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Everything posted by msrachelj

  1. Terrible episode. Only the Macy's sketch was funny. Also, Lets compare J-Lo to Scar-Jo...Scarlett Johansen is ACTUALLY hot, does not wear 6 pounds of makeup, does not dress like an aging streetwalker, does not appear to be an A-1 narcissist. Did not have to be praised and bowed to and reminded how HOT!!! she is during the entire show.
  2. She sucks. You have to wonder just how some of these people got recording contracts.
  3. Yes, Jackie has lost her sister/best friend. This is how she is grieving. Kudos to Louise for seemingly understanding even if it wasn't expressed. If you have never been where Jackie is, you can't know the pain. And she has so much family around her. Imagine what it's like for people who are so much more alone. I know the pain. Jackie's actions are real.
  4. Oh my goodness. Now we are going to exploit and also glorify life threatening obesity? Look, some of these men genuinely love a woman no matter what her size but when you get the ones who say "I wouldn't care if she were fatter" you know you have a freak on your hands, who cares nothing for your health, he has an obsession with fat women. These women need medical care, not to be paraded around on a reality show.
  5. Wanna bet it doesn’t last? It’s much too good compared to most of the crap on tv. 😞
  6. Omfg people! I’ve had enough of the animal abuse on this show. It’s sickening how this world uses these poor creatures for our entertainment. Those dolphins do not have a good life. I implore you, as I am doing now, to contact that pos Andy Cohen, Bravo, and the Abusers at Dolphin Cove. Those women are fucking idiots not one of them realized the living conditions of the horses or the dolphins I fucking hate them😡💩💩💩
  7. Why the hell do they interrupt scheduled programming for local NEWS?! 😡
  8. Has Ciara been hitting the tanning bed hard? Her skin tone looks at least 3 shades darker than when we first met her.
  9. Cat lover has to wonder why the hell they didn’t take the cat to an animal shelter instead of keeping it in their garage all that time?! Agree about the cats. They are smarter than your average animal which scares some people so they in return are sometimes treated inhumanly. Let’s not perpetuate the stereotype in the media. 😡 Thank you. Cats are not evil. Can they sense things we can’t? You bet!
  10. Same here. Very disrespectful. They probably left without even an explanation to the mother superior. Bitches.
  11. Is this just a repeat of the one aired a few months ago? If so, why repeat it, it’s not “live” anymore?
  12. Anyone else watch this? I liked it, it’s different. Hope they delve more into the living with depression aspect.
  13. This shit should be outlawed. So disgusting what we do to animals for our enjoyment/monetary gain.
  14. It was pretty sickening. Is Vain your middle name J-lo?
  15. Really! I am SO sick of this Jlo worship for being so hot at 50. Give me a f***ing break. If most women over 50 were worth a gazillion dollars, had personal trainers, hair and makeup (and boy does she use a trowel on her face?) artists, stylists and access to the best and most expensive fitted clothing, chefs, plastic surgery and/or heavy duty dermatological procedures, danced for a living, most likely take hormones, etc. Then YOU TOO would be hot. That being said, I actually like her when she is doing comedy. Just tone it down. We really didn't need to hear you talk about how hot you are and for the skits to follow the same routine. Blech.
  16. I didn't realize it was him at first. James Corden looked a lot heavier than the last time I watched his show. I flashed back to Chris Farley when he first came on.
  17. OH! I envy you for your 1930's kitchen cabinets! So many vintage kitchen have been horribly "renovated". Have any other original kitchen features been left intact? I 100% agree, don't ruin a vintage home that has usable/doable features with modern updates. These assholes need to go out and just purchase a newer crappy home and redo it the way they want. I freak out when I see some of these HH talking about ripping out and gut jobs on vintage bathrooms, etc.
  18. Totally agree, this show needs to end or at least do 50% family drama cause it is friggin repetitive and btw I really want to know what her current and former friends, classmates, and neighbors have to say about this "gift". How is there not one website or FB on this crap?
  19. We should let Bravo know how we feel about the animal cruelty.
  20. Yes it’s bad. They get stressed and God knows how they are treated. No animals should be used for our amusement. Thank God Ringling Circus is kaput but this world is still downright evil to its animals in many ways. On a lighter note, dolphins can be horny & will try to get with the humans. And they are strong. If we have to see that shit, at least can we please see a dolphin trying to “date”😊 Teresa or anyone but Margaret or Jackie, who in my opinion, are ok.
  21. Have to watch on my phone! Only have unlimited cell data! (never move to the boonies people!) Not good on my eyes but at least it's there. Yes, having to wait through the commercials suck. Good lord, Kristen Alfonzo is already a pretty shitty actress but she CAN NOT make this princess Gina crap believable!
  22. Was thinking this myself. Do drug addicts just grab any ol pills because that seems insane? They must let just about anyone into a nunnery these days! Kristen Dimera? Not good press for an already dicey Catholic Church!
  23. The women are hypocritical bitches as usual...etc...The other thing I came away with from this episode is how fucking people all around the world just don't care about animals.. Yep, lets ride a neglected horse into the ocean and tomorrow we will swim with the dolphins. Two activities that are proven to be detrimental to say the least to the creatures. I mean the animals , not the ho's.
  24. Holy **** I guess I’m not the only one sick of this show. I had to turn the latest one off. I think I may be done or at least I’ll be fast forwarding a lot!
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