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Everything posted by Pollock

  1. Don't laugh but this is a problem for me too. TMI : I just can't hear people chewing and I want to claw my own eyes each time I eat "loud food" (and I love to eat pretzels, crisps, biscottis......). I see red, it makes me angry. I have a flash of rage passing through my brain, I feel super tense and ready to jump out of my seat. We can't eat home without the tv or radio on because if not I'm pretty sure I'll take my fork and stab my husband, whom I love with all my heart. Family diners are a real chore because of that, I dread the pauses and silences in discussions when everybody is enjoying the first bites of a new plate. It feels like that noise is getting louder and louder and I can't do anything to concentrate my attention elsewhere. Restaurants are ok because there is enough background noises to cancel it. My sister, my mother and my husband know that so they are sweet enough to make an effort and never eat near me. And we are now training my beloved nephew to do the same thing. I'm literally forced to say out loud : "I love you" to whom it may concern when those flashes happen because I'm going insane and I can feel myself losing it. It makes them laugh because they know what's happening and that diffuse the situation thankfully. Other noises don't bother me (I mean of course if you wake me up at 5AM because you've decided it's the right time to hammer a nail we're gonna have a problem) it's just chewing noises. I want to tolerate them, I've worked on it for 20 years but it doesn't go away. I really thought I was completly crazy or just a pain in the ass but it turns out it's a legit disorder and I'm not alone. You can't even imagine how relieved I was knowing that and reading lots of people talking about this noises induced rage in some articles comments. Sorry for the TMI moment and it's not exactly a life altering information (nor a life altering disorder!) but hey, maybe it can help someone to read about it here too ! So that girl is definitely high maintenance but to that specific point, I can relate to her if it does to her the same thing!
  2. I would like the CW to issue a statement à la M&Ms saying Supergirl doesn't share the values of this asshole.
  3. Not only that but Biden is now fiercely engaged in the fight against rape and for the right of the victims to be heard. I believe personally without any proof of that, really just a belief, that somebody in the White House showed him videos of his behaviour with women and he went to some seminar about harassement, he saw the light and now he's a born-again non gropper. So I forgive him for having lose hands in the past because he's making it right in the present. Trump blaimed and shamed his victims. Not exactly the same in my opinion.
  4. You can forget about France. Unless there's a miracle, like a big one (I'm an atheist, so I'm not counting on it), best case we have Mike Pence (François Fillon), worst case we have Trump (Marine Le Pen). Whether "we" chose the closeted racist with his backwards christian views on women and his fucking ultra liberals politics or "we'" chose the not so closeted national socialist, France is fucked and doomed to take the dark road for the next five years. Sorry to say that but really, there isn't a modicum of hope that the things will change in the next few months in my country so you can prepare yourselves right now : France = the bow on top of the basket of deplorables.
  5. Also, if I'm not remembering wrong the awesome show "How the States Got Their Shapes" (I could, it's been a long time!), California is on the same electrical grid as the rest of the west. Texas has its own, so they could be independant on that front but California would have to rent the use of the grid to the US and I doubt Trump would give it away for free if there is a secession! California being its own country would be fun to see though and would definitely be a proof that we are in the wrong timeline or something. A part of me still want to blame Barry Allen for all this election mess!
  6. Well, here went my eye candy! Silver lining: I don't have to feel like a dirty old woman anymore when I think Dean Thomas is super hot with facial hairs. Anyway: for those who think Bonnie had him killed or killed Wes herself. How do we reconcile that with all the "she won't survive this" talk about Frank offing himself and all that? Real question. Because if Frank's death would break Annalise, how Wes's death, her surrogate son, could be surmontable? Or was it a case of short term solution? Also, I still can't believe Wes really turned on Annalise. Wes talking to the police for immunity could be a convulated plot between them. He's firing his lawyer who was hostile to Annalise, he's stalling the immunity agreement when it seems he didn't need to because it was already a blanket immunity (if google isn't mistaking me, all his crimes relating to his testimony would already been covered hence the detectives' surprise and frustration?)... My theory went down the drain when last week episode faked my ass out to let us think the conversation with the detectives was happening when Annalise was already in jail but now that the scene at the precinct is set 6 hours before the explosion, I'm putting it back on the table! Is there a timeline avalaible somewhere?
