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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I was a fan of the original, when I was a kid, but hadn't really watched anything else related to Star Wars (I remember others watching the sequels to the first one, and vaguely paid attention to The Force Awakens, last week), but I mostly liked this. I almost changed my mind, except several friends of mine were raving about it. I had no idea what this was about, not even that it was a prequel - was that a twist? I need to read the first page of this thread. :) I looked at my dad, and said, "I wonder if anyone from the other movie, is in this." Sometimes, I wish they'd use more unknowns for things like this, because I sat there thinking, "Hannibal!" "The guy from 'The Night Of!'" and so on. I wondered if Peter Cushing was still alive - I think it's great that they can do things like that, but I finally pulled out my phone (sound off), hid it underneath my coat, and googled the cast. Loved the snarky robot. He was my favourite. The pilot, and the blind guy and his friend - loved them, too. My dad had no interest in Star Wars, but they had him laughing. I was sad that everyone died, but the ending had everything else making sense (the mostly new cast, at least to my knowledge, everyone dying).
  2. I love this thread. I know I've said that before, but it always amuses me. :)
  3. The teacher going back for her boys, made me cry. I wish there had been more to the ending (I also thought the dance had more of a WTF effect on the shooter), and I'd like to know what happened to the others. I missed her getting shot, though - I thought she was still running when they started their dance. I also wondered if that guy planted the books, or if he'd made comparisons to The Illiad, so she ordered the book, and others that related to her experience. She was blind before, so the Amazon order must have been a recent thing.
  4. I wouldn't mind that. We have all of these older actors paired with much younger women. I don't think I'm interested in seeing this movie in the theatre. Maybe on DVD.
  5. I'm so sorry :( I mentioned here, that I lost mum in July. We also have had at least one major death every year starting with 2010. I won't be able to take another one.
  6. What was that scene, after the credits?? My DVR cut it off, every time (it records every episode). It looked like Gabriel, in the dark, at the fence.
  7. I also wondered if Abbott knew his fate. :( I loved the movie, saw I last night - finally. We tried twice before, and it was always almost full, so my family wouldn't have been able to sit together.
  8. I watched, because my sister still loves it. I mostly kept my eyes on something else, after Negan removed Carl's bandage, and when he used the iron. He's gross, as well, when talking to, and about, the women. Keeping them to have sex with others (with his approval), is also disgusting. I can't remember much more about it. Spencer, as usual, is also annoying. Nice to see FPP setting him straight.
  9. Ezekiel seems to like Carol. I think she should have someone, too. I love Michonne, and I suppose they could still have her pair up with someone else, but I don't want to see Carol given the boot (if she does end up having a relationship with Ezekiel - they haven't taken us back, to see if that was anything more than a friendly visit).
  10. I don't leave the house every day, but when I do, I've been known to be so tired when I get home, that I fall asleep in my clothes. I much prefer not to, and to shower and change instead. My sister just teased me about how I used to walk into my room, and basically fall on the bed. She'd see my feet sticking out, like the wicked witch, when she was crushed by a house.
  11. Anela

    S01.E02: Spring

    Not me. I'd only seen "Winter" at the time, and have only just seen "Spring". I did run into some spoilers in another thread, but I hadn't seen the post, warning about that sort of thing. It was my own fault for checking out things like "unpopular opinions" and the relationship thread. I also thought that Mitchum looked exactly the same, and so did Lulu. I liked Kirk's film, but missed a few things, and will have to watch it again.
  12. Anela

    S01.E02: Spring

    That made me laugh, too - the way she just started tap-dancing as she lost the book deal with the English woman. Also, the nanny refusing to go upstairs. I hadn't thought of that. I was kind of disappointed that she had a meltdown, but it's in-character. Even though she's successful, she's still Paris. I didn't like the bathroom part, until Francie showed that she was still just as petty - then I laughed. Haha! I missed the part that someone else mentioned, about the kids filing out of the classrooms, because my sister was talking to me, but I did hear that bit. I also liked the teacher running away from her - the one she called out a "hello" to. It reminded me of the Senators all announcing that they needed the bathroom, to get away from her, at the beginning of season three. The therapist part once again reminded me of me and my mother. We were best friends for most of my life, but she would have done the exact same thing (and she loved Emily). She would have expected someone else to change, not her (at least until she chose to, of her own accord), and she also didn't see the point in paying someone to disagree with her - that had me laughing out loud. I told my sister, and that gave her a good laugh, too.
  13. Anela

