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Everything posted by SnarkKitty

  1. This whole paragraph makes me laugh so hard, but the underlined ... I cannot. For real. If random internet sites can find their dirt like *snaps* that, surely a department that runs fingerprints to find murderers can find a dumbass saving time on TLC.
  2. Robert, meet your match. BraBra has out-famewhored you; she even has credits. Wonder what Sheriff Noel thinks about that. Whattayaknow. She really IS that girl, spinning straw into Fox News. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm6140207/ Harpo, who dis woman??
  3. The best thing about this was Ilana's Yiddish Mandarin Chinese, complete with cigar and bowling strike. I love Rain Man Illana, when she busts out some savant-like skill heretofore unseen. Like her mad messenger skillz last episode. "I'm a power turquoise, bitch!" What I did not like was how this episode veered into sitcom. For the first time ever, it seemed too typical. Watching with my daughter, from the first walk into the bowling alley, she said "I feel like they're going to spend up all that money before they get to her." For me it was the beanie baby ending telegraph from the moment the cash started being spent. That's bad when the episode is telegraphed from the first, and I've never had that with BC. It never takes the conventional or typical route. I hope it was just a lazy misstep.
  4. Nyuk nyuk :) <--- after 3 years without a problem, saw a mouse in apartment at midnight. Bought traps, plugged in electric wall currents and adopted a (wonderful) kitty from a shelter by noon the next day.
  5. *Claps excitedly like I finally got my PIN and a shower kit*
  6. Hmm... how can I say this delicately? I don't think Tami cared to get a read. Her stance was questionable, but okay, not necessarily indicative of anything. Untilllll .... she opened her mouth. And that high-pitched dog whistle came out. She was inordinately interested in Barbra because for her, she didn't "fit." And was very descriptive in why she didn't "look" like she belonged there. She had no such thoughts about "Yaz." Right off the bat, she didn't like "Yaz" because she (smirk) gave off an "entitled" air. ****tweeeeeet**** Ohhh.... NOW I understand Barbra. She's this girl. You see how when Tami went up to her and said "can I talk to you" after the Brick Squad meeting was called, Barbra was all, "my name is West" and became extremely interested in her TV show. She'd better settle her Ed Norton-looking ass down. She's not on the streets. In other news, those cuts to "Yaz" eating that popcorn during the drama were EVERYTHING. I await the gif.
  7. BC Lincoln?? My peoples! I agree with you on Kandi. I think she does lay it out and tell the truth, no matter who it is. She has a definite IDGAF attitude about it all. Not in a rude way, but in a "I'll tell it, and what?" way. Hey girl hey! *memory jog* Haayyyl no! Porsha has never apologized. I don't even know where that lie fell from. Not only hasn't she, she's made it her business so say she isn't going to. I don't even have new ways to say Kenya stays doing herself a disservice. But I find no redeeming qualities in Fakedra or Porsha. Cherub cheeked children and madcap pseudostupidity doesn't make me forget the absolute nasty underbelly of them both. Maybe it's the NYC in me. I like my people straight up. Pour all the sugar on shit you want, there's still shit at the bottom. Kenya can be hella delusional, rude, shady and more. But I still find her more palatable than those two. Frick and frack, indeed. And hey, Kandi and Cynthia have stood up for her. Neither of them go particularly hard though unless it's for their man or their mama, so they aren't sitting there like Porsha Parrot. But hey, it's something, right? She's gotta take it where she can get it. :) It's more like, don't treat me like a kid, than it is don't play me. I didn't realize it was such a local thing, I know I hear it when rappers are mumbling ... whatever the hell they're talking about. I don't know. I don't care. LOL. But I wasn't buying Kim's "Oh, thank you so much for the validation! I only wish I knew what that meant! *hysterical giggle*" You can't tell me she watched the episode where the men were giving Matt the business and used the term, yet couldn't figure the context Kandi meant it in. Most of all, I was thinking "How you on a show with Big Jersey (Queen Latifah) and never heard the term??!!"