  7. Yeah, they are adding insults to injury at this point. I didn't know it was possible to feel worth about it than a week ago but hey, I live and learn. I still have hope everybody in Washington will fight back at a point (which point is another question...) and still grasp on the hope he will never be appointed but I'm pretty sure the EC won't pre-impeach him, every one of them seems more concerned to keep a job in what's going to be 4 years of all you can eat buffet for those close to the President('s team). America is in the mouth of greedy greedy people... Make them choke on It! Or at least hard to chew! Very well put. And à propos of nothing: I watched Seth Meyers with the guy who played Harvey Dent, forgot his name. He said "coup de grah". It's "coup de grâce" like grass. Coup de grah sounds like "gras" in french (silent s), which means you would slap somebody with fat. It can be effectively insulting and messy, I'll give you that, but hardly leathal nor merciful which is the meaning of the expression. Voilà. That is all, it was bothering me. Priorities, you know.
  8. Yeah, if Sarkozy makes 70 000 euros a speach (when he sucked and never did anything for our economy nor social politics... who's willing to pay that loon to talk when I would pay good money to send him to Mars is beyond me...) when we fired him after one term 4 years ago, I think the retired two-terms President of the United States and Madam Secretary/First Lady can indeed make a pretty buck! And also, there is "My Life" from which he got a 15 millions dollars advance and which sold 2 millions copies around the world for another 30 millions. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Life_(Bill_Clinton_autobiography)
  9. I don't!!!! Now, I'm waiting for the moment he'll decide that France is lost to terrorists and tell Trump to nuke the fuck out of us. (I'm just joking. I hope.) Why put him there seriously? Every democracy has always tried to NOT put lunatics in this position. Assholes yes but being unstable really should disqualify you to speak to the rest of the world in the name of your country. Damn, your new ambassadors (those change too if with a new administration if I'm not mistaken?) will have a lot of damage control to do... Get ready for a large surge in fruit baskets fees in the budget! Thank you very much for the read, it was fascinating and thought provoking.
  10. Thanks for posting it, it's awesome! I really wish I'll see 3 or 4 millions of you on my tv that day! Make me proud American Women! Thanks also for posting this horrible answer... https://twitter.com/hannahmosk/status/797993495508066304/photo/1 That just proves those still using comic sans ms font are evil people!
  11. Hi! Those emotions aren't mutually exclusive you know! I mean by that: I know I'm devasted, I still cry a lot but I still don't see myself as a victim. I'll give you that: I'm not american (frak, I think I stated that more in those past few days than the last 20 years of my life because I feel I need to justify myself to post in this forum!) so I'm not directly threatened by a Trump presidency but you know, given that your country was the leader of the Free World yadiyada, your actions affect all of our democracies! With great powers come great responsabilities and shit like that. So when you elect Obama, we rejoice and cry of joy for the progress it was but when you elect Trump, we're kind of wondering what the fuck happened. That's why I'm on this board. Because of those emotions I already took concrete actions (gave money to my local planned parenthood (and to a L.A. one by buying Samantha Bee Nasty Woman t-shirt), whose also under attack and my husband and have already redone our budget to include those donations monthly) and I plan to do more next week when associations are open. Not just talking about it this time: really do it for my country. I've read some people here already took action too. Little ones but meaningful ones, like a woman who pledged her time to help muslims and gay teens of her neighbourhood, giving her phone number to do so. Some already gave money to planned parenthood. A lot more ideas have been thrown around. You just need to give some people time to regroup, dust themselves up to put their money and time where their mouths are. A lot of beliefs died three days ago. People are grieving those. You just lost half your country to a racist mysogenistic mad man. And your new VP is even worse. Reading stories here of people being greeted by insults when they got to work because it was known they were voting for Hillary doesn't even begin to register with me because of the mental violence it can be. Reports of bullying, harassments, nazis tags... So no, I don't blame those people to avoid contact with the outside for a day or two. Or three. I will ignore my fellow french when they elect our Trump next year ( (I'm a halfwhite/halfarab woman in a racist and sexist country so I've got some unsavory stories to share on moral harassment and violence too...) because fuck me, if I want to help them when she'll let them down, I have to forget about them a day or two in order to remember why the fuck I still should care about what happens to them. You're not grieving, you want people to fight and to that I say : good for you and it's awesome. But I don't think sorrow is weakness. It's not even a step backward. It's a time out to take the real measure of the discontent, reflect where we fucked up as a society and think of the actions to take down the road! That's more the spirit of the people I read here anyway I think!
