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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I have to leave the house, and was watching as I was getting ready. All I have to say right now is what I've said all along: fuck this guy!!! I was expecting that (I haven't watched the end - just up to the guy being thrown into the fire), but damn. And just as I was sympathizing with Dwight again. I know he was trying to protect his wife, but that's cold.
  2. I thought that Maddie left Katie long enough that she could see where her son was, and that he was still alive, but didn't expect her to do anything that might endanger Maddie and her son.
  3. I remember when the anesthesiologist came in to talk to us, before my mum's surgery, last June. As soon as he said the words "high risk" I had to get out of there (to the waiting room) even though I was sure it would be, anyway. The nurse told us the next day, that she was a fighter, and a few days later, we found out that she'd had problems with her left side during the night - when we were at home, thinking she was okay for now (and we were finally sleeping). They were giving her shots to prevent blood clots. Unfortunately, it was just as I finally stopped being as worried as I had been, a few weeks later (she had hip surgery, and was preparing for one more), that she died. Aneurysm, on which they'd delayed surgery. :( I feel so bad for his family, and I also had a bit of a crush on him over the years. He seemed like such a decent guy, just normal.
  4. I assumed they mistook him for Frank, as well. I will miss Wes. I'm one of the few who liked him.
  5. Great, I somehow lost my post. I'm not one of the wailing masses, it's just one of those things that is prevalent. My own sister married a man 25 years older than she is, and a gorgeous 31-year-old friend of mine, has had men her age tell her she's too old for them. This should have gone in the small talk thread - I wasn't harping on @mightysparrow - I was just thinking of my own experiences. I'm having trouble with this comment box. Sorry for going off-topic.
  6. Not shooting the "messenger" - just a comment. I hate that a woman having a sell-by date, is still around. It probably will be forever, but it depresses the hell out of me. I'm glad the women aren't all under 35 and looking like they're fresh from the salon, as they kill zombies. I think Abe was around the same age as her, and they had him hook up with two gorgeous young women. I also remember some fans wanting Daryl with Beth. I also just happen to like Carol. I just wonder how many times we are going to see them reunite, rather than having them stick together. I like that the kingdom people care about others. It's refreshing, after the psychopaths that abound in the rest of the show.
  7. I only liked the pregnant lady.
  8. I wasn't paying much attention there, either. I wondered how they got that on him, and thought maybe they did it before he regenerated - or that he had been wearing it before he died. It would be a bugger to handle, though.
  9. I don't like the garbage cult. My favourite part was the purring tiger, and Jerry? The man wth the beautiful smile. His whole face lights up. I'm also afraid that the writers won't be happy until he's depressed.
  10. "The dead are rather inconsiderate, to those wanting to be alone." Haha!
  11. That bothered me, too. She tells them that these people set her up to be killed, and that her baby WAS killed, and Laurel just says, "Wes deserves better than you!" ?? Wes was defending her, before he died. No empathy, no concern for her. Maybe her anger clouded empathy, until the end of the episode. I was also put off by Annalise saying they should just kill Atwood, though. I didn't know if she was serious, or if it was a bad joke.
  12. I knew it, too. Especially when she told Arizona, that she could observe, but not participate. Yeah, that's it: lord it over the woman whose focus has been treating children, for *years*. I thought that Alex should have been there, but I can't remember if they said he'd get his job back. Just depressing. Also: I don't like Minnick, but I was on April's side this episode. Were they supposed to have the patient wait until Meredith was allowed back? They would have just found someone else to do it.
  13. I missed how Cyrus got into that cell - I walked away, wrongly thinking that he was so low that he would kill himself. Did that guy start to eat the guard? Ugh. I could have done without that. I had been feeling a bit bad for Cyrus, up until that point. When Liv, of all people, told him that it was time to pay his dues - !!! I hate to repeat myself, but they are all shitty people!!!
  14. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/live-feed/american-horror-story-season-7-theme-976642
  15. I wasn't upset. It all seemed pointless. I don't know why the creators felt the need to push them together again. Dean was just as much to blame for all of it.
  16. Oh no, not a love triangle. I hate those! Always have.
  17. He didn't ask her *why*. He just made a snap judgement. She was miserable at the party. I also realized when I walked away this morning, that the maid would have answered the door - not Emily or Richard. But, if he's old enough to get married, he's old enough to deal with them. The poster I responded to earlier, said that Rory was too busy for him. Well, he was too busy for Lindsey, who was complaining that she wanted to spend time with him, and their friends.
  18. I hope you're right. When I saw Ben and Carol, I thought that he would die before the end of the season, but also hoped that he would survive, and become a real friend for Carl (a guy around his own age), someone who can take care of himself.
  19. This episode was better. I miss being excited that the show is back, though. I recorded it, as usual, made my tea, but was also chopping vegetables, and getting something cooking during the first half - I wouldn't have done that before. I watched, because I heard that Ezekiel was back, and thought Carol might be reunited with them. I'm in the group that thinks Rick was smiling at all of the people with weapons. More people to fight.
  20. I don't care enough to argue. I also would have left, as soon as I found out what they had planned, but she made a commitment to them, as well - to be there every Friday night. I always thought that's why she didn't leave. Dean, being an adult, could have rung the bell, and asked for her. Rory was in college - she did her best to visit him, even sat there in Taylor's shop, just to spend time with him. I usually defend Dean, but in that case, he was a prick.
  21. I've just re-watched those episodes (or listened to them, as I was doing other things), and think that Dean was a right prick to Lindsey, and to Rory. First, he's sneaking around, ducking into corners to talk to Rory, going to her dorm room, or to pick her up when she needed a ride (and getting pissed off when Jess was there). Then he yells at Lindsey, for picking up his phone - and when he's feeling guilty about having cheated on Lindsey (and treated her almost the same way that Rory treated him when she was falling for Jess), he gets irritable with Rory, saying he doesn't want to parade their relationship around town, when she's just trying to find a place for them to spend time together. After the party where Logan cheers her up (when her grandparents are trying to match-make), he blames her for that, too. Just walks away from her.
  22. She's been a scheming manipulator before. Such as, when she set up April, when she found out that she was pregnant. I haven't watched old episodes for a long time, so I can't recall if she was that bad in the past. I'm still watching the episode. I may stop, now that I know Maggie's mum is sick.
  23. I like Jordana Brewster, but all I could think was that this was the episode where they really start to set them up as a possible couple. I wasn't entirely focused on it tonight, so I'll have to watch again tomorrow.
  24. This was my favourite episode, so far. Bonding over the self-confidence that being a zombie brings.
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