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Everything posted by Anela

  1. So the sadness from others, regarding her exit, is all fake? Norman Reedus saying that he woke up feeling depressed, even though it wasn't filmed recently?
  2. She hasn't been an actress, as long as most of the others have been working, and she was with them for almost four years. She couldn't put a fake smile on her face, after losing what has been her life for so long. I don't fault her for that. I've seen comments from other actors that are no longer alive on the show, who don't watch it at all, now that they aren't a part of it. Yes - I found it refreshing.
  3. I remember a woman with a bird, that also distracted them all from whatever she'd asked. I felt bad for Emily Kinney, and was thinking the same thing about the show: that they must be the nicest group of people.
  4. I remember reading that Abraham Lincoln had some involvement with the Occult.
  5. I loved the episode, too. It also left me wishing that we could just have the actors from the show on every week.
  6. I shouldn't have checked this thread. I watched some, but not all, of the show, back at the end of July/beginning of August, and then got distracted by other things. I'm catching up on Netflix. I'm sorry the show was cancelled.
  7. I'm wondering what they'll come up with next, in order to bring back characters, when they supposedly die. I liked Damon's call to Bonnie's phone. I cringed when the doctor wouldn't drag Alaric back over the border (at least try to).
  8. I was just talking about the one with the health inspector and Manuel's rat. (?) It's been too long since I watched this show.
  9. I watched one episode, and meant to tune in again. I'll have to catch up with the on-demand channel.
  10. It wasn't the best show on television, but I still looked forward to it. :(
  11. I've just watched some of the deleted scenes that were mentioned, here: I'm sad that the Vatos won't be back, and that they were killed by the Governor, but I also think what I've watched would have made for a better opening for Season 2. I wonder if they thought it was too soon, given that they didn't introduce the Governor until Season 3. I wasn't sure where to put this, so I moved it here...
  12. Anela

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    Moving my post to another thread...
  13. I've just watched the episode that I think was titled, "Haunted Leg." At the end of the episode, I thought the scene between Rory and Jess was similar to the one that had just happened between Lorelai and Christopher. I've never noticed that before. Christopher wanted to spend time with Lorelai and Rory, and she has to remind him that he's engaged, and has a baby on the way. Rory is mad at Jess, for having a girlfriend, and he has to remind her that she's still with Dean, and has shown no signs of leaving. On another note: one of the most touching parts of the show, was when Lane was afraid to go home, after the show she was supposed to play, falls through. Mrs Kim's expression, and her tone, as she realized that her daughter called Luke, and Rory, instead of her... that gets me every time. And the moment when Lane is feeling jealous of the girl who moves in with her mother, when she sneaks into the house, and kisses her Mum's cheek when she's sleeping. As strict as she was, she really thought she was raising her daughter in the right way, doing what was best for her. I loved it when they showed a new side of her, like when she poured Lane a shot, after her break-up with Zach, and she was even nastier to people than her mother.
  14. Anela

    S05.E04: Slabtown

    I was just going to reference the same bit! That's one of my favourite scenes. I guess it was the cannibals, and Rick's tearing out that man's throat, that really brought in some viewers, but I also want more scenes like the one you mentioned.
  15. I'm listening to "Lights" by Josh Ritter, and thought it's a shame that the only decent boyfriend Ingrid has had, is dead.
  16. I like it, too. I'm used to it now. I noticed that was the store where he killed the owner, at the beginning of another episode, as well.
  17. Me, too. haha! I thought it was supposed to scare them, but even after their escape from Terminus, the termites continued to underestimate them.
  18. I wonder if they'll ever bring back the people from the episode with the guns, when Glenn was kidnapped. I doubt they will, but I sometimes wonder what happened to them in the Walking Dead world. I remember the Governor visiting a hospital to get an oxygen tank, was it? and wondering if it was the same place. I really need to watch the rest of the episodes on netflix.
  19. Yes, those teddy bears, and the speech to Bob about bears eating their cubs. *shiver* I'm okay with Tyreese not flipping out. I was going to say that someone has to keep their head, but that sounds like the start of another cannibal joke. I don't mind Beth, and am hoping that she gets better at this, if they intend to keep her around. I don't want her to be in a relationship with Daryl, or for Carol to be sacrificed in order to keep her around, though.
  20. Yeah, and she was going back to the bus. I still don't agree with the way she's just "meh" about finding her now. I don't *understand* it. Why the sudden disinterest in finding her? She was almost like a machine, trying to find Glenn. Although nobody went back for Andrea, either - Daryl was the only one to that I remember showing any concern about leaving her behind.
  21. I was just going to say the same thing. I would have liked to have seen both Bob and Gareth there, since it was also Bob's last episode.
  22. I lost my comment. Damn it. Short version: Baby looked like she had an "Oh, sh*t" look on her face. Bob was sweet, and I wish he didn't have to die. If Glenn had been kidnapped, there is no way that Maggie would have gone to Washington. Unfortunately, this sort of thing happens in real life, too (person forgets that everyone else exists when they're in love), but most people I know would care just as much about a sibling. Gareth talked too much. Couldn't believe that he begged for his life, when he'd just been planning their menu for the weeks ahead, and it included a *baby*, as well as the rest of the group.
  23. I can't post in the main episode thread. it's telling me that I don't have permission, or that the thread has been deleted, but it hasn't. Is anyone else having this problem?
  24. The comments in that screenrant article: I need to pay more attention when first-season episodes are playing. Jenner said that France had a cure? I don't remember that.
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