  12. Sorry, stupid question, not American here, I'm not sure I'm getting that correctly because your voting system is still bizarre to me: those people abstain to chose a president but they voted to elect their representative, judges etc ? Is that it? They left the circle blank? Not only that he could, but that he was going to win. He was pretty adament on Bill Maher, under the boos of the audience, that nobody grasped his appeal to blue-collars workers and that dismissing those voters was going to be the biggest mistake "the elite" would make. I know I believed him at the time because blue-collars who are losing their jobs in France are now voting for the far right too (our first woman president will probably be Marine Le Pen, a Trump/Pence combo of her own in 2017... here's hopin' the sexism of the french men prevent that...) because they are abandonned by their politicians here too and want to send a message next year so yeah... I believed him. Even if I can't stand his ass, too bad nobody took notes, especially when he said he just witnessed Trump being applauded by thousands in the heart of a historically democrat district in Wisconsin. That was a sobering statement. @lyric and a bit off topic: Yeah! Tony Ortega for the win! Are you a fellow reader of the Underground Bunker? We really appreciated that, despite his hatred of the mob Scientology and after laying down Bill Clinton favoring the Scientology several times and raising legitimate concerns about the way Hillary could treat "The Church", (concerns never answered by the campain staff by the way*...) he never lost sight of whom the real evil was during this election. He repeatedly said she shouldn't be judged for her husband's actions twenty years ago (as if a woman could have a brain of her own, seriously, what the fuck Tony?, we all know we're just tits and ass...). Also that Bill's views in no way could help predict what her position would be when elected (haaaaa, good times when everybody thought she would win biggly... I'm still pinching myself and hoping I've been in a coma for days, and having nightmares, hoping somebody will up my oxygen intake). His pissed off tweets are lifting my spirit this morning! So thanks for posting them! * For the record, the Trump's campaign, when asked the same question, didn't answer either. The fight is far from over I guess! You would think that the Christian nutjob that just got into the VP seat could do something about a fake church using child labor, slavery and forced abortions (the last one could be a real deal breaker for Pence maybe?) but I'm not holding my breath on that one either!
  13. For my sanity, I prefer to think that the Gary Johnson voters were Republicans who couldn't bring themselves to vote for Trump and the Jill Stein ones were Democrats. It makes less of a sting as the Stein voters wouldn't have made a difference in any key states Hillary lost. And it's kind of reassuring to know that some Republicans wouldn't put Trump in the White House even if they didn't want a Democrat either. (I have chocolate goggles today, I need to see the bright side of things)
  14. Yeah, she's really something! You know, I've browsed their twitter accounts because of that and obviously there was a divide in the family for whom to vote. THAT I would like to see: how do you manage a "fractured" family when something like this comes, especially with someone as vocal as Mariah is right now. That would be something real... for a change!
  15. You still have two days to buy this t-shirt! https://www.omaze.com/made/nasty-woman?ref=nasty with the net proceeds going to a local plan parenthood. http://www.ppactionca.org/local-info/los-angeles/ Sadly, Samantha Bee doesn't come with it!
  16. If it can help you, here's a list of all your presidents with their party since Adams : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_United_States_presidential_elections_by_popular_vote_margin (Edit to add: you can put that list in chronological order by clicking on "year" at the top of it). I was just browsing through this because Hillary is winning the popular vote, http://www.nytimes.com/elections/results/president?action=click&pgtype=Homepage&clickSource=story-heading&module=span-abc-region&region=span-abc-region&WT.nav=span-abc-region so I wanted to see how many times the winner of the majority of the votes didn't win the presidency. Two times in recent history, two times democrats.
