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Everything posted by geauxaway

  1. I was thinking the same thing with regards to why didn’t she just let him go to jail. She is never going to leave him.
  2. And why does she keep tagging everything #badmoms. She is such a try hard. And a complete lame-o, in my opinion. Cate you ARE a bad mom, but not in the context you are trying for. You’re more like a #shitmom for leaving your baby. Clearly she’s not breast feeding (NOT JUDGING).
  3. She’s freaking out because her meal ticket is being threatened. That’s all this is.
  4. Wishful thinking about her being forced to have to get a real job. She will first try to sue MTV, when that goes no where she will most likely go straight to SSI claiming disability, you know, all her ailments and mental issues. She’ll be on welfare in no time. Maybe dabble in porn. But I do not see Jenelle or David actually sucking it up and becoming wage earning individuals. Even if they did, could you see them retaining employment? They can’t get along with ANYONE.
  5. Oh Lort help me. I was checking out at Ulta today and they had a “Momager takeover special edition” Kylie palette on sale. The packaging is hilarious and the color names are even more clever. Yes, I purchased it. My bestie is coming for a visit soon and it’s the perfect gift to her. I do love her lip kits, sorry not sorry.
  6. Word on the street is that Katie’s life is hella messy. 🤷🏻‍♀️
  7. If a grown man is registering a LLC called Precious Babies, I’m going to pedo or trafficker. Sorry not sorry. Oh, maybe strip club owner or pimp, too.
  8. New title: Jenelle, I married a murderer
  9. Thanks for the backup. I just feel like this response and his other tweet earlier this week about waiting for a “good guy” are in poor taste coming from, like you said, a Grandpa. He’s making snarky tweets but is still laying down with the dogs. He hasn’t taken a stand. He’s a petty bitch, in my opinion.
  10. Ugh, Randy. I’m not sure how I feel about this post. Kind of in bad form, and still not taking a stand. Still cowtowing to the MTV machine and benefitting from it. Chelsea isn’t the most responsible pet owner, either. Didn’t one of her dogs run off and get run over or something? Not entirely her fault by any means, but still....
  11. Didn’t they have to do this at Sheana’s Shay wedding? And she was pissed because everyone was too hungover? No?
  12. Oh I’m sure they don’t keep their money in a big evil bank. They have that cash on the land for sure. Which is even more stupid for spendthrifts like them. To your point, though, yes I’m sure the funds are cleared out. If he is that far behind in child support how does he still have a driver’s license. Usually that’s the first to go.
  13. If they were on the property at the time this went down, they witnessed it. I don’t care if they didn’t see the heinous act occur with their own little eyeballs, they are aware of what was going on and had to have been terrified and forever traumatized. Just another case of Jenelle defending David.
  14. How do we get the name of this forum changed? It needs to be Jenelle, married to a dog murderer and child abuser. If we, as a collective WE, don’t want to support her, then our forum should reflect our feelings.
  15. OMG, B has adult acne! The horror! Get some Murad, bitch. Cured my adult acne up right quick. Her business meeting? Wow. Get it done, fucker. I’m in sweats and got a bad facial, so quick it up NOW MUTHER FUCKER. She didn’t even bother to shake that man’s hand on her way out. She got up and walked out past him while he was still in his chair. Who the fuck does big time business like this??? I do not give a care if he is her “employee,” or subordinate, she is rude AF.
  16. Totally agree with all this! I mean, what does it say about me that every week during mass my mind wanders to the Cleary family at some point. I love this show! I even had a Peg / Cleary kid moment in Easter mass last week, during the sharing of peace the lady in front of us said to my kiddo “hope the bunny was good to you.” He said yah, he was. I said I think I saw you eating jelly beans before breakfast and he said yah and I had some in the shower too. The man next to me busted up, “that’s the line of the day.” 🤣 Boys will be boys no matter the decade! God love them. ❤️
  17. This show slays me! My 11 year old son and I watched it together and the whole time I was thinking silently to myself “are you picking up on this??” That talk is coming soon and considering my boy has no dad, it’s all on me. Timmy and the game of catch? OMG DYING.
  18. Sure hope she has her affairs in order. It’s no joke with 3 kids and no husband or parents. It’s a tough thing to think about, but you HAVE to if you have kids. I have no husband and my son has no dad, I have a great friend network and a loving (but aging) family, and it kills me to think about the what if’s. Also, if my ass looked like that from behind in a swimsuit I would NOT be posting that on SM. Well, I’m 41, I’m not ever going to be posting a from behind shot of myself EVER. She is so grody! And why is she always fried to a crisp on these trips? Skin cancer much? That shit will wrinkle quick, too! I know this, I regret my baby oil frying at the beach days now....mama was right 😫.
  19. @Bridget Olan Mills!!!🤣🤣🤣. One of our portraits from there was taken the day before I came down with chicken pox. I am white as a ghost in the photos! And you know my mom made me go by my little brother the minute me and my cousin broke out in the pox...so we could “all have it at the same time.”
  20. How could any of the producers ever step foot on the land again? I would be terrified and sickened, I would be like no fucking way can you expect me to go out there to work. I’m afraid MTV won’t take any action. They didn’t give a fuck when Nathan’s dog was locked up in a cage and neglected in the garage in JULY in NC. I am beginning to wonder if MTV would even draw the line if David shot a human. Because let’s be real folks, that’s what’s next.
  21. Gotcha! You are giving her too much credit. I don’t think she grocery shops. I bet they get fast food or take out 99% of the time. Well, with the exception of the charcuterie 🤣
  22. If you can afford it and live where she lives you would have a heated garage. At the very least her Range Rover has remote start. And if it was parked in the garage (heated or no) her car glass should have been clean. Again, no sympathy. I lived in MN for many years and did not have indoor parking or remote start. Yet, I never had an issue getting myself to my job. If school wasn’t called out, the roads were fine enough for her luxury SUV to get Aubree to school. It all comes down to choices. She chose to live outside the bus route, she chose to have 2 babies in less than 2 years, so now....??? Mama Bear is weak sauce.
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