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Everything posted by Pollock

  1. Thanks for the report! (rat!) She's the only one I would love to see in real life (and maybe Drita if she's on a good day) and a big part of why I'm sad the show is in its last season. She's just so endearing! Also, nowhere else in the other housewives shows can we hear things like "she's upset because my father killed her father in law" thrown during a reunion show. I'll miss that!
  2. Well, that sucks. What a loss. Fuck. We were just out of our Harry Potter marathon last week but I think this week-end we're going to watch Sweeney Todd, Die Hard, Dogma and Galaxy Quest in that order because one should always finish something with a laugh.
  3. Hahahaha ! I loved it. It was so inappropriate I died laughing. I hope they keep the idea for Bachelor Pad where people are less filtered and showering seem optional.
  4. You should! It's awesome! Hopefully, this recognition will help us to get a third season.
  5. Well, I never thought we would see the real Kenya on this show during my lifetime so I was shocked to see her during that bus ride, before going to see her birth mother. She didn't have the same face and didn't simper while talking like she usually does so I knew this time she meant business. That was pleasant and for the first time since she began on the show, my brain didn't tune out during her scene because her usual "too much fakery" hurts it. Damn, that was cold from her mother. Even without knowing the full story and refraining to judge that woman, it was hard to see. "I heard you locking the door". Kind of crushing. I could have lived really well without ever seeing Joyce again. Anyway, glad she's alive. Or not. I kind of don't care either way. But hey!, at least she's there for her daughter. Or is that a bad thing given that she sucks? Were we suppose to reflect on motherhood while watching this episode? Seemed like there was a theme.
  6. Faking It ? http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0355080/?ref_=tt_ov_inf http://www.channel4.com/programmes/faking-it/on-demand/32922-001 http://www.channel4.com/programmes/faking-it/episode-guide
  7. This isn't even an hoverboard. Does that shit flies? No. So it's just another douchecycle.
  8. I'm pretty sure Peter & Cynthia's problem is that there is a good chance Todd and Kandi could very well succeed where they failed multiple times.
  9. I can't believe Porsha is the one adult in the room since the beginning of the season, regarding her relationships with the other women at least. I'm impressed. Or saddened by the others maybe. Anyway, it was fun to watch her have fun and giggling at the Emmy's and even if she came off as a selfcentered entitled donkey dealing with her sister, I could sorta see her point when she said "it's OUR livelihood". I don't know if it's true but if that whole Porsha *cough*Empire*cough* does indeed pays also for her sister's roof, I can get what she would be pissed that her assistant/sister didn't bother to seek a replacement yet especially if her sister takes business decisions for her. I had to laugh also at Phaedra. That shit with the meeting "I'll be the mightier person" backfired sooooooo badly! I don't like Todd so I'm kind of sad that Phaedra is in the wrong about the all situation but that was a thing of beauty.
  10. Oh, fun video ! Was it just after they filmed a scene? They both hugged two women wearing some type of equipment. I loved watching Lisa Rinna trying not to bite the hand that fed her when asked about Donald Trump (and changing the subject skillfully when the paparazzo's insisting) and Kyle also having some non commital statements regarding his candidacy. I guess B-list celebrities can't afford to lose a part of their fanbase by having a true political opinion on something!
  11. It is indeed. It's his grandfather's name (and his father middle name).
  12. [light bulb] Thank you for explaining. I didn't understand why Lisa Rinna was laughing when she said that (english isn't my first language so to be honest I didn't get she did an accent nor that she didn't say "A" long time) so she just looked like a lunatic to me in that TH. And 10 or 15 years later, that explains to me also an episode from South Park when Cartman had the personality of a prostitute and kept saying that. Well again, thanks, "I think I learn something today" !
  13. Not saying Yolanda didn't do it but there is no need for her to try and influence anybody about LVP. Wouldn't 5 years of this show and her spin-off be enough for someone to have, if not an informed at least an opinion? Anyway, this first encounter between Lisa and Erika was just an older pot meeting a newish kettle. Both showed (and one still does) their boobs in cheap ass venues, both married older men, both look like dolls and talk like little girls. The only differences I saw were 15 years, hair color and a british accent.
  14. Haaaaaaaaa, the infamous vanity soft focus (I think it's the name). "Aging" actresses are often treated with that one. God forbid we see a wrinkle or a pimple. They use the same thing with Calista Flockhart in Supergirl and I remember it for Marg Helgenberger in CSI and they began to do the same with Mariska Hargitay in Law & Order (or at least, I notice it now). Super distracting. I don't know who requests it, the actresses or the executives but it does more bad than good I'm afraid, with HD tv and all that. I just wanted to thank you for all your suggestions in the topic. I got a tons of movies who made me cry and be upbeat this month. Everybody have a merry christmas and happy holidays !
  15. Thanks for the article Quetzal! I can't stop laughing!
  16. I think it's partly because of the special juices athletes are injected sadly. The effects of performance enhancing drugs on the mood and level of aggressiveness are well documented. I'm not talking about Glen who seems to have a shitload of other issues on top of that but in general. As for the episode, justifications of violence are never ok (provoked or not and I don't buy that Kenya did anything to provoke the guy to the point he wanted to smack her and even so, it still wouldn't be justified), and using real life tragedy to do so was so besides the point it was shameful, so I'll put Phaedra and Sheree in the naughty corner for a while. What's happening to Cynthia's face during those TH? It's not her usual face and it's more perplexing than Tammy's rat tail. Botox? Around the eyes maybe? I don't know, her face seems off to me.