  17. Hi American Twopers, french citizen but above all : I'm a woman here, rooting for Hillary (I'm aware I can't vote but hey, I was still rooting...) so I'm crushed this morning. Crushed. I'm trying to post for hours and I really struggle to found words because this is truly a catastrophy for you and sadly the world. I had so much hope that the light would come from this election, shocking Europe in a good way, especially in this frightning world where everybody seem to hate one another, that I feel like we all lost a limb here. And a good one too, not the appendix, something useful. But I'm confident that you'll rise up to the occasion as individuals. You'll volunteer, you'll help, you'll harass your representatives when they're about to pass an injust law, you'll fight for education, you'll make sure that every American who wants to CAN vote next time. To summerize : at your level, you will be sabotaging hatred and this will not happen again. I want to be optimistic (otherwise, I'm going to cry again) and even say that the local fabric of your country will be restored and stronger for it. You'll find a way to take the hand of your hateful neighbour and (after slapping him/her with it while shaking them screaming "What the fuck did you do and why did you do that for?!!') show them a better way. As cheesy and empty as it sounds right now, I just wanted to say that, and also that I believe in you and I still love your country very much. You're Americans for fuck sake, you'll figure it out! (This post in sponsored by Diabetes and Every Hero Speach from Michael Bay movies) (cue your flag in slow motion)
  18. I thought about this forum and Meri watching this segment of Last Week Tonight yesterday. It explains really well how she's gonna lose money in 5...4....3....
  19. Each time I see Trump, I too have a Star Wars quote in mind, a depressing one: "So this is how liberty dies... with thunderous applause" and I cringe.
  20. Don't worry, every country got those type of embarassing tourists (I know I wanted to smack my fellow Frenchies when I saw some on holidays, from China to the US...) so I'm pretty sure nobody is drawing conclusions about Americans in general when we see two or even six in what ?? 600 millions of you? in that state on a trip. I know I don't. Anyway, sick or not, Kelly didn't drink when the cameras were rolling at that lunch/picnic/whatever because it was obvious she was set up. The woman is a mean bitch but she's was smart here. She drank later with Vicki, when they were alone. That was her error, thinking that it was safe to be her obnoxious self later when it's obvious that 3 mains characters don't want her anymore with them and I'm sorry to say that I don't blame them. Kelly is a racist dumb bitch and if I had to work with her, given the lows where she goes, you can be sure I would make anything in my power to get her of my surroundings. I don't see it as ganging up on anybody. What the women did to Alexis, THAT was. That poor woman was stupid and couldn't think to save her life or even spell "help". Kelly fights back, she fights dirty and she takes no prisonner. Because she can cry on cue, she can be a victim? She wants to play? She played, she lost. Tough shit. Cry me a river. And Vicki can take a hike too with "I'm scared now so I don't want to be involved". What the fuck? She wasn't shown the door after her cancer scam, she clearly holds the power in the group, forcing them to "move on" and she's scared ? Of what exactly? Alienating again the women and being forced to film with the daughter who can't stand her most of the time? Was it a good look for Heather, Shannon or Tamra? Nope. Was it the thing to do? I don't think so. But mostly I blame them for the clumsy execution of the super mega evil plan, giving Kelly an opening for semi legit complains. Those damn women!! Have they never watched Melrose Place to learn how to frame someone and stay clean?
  21. Yeah, that was bad. Really really bad. I didn't get it at first but when the realization came, I was shocked. And I'm not easily shocked. And yet again, the episode was more about how the White Lady deals with the heartbreak (like on Unreal) and her epiphany than the Black Lady's feelings. The only one who seemed to grasp the concept was, again, the awesome Anne, who got the line during a TH (paraphrasing) "you feel bad but it's not about you, how about Michelle feelings instead?" Even the ex actress (her name escapes me each week) had a ignorant comment during her TH when she explained that Black People can call themselves that, rappers do it all the time, or something like that... Yeah, because Black People are all rappers aren't they?