  8. That is the stupidest, weakest retort. No wait, that childish "oatmeal pie face" was just playground. Is this really the level of discourse, "snapping" (for you ol' skools!) on someone's skin? I guess she underestimated that Phaedra would drag that old tired insult out again, with her amen corner Porsha snickering. That comeback should have had some heat: "If my options are a two-time felon and a man who divorces me via Twitter, I'll stay single, thank you." Kenya should have been doing 2 a day read workouts with Brandon and Miss Lawrence, get her game up for this reunion. It's always the same shit being flung, she should have been able to bob-and-weave those with ease. Why is it Kenya is always supposedly so jealous of the holy trinity (marriage, huzzzzbin, kids) when it comes to Phaedra and Kim, but not when it comes to Cynthia and Kandi? I swear that irks me. It's like, you can't just detest the person anymore, you have to be jellus of them. Kim Fields. Sigh. Trying so hard, and why, if this isn't your clique and your speed? Why not just fall back and pull what's left of your reputation and goodwill out of the ashes, and move on? Collect your check on the way out? Letting us all see your peachie flopsweat, no bueno mama. Most everyone looked good, I must say. But I'm not a fan of the prom dresses either, it's too much. Andy. In the words of Nene, stop being a bitch. He's so proud of himself for leading the pile up on Kenya he had to pre-fauxshame "I think I was a little bit shady to Kenya." Boy, bye. I didn't see you getting krunk with Mike on the Shahs when he texted through the whole thing, you barely worked up a scold. So happy to be in with the IG popular kids, 'eh Andy? "I earned my peach today!" He also annoyed by letting Porsha (PORSHA!!) of all people lecture about aggressive behavior. He jumped in quick to assist in a layup to Kim with that '90s comment, where was the same rejoinder to Porsha? A threat to Phaedra does not equal three beatdowns on other women, Porsha, plus bucking up on a cop. Sit your extra warrant-having ass down. Again, Kenya missed her mark: "You had to go back four years for that threat, I don't have to go back further than four weeks for your last violent encounter." Can't stand a gang up, especially led by the host. Work your issues out on your own time, Andy.
  9. The craziest part is, on the last show, he was all about saving every.single.second he could, putting all his food in a blender to eat it at once - including the meat, making his "date" order all her food at once so the appetizer, entree and dessert were all on the table. Rushing through everything to save minutes every day ... and now he's happily laying around in a cell for 60 days? Is that what he rushed through life for? I don't know his real story, but he's already tagged reality 'ho AFAIK.
  10. I put this in last week's thread before realizing I was a week behind, sorry. What in the bluedilly fuck is Robert playing at?? As soon as I saw him bells started ringing. Once he said he was a teacher and mentor, I KNEW I'd seen him before. This image is obnoxiously large for this page but there was nothing smaller so linked instead I guess he spent all that time not chewing meals and being an Extreme Time Cheater so he could use it in prison. Then again, they DO serve all your food at once, which is his thing. WTF, man? Whoever called him a planted plant, has it right. Except I think he planted himself. http://www.newsandtribune.com/news/jail-show-participant-says-he-s-not-an-actor/
  11. What in the bluedilly fuck is Robert playing at?? As soon as I saw him bells started ringing. Once he said he was a teacher and mentor, I KNEW I'd seen him before. This image is obnoxiously large for this page but there was nothing smaller so linked instead I guess he spent all that time not chewing meals and being an Extreme Time Cheater so he could use it in prison. Then again, they DO serve all your food at once, which is his thing. WTF, man? Whoever called him a planted plant, has it right. Except I think he planted himself. http://www.newsandtribune.com/news/jail-show-participant-says-he-s-not-an-actor/
  12. Really? Time Magazine isn't exactly a "secret." Laverne Cox kicked the conversation off in a big way pre-Caitlyn. Laverne Cox has been noted by her LGBT peers, and many others, for being a trailblazer for the transgender community, and has won numerous awards for her activist approach in spreading awareness. Her impact and prominence in the media has led to a growing conversation about transgender people, specifically transgender women, and how it intersects with one's race and identity. She is the first transgender person to be on the cover of Time magazine, be nominated for a Primetime Emmy, and have a wax work in Madame Tussauds. Without the Kardashian effect, "Bruce Jenner, former Olympian transitions into Caitlyn Jenner" is a Zoey Tur story and kicks off nothing. Caitlyn herself does almost nothing to further the conversation, except exist as a Kardashian limb. Now in heels.
