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  1. Two questions: Is Sharon Goodwin a doctor? I thought she was an administrator. And with all the shortage of doctors and nurses why would they have Dr. Reese (she is a doctor right) sorting out people’s belongings in the cafeteria?
  2. Same topics-Erin back with her ex and Jamie refusing the exam. Recycling!
  3. Why was there a portrait of Olivia in the gallery?
  4. Just coming here to say that of all the things that made me laugh in this show tonight nothing made me laugh as much as reading these comments. Dying laughing as I’m reading!
  5. I missed that. Thanks!
  6. I had one thing I didn’t understand. They saved laughing boy’s life but did they destroy the tumor? Because he was still laughing!
  7. I hope it got better. I quit after 15 minutes when the 6 foot 5 inch boy was told by Lionel Richie that if he had a year and a half to work with him he could accomplish something and that even after they gave him another chance he wasn’t quite there. Which sounded very honest to me. Then the other two said yes. Katy of course because he was hot. Kid doesn’t have a chance in Hollywood. What’s the point?
  8. I’m still not sure about how these judges are going to work out. Katy Perry is making a fool of herself drooling over these young guys. And in fact all of them seem to comment more on the contestants looks than their voices.
  9. I had my first child in 1969 and when the nurse wheeled me out of the recovery room to my room she asked me if I wanted a cigarette! Everyone smoked in their bed. The only rule was no smoking when the babies were brought in from the nursery.
  10. The re-entry challenge has already happened and was judged just by Tom. They just aren't telling the winner till next week.
  11. I don't want to be Debbie Downer but Kate is not just fat. She's morbidly obese. It's very rare for women her size to menstruate let alone get pregnant without even trying. I find this extremely unrealistic.
  12. Mama No Life it's not just you. I thought he looked hot too.
  13. Brandon's looks exactly like everything he makes. How are the judges not seeing this?
  14. I get the definite feeling that Nina and Zac do not like the twins. That said, I agree that they keep dropping hints about some kind of showdown but nothing happens. Also, I don't think they should be allowed to be partners next week. Unless, as DasFlavorPop said it's to get rid of them both, which would be awesome.
  15. I agree this is turning into a children's talent show. The 2 girls are very talented but a Las Vegas show? Light Balance or Diavolo would have been my choice.
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