  17. The most enjoyable part of this shit show was to watch Sean squirm through all of it. I couldn't stand him as the Bachelor so it's really satisfaying to see him being reduced to this to make money.
  18. I think he didn't shoot Annalise over Rebecca but because of her lies. We were given two seasons of Wes mommy issues and Annalise, whom he trusted with his life basically and quite literally, keeps lying to his face. Each time he confronts her, each time he falls for it, each time he's proven he placed his trust in the wrong hands. It was too much. Wes obssession with Rebecca is fare fetched so it became creepy (and annoying to most of the viewers) but I truly think this time it had nothing to do with his current situation and that it was way more personal than that.
  19. Yes, we are totally, absolutely, 125991% sure it's her. We see everything that's showable: face, knees, feet, hands, cleavage. And things you can't unsee like Meri eating suggestively a banana. I'm still cringing at that one. This burned my retina, I dreamed of it, I can never forget that. Never.
  20. Wow, that's quite a read! And quite a dramatic ending : I am still in love with her. She is an amazing woman. And I’m pretty sure the next time I see Meri, we will be in court. (Now playing the world smallest violin) I got to give it to her, Jackie knows how to craft a story. There is a load of bulls in there but some details are interesting (at least to me!) and seem real. Did we knew Kody melted his wedding band? I have a shite memory so I'm not sure it was adressed in previous seasons. She told me the last straw for her was when he took the wedding band that she gave him during their wedding ceremony and melted it down. He told her he didn’t want it to be a contention point with the other wives, so he had it melted down and put into a piece of jewelry for another daughter, not her daughter. She said she is a sentimental person and when he did that, it showed her how much the marriage meant to him, which was nothing. She said it hurt her feelings because he could have given it back to her to hold onto for her daughter’s future husband or at least let her have it for keepsake. That was years ago she told me and she told me how upsetting it was for her. It really hurt. If Kody really did that, he mastered the dick move! Not that we didn't already know that but the length of his dickness is astonishing.
  21. Bolded mine. Indeed. Except for the use of regional lingo (it would be like using "flat" for "apartment", "elevator" for "lift", "cab" for "taxi" in english if you want), in writing, you wouldn't know if a french speaking person is from, France, Belgium, Switzerland, Africa's french ex-colonies (Morocco or Senegal for example where people still speak french as a second language) etc. Quebec is different because they truly have a lot of different vocabulary, not just with their swear words!, but the syntax stays the same. There is no way that somebody claiming to be fluent in french, or spent a year in France really talking with people, would write it like Jackie does. I know our education system is going to shit those days and our children don't know how to properly write yadiyadiyada but still, no way.
  22. Speaking of Quebecquois, there is a Joanne in the comments of the same "Nuageux" article, I think it's one of her persona because she's supposed to be living in Quebec and speaking french but she asks where he learned because "she can't place his idiom" or something like that. Like if any french speaking person in the world would ever question Jackie's french is coming from an online translation service... I imagine the purpose of this one is to introduce the "fact" that Sam lived in France. It's funny, until that post, I was really amazed because Jackie seemed to be good at this catfish thing. Over the top with all the moving, travels and all but nothing you couldn't disprove without searching for it. Ok, you just need to google to know she's BSing left and right but you still had to do something to prove or know she was lying. Here, there was nothing to do, it was just obvious. Such a mistake is surprising and, quite frankly, a little bit disappointing! And thanks ! Movies, comics and tv greatly helped my english, as an adult. I was lazy in school and never paid much attention to it. Now, watching too much House/Sister/others/wives and read forums has proven useful. I understand english almost as if it was my first language, but writing in english is still a challenge. 10 sentences take me forever to write, I proof read three times and I'm still noticing mistakes after the fact. I'm working on it posting on PTV !
  23. I'm so sad, I think "Sam" just blocked me, I can't access to the site anymore through my usual browser. As a French, I wanted to help "him" after I read he lived here and was fluent in french. She's super fast to read comments, it took less than a minute after I sent it to block me. Thank internet's gods for proxy, this shit has kept me alive for the past week, I would be bummed if I couldn't read. It's too funny to read and the lenghts she goes to explain everything are really fascinating. ETA: grammar. (there is still some errors I assume but despite that, my english is still better than her french, so I'm good with that)
  24. I think her point is that nobody should have to learn to camouflage anything, hence the short tops, see through thingy etc. At least, that what I understood from her collection and her website (the adress was posted here but I don't find it anymore... anyway...). I totally commend her for that because I'm getting tired of people getting shy when a little bit of fat is exposed and I fucking hate people say "she should cover herself, it's an eyesore" when they see a heavier woman wearing shorts as if cellulite has ever blinded anybody (except maybe Karl Lagerfeld but that's another story). Too bad her clothes really were not my thing (I wouldn't be caught dead in a pastel anything because I hate it, like lace, blouaaargh) and she has no direction (or as some would say: talent) but I really think her intent was good with those eeeemmm... things : you don't have to hide, you're beautiful as it is. I would have loved that.
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