  13. Disappointed in the outcome. I was actually pulling for Arnav over Adrian, although I'd have liked a Claire win. Her sister was soooo adorable! "Claire, you did so good! You only missed a few, I was counting them for you! Your face is sparkling!" I can't with such extreme cuteness. Emotional because of the competition? Yes. Lash out physically and verbally because of the competition? Nah. It's not the first time, and you've already gotten the message that you can do that and get away with it. You don't just punch your parent for the first time because you miss a question. Chance: example of kid frustrated by competition, and maybe whine and act out. Sam: example of kid who clearly ALWAYS talks to his mother like she's his shitty servant. I noticed he never pulled that crap on "Papa."
  14. Three episodes in and ... yeah, still hate them. For those who keep commenting that they don't understand the hate, honestly, do you really need to? It just is for some of us. That shouldn't lessen anyone else's enjoyment. I had only vaguely heard of this show before TPC, and the clip didn't blow me away but it made me willing to at least check it out. One episode led to hours spent watching their original YouTube shorts, then Seasons one and two. I am a total convert! And I owe it all to TPC. I would definitely put Ayn with Brandy and Julie, and then send her off to Scott, Blake and Emerson. Kenya, Amanda and Princella would get a turn, and maybe a full shake up giving us Emerson, Ayn and Brandy. Bitches eatin' crackers. :)
  15. If you're going to hell for laughing, GlowLights, I'll be there right beside you for making the association in the first place. (Weird I think of it as local, when really it was shocking for its time and went worldwide.)
  16. Thank you! It was a good one, what I got of it. And I'm a big Food Network watcher, so it was totally fun seeing how excited Lincoln got about pretending he was doing a show. Not that I've ever done that. *cough* oh my god, ewww ewww ewww ewww ewww!! Genius. That's what I'll do the next time it's more than a brief thing.
  17. Personally, I detest single use bathrooms and avoid if at all possible. I do not like sharing bathrooms with boys/men. And yes, that includes my husband and son.
  18. So I know you're all just dying to know ... :) and yes, I did "watch" the episode. Watch = kept my hands in front of my face so I couldn't see anything except the top of the screen, and pretended the squeaking was someone's shoes. Thanks to the heads up I knew what to avoid and how to avoid it, and only accidentally got a single glimpse of a grey blur when my fingers separated briefly. I pretended that was a mop. (Yeah, TMI about the headgames I play to get through these things.) It was all eyeballs and tops of heads except for Abby and Trey, but worth the effort, especially to see the top of Lincoln's head take on his chef challenge and Jaime's newfound courage. Forgot to mention in the original post I actually live in NYC so it cut too close to home. I live in fear of the raton in the toilet ala the season opener so keep my lid down all the time and peer carefully before sitting. It's not an urban legend.
