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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Anela

    S05.E15: Try

    I pictured her off talking to Father Pee-pants. "Gabriel, you little bitch" made me laugh when I saw it in the photo recap last week. She was probably with Tara, though. - - - - - - When I heard the music at the beginning, I thought this was going to be a really good episode. I can't believe that last week's preview was the end of the episode. Ugh. I felt bad for Rick - his crouching there all bloody, and amazed that they were looking at him as the problem. He tried to warn you, Deanna. I do not see the attraction between Rick and Jessie, though. It's too rushed, and Jessie's sudden change of heart annoyed me. I liked Carl and Enid. It's a shame that it looks like he'll have to get back to being an adult before his time, what with the wolves heading their way. I like that Enid is smart - or seems to be, so far. I liked them talking about Noah, and felt really bad for Sasha. It makes sense to me that she isn't okay, and just settling into the neighbourhood. Did Carol say that she wanted someone to see her leaving the casserole? Or was she just pointing someone out to Rick? Liked Rosita and Michonne looking for Sasha. Where was everyone else? The people at the party. They're conveniently there long enough to horrify CDB with talk of pasta makers and favourite dishes, but then disappear when anything else is going on. Although I don't see chemistry (sorry - that word again) between Rick and Jessie, I do understand Rick's being all over the place emotionally. It's jarring enough to land where they are now, but to go from almost feral, to that, and having his hormones decide to kick in. I don't like him almost killing her husband - I was glad when he told Pete to keep walking. They could have moved Jessie and her boys into the house with Deanna, or at this point in time, moved Pete out, and one of our people in with her, like Carol, Maggie and Glenn, Abe and Rosita, or Michonne (for protection). I see how they're disrupting things, but at the same time, they invited them to stay. I wonder how Deanna would have done with Gareth, and Joe's group. The Governor. Deanna: "we're civilized people." Any of them: "heh." I wonder how long her younger son will stick around. The lyrics of the NIN song were fitting, and they also remind me of Morgan's episode. Was that, "Clear"?
  2. I've never seen Veronica Mars, but she does sound like Kristen Bell at times. I liked this a lot more than I thought I would. I'll have to watch it again, when I'm more awake.
  3. I've only seen a few of the movies - I think the first one in 2009, and I sat and watched the second one late Christmas Eve. I've finally seen the first episode, and it looks like it will be a nice little show, when I'm in the right mood for it.
  4. So do I. I came here looking for updates, even though I've seen that Rachel Boston has a new pilot that she's filming. I follow the cast on twitter, and they seem really close.
  5. I read more Koontz when I was younger, as well as John Saul. I think that was his name. Michael Crichton was another one. "Watchers" is my favourite from Dean Koontz.
  6. It was the hand at the end of Carrie, that got me and my sister. Mum had covered our eyes at the really bad scenes, but she wasn't expecting that one. We'd had two light bulbs go out upstairs, so we were glued to her sides as we walked upstairs to go to bed.
  7. Nicholas, yes. I meant to edit that out, because I watched it again, pausing it as it went.
  8. I've just seen the promo for next week. Was Chris chasing Glenn, or are they both running towards something? And who was that girl running, that they make it look like Sasha shoots? Was that Enid?
  9. I've just read the thread for acronyms and nicknames for the show. How did I miss "Oblivia"? That made me *laugh*.
  10. Anela

    S05.E14: Spend

    Francine was great! I didn't even think about Tobin's resignation meaning that he would be out of the community. So much for it being a safe place, if that's the case. I am curious as to their rules, what he was talking about when Francine punched him. I wonder how many people they've lost, since most of them seem to be of the pee-pants variety.
  11. I like him, too. :) I was glad to see that it was all cast members last night.
  12. Anela

    S05.E14: Spend

    Aiden's death, and then Noah - ugh. Seeing him slammed against that door. I figured he was on his way out, due to the beginning - he had plans, and seemed to be happy. I wasn't expecting Aiden to go so soon, and I wish that they'd kept Noah around longer. This is one of those times when I wish there were more episodes to the season. I guess they can't win either way, though - some people like the stories having more time (the farm, the governor), whilst others want things to move along. I just don't see the point of finding a place, only to have it potentially destroyed in a few episodes. I remember that. It was when Andrea had confided in Dale, that she'd been keeping track of time so that she could celebrate her sister's birthday. Then she didn't back Dale up, when he started talking about why he still had a watch. Something like that. Oh, and Father Pee-Pants can go the way of his parishioners. I take back whatever I said before, about the way Maggie spoke to him when they walking.
  13. Anela

    S05.E14: Spend

    I thought that, as well. I thought it was stupid, given the fact that she had a really crazy-looking Rick, sitting in that chair, not sounding that healthy, and she compliments him - the next thing you know, he's the new Sheriff. She was finding jobs for people right off the bat - people who sat there and told her that they were almost out there too long - and now she's suspicious, when they're actually doing a good job?
  14. Anela

    S05.E14: Spend

    I wondered if Abraham was feeling a bit ill, from that cut on his arm, but I think it's been a while now, hasn't it? Battery is running low on the tablet, so I'll have to come back.
  15. Anela

    S05.E13: Forget

    I remember an interview with Alexandra Breckenridge, in which she laughed over the fact that her friends couldn't believe how hot she was in AHS. :)
  16. https://instagram.com/p/0Mr6FPN1Bz/?taken-by=jaime_king
  17. It gives me goosebumps. I listened to the full album, regularly, after watching the show.
  18. So far, I prefer the original. I recorded it from the Sundance channel, in 2013, and watched it just before Christmas. I also loved the soundtrack.
  19. Anela

    S05.E13: Forget

    Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. It's so hard, losing them, but you definitely gave her a better life. <3 Mine are all strays/ferals, too. Three siblings, one that dad brought home, and one that my cat George brought home last Summer. Re: the "A". It took me back to Terminus, and the train carriage they were in. I like Aaron and Eric. If the Unfair Wolves are close by, I hope they don't kill them.
  20. Anela

    S05.E13: Forget

    I noticed Sasha's shocked double-take, when that woman asked her to bring her back a leg.
  21. Anela

    S05.E13: Forget

    They used real dead squirrels??? I don't like that. I hated that they showed another horse attacked and eaten. I wear headphones when I'm watching, it was gone 1am, and I was loudly saying, "NO! Not again!" I have a former feral kitten, turned extremely loving house cat, named Button. He was nudging my tablet out of the way last night, as I tried to type my comments.
  22. Anela

    S05.E13: Forget

    Damn it. I had a long comment here, and my tablet browser shut down on me. I'll have to come back tomorrow. That was one of my favourite parts. I like the lighter moments, like, "We thought you were being eaten by dogs, man!"
  23. I assumed that he hit her with the van. I knew that he was going to hurt her, when that music started up, as he told her to give him her wrists, so that he could cut the rope. Ugh!! I hate that hacker for giving her up. I'm glad that Claire left Frank, rather than letting him bully her into keeping up appearances.
  24. I felt bad for Doug at the beginning of the season. Not anymore!
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