to be the final "I can't trust anyone" straw that would push Dipper over to the dark side. But he's totally thrilled by how everything's played out so far, and it's Mabel who's suddenly afraid that maybe this was a bad idea.
  18. I find it interesting that Jack's phrasing when he says he's not in Italy to find Hannibal is 'not my house, not my fire.' Firstly because fire seems to be the element most commonly associated with Hannibal already, and secondly... Jack, you do realize what happens next when the house next to yours catches fire, right? The writing on this show being what it is, I can't imagine that this won't come back to bite him later.
  19. After the back-and-forth about observation and participation in the first episode, he's forcing her to participate more directly.
  20. The way I read the 'unzipping' scene after the first soiree was 'they're not, he wishes they were, she's attracted to him but not willing to go down that road.' After seeing the entire episode, I feel like she was being deliberately tantalizing there, reminding him that he can't have her in order to feel like she's retaining some control over her life.
  21. I say this about every show in existence, but I think it's even more true here than usual: We need a Rashomon episode. The first joke to come into my mind is Jake's version of a particular event portraying him as a super-awesome cool guy, and Boyle cutting in with "That's not how I remember it!" And then we see his version, in which Jake is even cooler.
  22. Oddly enough, I had the exact opposite reaction. When I watched in blocks, the later episodes would gradually get funnier to me. It's like I had to warm up to the universe all over again each time I came back to it, but once I got sucked in everything was smooth sailing.
  23. Here's some amazing news: There were sufficient views To get a Season 2 of Galavant! The cliffs remaining hung And songs still left unsung Will be resolved next year on Galavant! Soon! we'll see another journey start out So prepare to sing your heart out! Gee! There's so much more to see! So thank you, ABC For bringing us more GAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANT!
  24. She's telling him to focus only on her, not on anything else that might be going on around them, and telling him to shut up and dance with an implied 'stop asking questions.' She's holding back information. There are three equally likely possibilities: 1. She's telling him she just wants to dance, not be soulmates, and he is not getting it at all. 2. She's telling him, "no, I totally get you, but what's happening here is the kind of awesome that doesn't need words." 3. He's Chuck, she's Sarah, and she's trying to keep him from noticing the team of international assassins creeping up on them.
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