  19. Why was it okay with Phaedra? Hanging out at the club is nothing! She married and had children with a lying, cheating, stealing "white collar" thug. She demanded her friends and the rest of us accept Apollo Stewart. Now they have, and she can't stand that they didn't throw him over when she did. I guess some people think you don't dump your friends just because they go to jail. (Now husbands, yeah, dump away - or maybe don't marry and get knocked up before the first probation ends? Just a thought.) Eternally grateful to Noel for coming through and busting that up. I kept expecting the editors to stop, turn away, anything to save us, but no. Seeing 5 seconds of Leon's back and profile was better than all that time spent on Peter's ... everything. I keep trying to be there for you Cynthia, and you disappoint me time and time again. Great ghost of Paula Deen. It's like Kim doesn't even watch this show. Phaedra has been shady and out of line WRT her husband time and again, yet Kim is all "I'm your village" here and on Twitter. Yeah, a week before the reunion so it couldn't be brought up that she didn't pay. LURVED the WWHL sneak peak at the reunion with Kandi . I love an angry Kandi. She's not ever going to go for Joyce, so beating that drum is a lost cause. But there's always at least one moment each reunion when she snaps back.... Kandi as Sugar Mama: "If I wanna take care of every motherfucker up IN HERE, I can do that." Kandi and Nene: "I'm tired of your super-ass attitude." "I see you *fingers to eyes*" And speaking of snapping back: Kandi looked AMAZING. The best she ever has, even those breasts were tastefully constrained without looking like she was smuggling an ass-up baby under her chin. Phaedra uses Ayden too much as a shield, IMO. He doesn't not need to be on this show so much to buff up his mother's tarnished-ass image. I don't care how articulate he may be, IMO the fact that she keeps him so visible on this show is my idea of being a bad mother, not a good one. That was some too-grown action to have him telling adults whether they were good or bad, handing out coal, and being at that party in the first place. IMO. Nothing seems a stretch, just typical of what happens when kids are given too much of the wrong kind of attention. Matt ... seems nice and is protective of Kenya. That's good, she needs someone to put her first. Now that I've said something nice, Matt ... is not ... um... facially appealing. Christopher looked like he was going to set the room aflame. How you doin'?
  20. ElectricBugaloo and HeatherChandler, thank you both so much for the breakdowns. It sounds like this is definitely not the episode for me, and I'm not going to watch, although I may just listen to it. I really, really hope they aren't going to make it a "thing" throughout the season. So annoyed I'm missing it, because the seasons are short enough. :/
  21. Normally I'd have watched live, and read comments after 'cause I hate being spoiled, but this time I had to read the thread first to know if I could watch the show, 'cause I am horrifically and historically phobic about any form of rodent, like, can't even watch Stuart Little or see a photo of a cartoon. Snakes, spiders, pshaw. Mickey? Naw, bitch. So needless to say the open in episode 1 freaked me all the fuck out, unexpected as it was. And I'm dismayed now that it's clear that open portends the season and things in it probably weren't one-offs. And it sounds like yeah ... not so much. Would some kind soul prep me? Does the danged thing show up throughout the whole episode? Could I watch everything except when they're at Illana's place and is there enough time to avert one's eyes? Is there a lot of unnecessary (and by that I mean any at all) squeaking to alert one the raton is on the scene that will ruin even listening with my head turned? Will I really have to miss out on Lincoln's take on Chopped??? *sad tears* The ep has been sitting on my DVR for days now, teasing me. It sounds nuts but I'm totally serious 'cause I hate to miss even a single episode. Normally my kids would have watched and automatically called to warn me what to avoid, but apparently work and real life is taking priority over watching TV at the moment (where did I go wrong?). And it seems it's not entirely over for the season. Dammit! I hate the mouse/rat as sitcom plotline! Looking at you last week, New Girl. Why, Broad City, why???
  22. It's official. She's the 6th Kardashian sister. Right down to her Instagram teasers. Look out, Kylie. Step aside, Kendall. There's a new model (Ford T) in town. http://www.usatoday.com/story/life/entertainthis/2016/03/11/caitlyn-jenner-model-new-line-hm-sport/81638330/
  23. Apparently he quit it right after the babies were born to make a living on the internet - following the link above, their faithful FB followers were confused: "How come it looked like you were at the photo shoot alone, then said (husband) came after work? I thought he's been working from home since just after the babies were born?" "Oh I know, so confusing, right? That TLC! No, he was working, he was at a business meeting for our business!" <-- real conversation
  24. No, she claimed in US Weekly that she was getting her "prescription refilled" when she learned she was pregnant. You don't get a prescription for it, you get a shot. Three weeks before the claimed appointment, she was sitting on the couch there answering the "what birth control do you use question" with "Depo." So why didn't the interview say "I went in for my quarterly Depo shot and learned I was pregnant." It's clear what we have here is a case of pantalones en el fuego.
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