    S01.E01: Winter

    I thought this, as well.
  14. I don't know where to put this: it bugs me when Jackson starts yelling at Rory, out of nowhere, when he finds out about her trying to make that massive pizza for her mother's birthday. Ranting about Sookie being a chef, and how he's a produce man. Ugh!!
  15. Thank you. I was almost falling asleep as the episode went on - I watched it at 4am - so I missed some of it.
  16. Where do I find what Olivia did to Sloane? I mean, which episode, if there was something before last night? I haven't seen all of the episodes. Thanks.
  17. Ah, I've been skimming like crazy, because I've only seen "Winter" and didn't mean to stumble across so many spoilers. I thought they'd be contained for now. :) I didn't mind the Jess scene before, not because I thought they belonged together, I just saw him as someone from "home" (Stars Hollow), speaking for everyone. She was already missing school - looking longingly as the new kids arrived and got settled in, when she went to see Logan. Lorelai had to point out to Christopher, that Rory had been making her own choices for years, when he accused her of turning Rory against him. So I just saw him as the catalyst, that could have been someone else. Sure enough, once she decided she wanted to go back to school, she went on to move back to Stars Hollow, get back into school, get a job, and got herself back on track. I'm a bit sad to hear that Logan is a scumbag. I didn't think that he was, in the original series.
  18. I had to go shopping for something to wear to mum's funeral, since I live in jeans, little tops, and yoga pants. We were in black, and my uncle walked up and said, "There are other colours, you know!" He was in grey and white.
  19. Me, too. What I dislike, is this new villain coming along to totally crush this man and his ego, directly after they finally got together. I was one of the people who saw chemistry between them ages ago, and I loved it when they finally got together. So, of course, they end up in a situation where he's suddenly being emasculated in front of this really strong woman, being told over and over that he's the reason people are dead. Not that Negan is a sociopathic, narcissistic asshole, who needs to take out any competition, and to be revered by everyone (or at least utterly feared). I love that the women are stepping up and wanting to fight, I just loathe the timing (and Negan). Don't get me started on Spencer.
  20. Anela

    S01.E01: Winter

    Yeah, I found it funny, too. I get it. I wanted a life like that, too, only I didn't want to be in the spotlight. I was moved all over the place, too, so when I finally got some stability in my twenties, I was hesitant to throw myself into another uncertain situation. I lived in two different countries, moved back and forth, throughout my childhood. Born in England, moved to the US when I was a baby, back to England after several years, back to the US when I was 15. And then moved to the most boring town in Ohio (it was actually named that, in a poll).
  21. Anela

    S01.E01: Winter

    I was sheltered, too. I still am, in ways. Some of the remarks in this thread had me cringing, because there were ways in which I felt like I was just getting started, in my late twenties/early thirties, and I didn't even have a career. I've just realized that I did the, "That isn't Rory" thing that bugged me so much on re-watch. She just seemed like she needed some stability. I couldn't picture her in a war zone. Maybe I'm projecting, because I love to travel, to a point, but living out of a suitcase is not my thing, and I most related to bookish, stable Rory. :) Although I dropped out of high school, like Lorelai. I'll probably delete this later. I didn't mean to post so many personal details here. I was so happy to finally watch the new episode, but I'm putting off the others until I'm in a better mood.
  22. Anela

    S01.E01: Winter

    I was watching with my sister, and when I finally noticed what she was wearing, I gasped and said "I love that pink coat!!! It's from the old series!" I probably can't afford it, but I have to look it up now. Thanks. :) I also came back to comment on Rory and Logan's casual relationship. I was going to say the same thing as cuddlingcrowley, only I didn't like it. I thought it was odd to see relationship-oriented Rory and Logan, who wanted to marry her, back in a no-strings relationship. I also know that she wanted to see the world, to see *something*, but this groundless lifestyle seems totally opposite to Rory in the first series. At least, to me it does.
  23. Anela

    S01.E01: Winter

    I mostly loved it, too, and I'm kind of wishing I hadn't clicked on this thread. Loved Kirk. Loved the opening, mostly. Hated the way Emily ripped into Lorelai. She should have known better than to put her daughter on the spot, when she didn't have the best relationship with her dad - he was still ripping into her years later, over having got pregnant, and choosing her own life, instead of what he wanted for her. So was Emily. Also: I lost my mother, four months ago, and some members of our family are acting like my dad is the only one who lost someone - he lost his wife, but I lost my mother, who was my best friend most of my life. Sometimes, he acts like he's the only one who lost her. So, that was too close to home for me. Was surprised to see Paris in her role, and missed her reaction to the band. I kept zoning out, because I haven't had the best week, or day, and the funeral was the one bit I wasn't looking forward to seeing, for the reasons just mentioned. That whole bit with Emily clearing out the house, was something we went through here, too. I was really happy to see Taylor, which goes to show how much I was looking forward to this. I did laugh when Rory forgot about her boyfriend, in the diner. I had, too. I DIDN'T like seeing her setup with Logan, though. Cheating on her boyfriend - I know she cheated briefly with Dean, but she was pissed when Logan slept with those girls.
  24. Oh, I had no idea that it was still running! I thought there was an anniversary special in recent years, but that was all. Wow, I really must live under a rock.
  25. Is that unpopular? The only people I know who don't like The Simpsons, are my immediate family. It seems like everyone else *loves* it. Me, too. I don't need someone to die in the most shocking way possible, to get me to watch every week.
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