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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I don't know what a gimp is. I hated pulp fiction, so if it's something from that movie, I've forgotten a lot if what I saw.
  2. Meadow really fearing for her life, and begging Ally for help. I wonder who has her. Who was the kid they shot with the nail gun? That was horrible. And who/what was that hanging from the ceiling? Was that a fetish the news anchor had? WTF?
  3. Well, I said going to the shed after leaving her house unlocked. Leaving the door open. She just had a cop freaking out on her about what she was writing, dealing with dangerous people either now or in the past, her ex husband had her concerned, so she leaves her daughter in an unlocked house? In her world, it seems bloody stupid. The cop thing happened the day after, but it seemed like it wasn't his first freak-out.
  4. They are both unfit. She's dealing with drugs, and really bad criminals. Cop is freaking out - he could either lose his job, or he was undercover. I don't know, it was confusing. And then she leaves her daughter in a house with the door unlocked, and works in the shed? Get an overnight nanny, if that's a regular course of action.
  5. I thought that guy delivered food, but I wasn't fully awake. Yeah - if your daughter is missing, you tell them everything that could help them find her. That's what bugs me so much. When they also try to make everyone look guilty, it feels like they haven't made up their own minds about who is guilty. The dad might just have gone to buy more tea or some cigarettes, at 3am, but at the moment, he's a mustache-twirling possibility.
  6. I don't, either. I mentioned that here somewhere.
  7. I hoped that it would be better, because I love Kyra Sedgewick. I've had my fill of people lying to the police, in tv shows, just so they can stretch it out over ten episodes, and bring more twists. I probably will watch next week, since I set the DVR to record the series, but I didn't think it was great.
  8. And there I was thinking it was a medical drama. Bailey had a happy marriage for a while there.
  9. I count things like the number of spoonfuls of half and half I put in my tea. To get it just right. :)
  10. Just like he tried to steamroll Cristina, only she wasn't having it. One thing that struck me, as I've re-watched old episodes, is all of the unhealthy relationships. McDreamy was McAss for a while there. Characters being thrown together for the sake of a silly story line. Happy marriages suddenly broken up, for the sake of drama, and a new arc for Bailey, or someone else. Cristina and Owen were unhealthy from the beginning.
  11. I lean against the back of it, and my hair does get wet, I also start to sink, so I have to keep shifting back up. I open the window, and have a large fan running, otherwise I go dizzy, if the water is hot (or close to it). No candles (fire hazard - I'm clumsy, and have pets that would send them flying - I can just see myself setting the shower curtain on fire, or tipping a candle out of the window, and the grass igniting. Splashing water never gets the cleanser off my face. I have to put it under the shower - and yeah, it makes a real mess at the sink.
  12. I noticed that, too. I guess she figured his sister is a grown woman, but it would still be awkward.
  13. I know. I just watched his last episodes yesterday. :( I didn't love it either. I stopped watching after twenty minutes last night, then got back to it this morning. I was watching old episodes last night.
  14. I laughed so hard when Jason was the one to figure it out. "This is a new low." When he was eating and drinking his feelings, I thought the people here were right: that he's the one being tortured this season. The hundreds of failures, people turning on him. I like that the woman in the neutral place, kept the notes for their plans, to stop them covering old territory.
  15. I know what you're saying, but I think he's the only anarchist. I think he voted for trump, because he had both main parties in an uproar. He was the huge spoiler. He then goes to look for people at really low points. I didn't really buy him swaying the male neighbour. I wonder if Meadow is just going along with things, because she feels she has no other choice - walking in on her husband and a stranger, dismembering a body. Kai was like Manson there, directing him to kill, and then cut off a head, not getting his own hands dirty.
  16. I don't buy Alex being fine with Jo hooking up with that guy, but his response was amusing. I'm still pissed about the way they treated Amelia. She pulled herself together, and was there with Owen when his sister landed. I don't get along with my sister's husband, but I never pulled that crap with her. I wonder if the brain tumor storyline has anything to do with Kate Walsh. She's been talking about the time she found out she had a benign brain tumour, and has been trying to get the word out to people to get check-ups.
  17. It was nice to see Teddy, until she was rude to Amelia and Meredith, and then she continued down that road, with a marriage intervention in his sister's room. When it comes to that, the sister can sod off, too. I see no chemistry between Riggs and Megan. I don't believe that she was a long lost love that he never got over. She seems to be have been fine without him, all these years. I haven't finished watching yet, but good for Amelia telling Owen he could have teddy, if he wanted her. Sod off Owen. Jo having awkward sex with the intern, reminded me of Meredith and George. Poor George who never got to have a great relationship, and died a horrible death.
  18. The leader of the Vatos (?) who pretended they would feed Glenn to dogs, was in a new show last night. Something about navy seals? I can't remember.
  19. I thought that was after the election. Where Chaz put on his MAGA hat, after Ally said something about trump's speech. Maybe it was one of his rallies beforehand, though. I don't find Kai attractive. I'm sure Evan Peters is a nice enough guy, but he reminds me of someone that I don't like, and find unattractive.
  20. We have paper ballots in my area, in Ohio. Fill in the circles, rip the bottom off when you leave the booth, and feed it into a machine.
  21. "Oh, they blew that up, too." LOL. I'm so glad this is back. I had issues, too. That usually happens with ABC shows, for me. Even with my headphones on, I had trouble hearing at times.
  22. If he isn't involved, as the leader or a member, I wonder if Kai has someone in the doctor's office, like the receptionist, in his pocket. It could be a way for someone else to take the fall for him. I've thought that Ivy and Winter knew each other all along. I just thought they'd known each other longer than that. really glad they didn't kill the puppy. They have the dead dog in the opening sequence, so I was afraid they were going with that. A Facebook friend spoiled that part for me, posting, "THEY KILLED EMMA ROBERTS!!" last night. I'm glad I wasn't spoiled for the rest, because this was the best episode so far. I think the reporter meant equal power = they run things together. Her career will grow because of her coverage of the murders, that she's helping to set up. She was right there with the protesters, to vilify Ally, as well. I think Meadow is too pretty to be turned down by numerous men. I really liked her this episode. I liked seeing them as they really are, rather than putting on a personality. Now we know why they moved so quickly into the house of murder victims, too, I guess. Kai probably arranged the murder, I just wonder where the money came from to buy it.
  23. I love the kid, so I'll probably watch it again.
  24. I was only half paying attention to this, but that ending... :(
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