  22. And some of them sued, and rightfully so!, the Ramseys for libel, and the Ramseys sued also some slanderers (is that a word?) leading to further depositions. http://jonbenetramsey.pbworks.com/w/page/11682491/Legal Documents Most notably, the Wolf vs Ramseys case from which a judge ruled, in a very long, documented, giving also new informations to the public especially regarding the fibers and DNA evidences collected, and interesting opinion, that more evidences pointed toward an intruder than the Ramseys. It was Patsy who was under scrutiny this time and not Burke but still, the parts regarding a cover up are valid for whomever you believe killed/covered the crime. http://www.acandyrose.com/03312003carnes01-10.htm The link to download the complete decision isn't avalaible anymore but the others cutting the transcript of it in parts are still up. Those parts explains the judge's reasonning regarding the intruder theory vs Patsy did it then covered up http://www.acandyrose.com/03312003carnes61-70.htm Page 61 to 70 http://www.acandyrose.com/03312003carnes71-80.htm Page 71 to 80 (it's really not that long to read) http://www.acandyrose.com/03312003carnes81-93.htm Some those evidences were conveniently not adressed in this cut of the documentary (I really want a "director's cut" of this, maybe there were adressed but didn't make it on the slashed one we saw?). Like : - Further, the end portion of the paintbrush and the cord used to construct the garrote were never found in the house, or elsewhere, nor was the latter sourced to defendants. 34 (SMF 159; PSMF l59.) (SMF 162; PSMF 162.) The black duct tape used on JonBenet's mouth has also never been sourced to defendants. ( SMF 170; PSMF 170.) Animal hair, alleged to be from a beaver, was found on the duct tape. (SMF 183; PSMF 183.) Yet, nothing in defendants' home matches the hair (SMF 183; PSMF 183.), thereby suggesting either that the duct tape had been obtained from outside the home or that it had been carried outside the home at some point. Dark animal hairs were also found on JonBenet's hands that have not been matched to anything in defendants' home. (SMF 184; PSMF 184.) The above evidence arguably suggests that whoever tied up JonBenet used some items brought from outside the home to do so. In addition, other fiber evidence supports an inference that some of these items from outside the home were, at one time, in the second floor area near JonBenet's bedroom. That is; fibers consistent with those of the cord used to make the slip knots and garrote were found on JonBenet's bed. (SMF 168; PSMF 168.) OR - Likewise, other items not belonging on the second floor were found there on the day after the murder, thereby suggesting that some preparation or activity was ongoing in that area on the night of the murder. Specifically, a rope was found inside a brown paper sack in the guest bedroom on the second floor; defendants have indicated that neither of these items belonged to them. (SMF 181; PSMF 181.) Regardless of its ownership, there is no explanation why a bag containing a rope would be in the guest bedroom. Further, small pieces of the material on this brown sack were found in the "vacuuming of JonBenet's bed and in the body bag that was used to transport her body (SMF 181; PSMF 181), thereby suggesting that either the bag had been near JonBenet or that someone who had touched the bag had also touched JonBenet. 35 OR - Plaintiff, of course, argues that any evidence suggesting an intruder was staged by defendants. Even assuming that all the above evidence could have been staged, however, defendants point to other evidence for which a theory of contrivance by them seems either impossible or highly implausible. First, defendants note the existence of several recently-made unidentified shoeprints containing a "HI-TEC" brand mark were found in the basement imprinted in mold growing on the basement floor. (SMF 151-152; PSMF 151-152.) Defendants do not own any "HI-TEC" brand shoes and none of their shoes match the shoeprint marks. (SMF 153; PSMF 153.) Likewise, another similar partial shoeprint was found near where JonBenet's body was found. (SMF 155; PSMF 155. ) The owner of the "HI-TEC" shoe that made the footprints at the murder scene has never been identified. (SMF 154, 155; PSMF 154, 155. ) In addition, on the wine-cellar door, there is a palmprint that does not match either of defendants' palmprints. (SMF 156; PSMF 156.) The individual to whom it belongs has never been identified. (SMF 156; PSMF 156.) Of course, the existence of these shoeprints and palmprint is not dispositive, as they could have been made prior to the time of the murder, but they are clearly consistent with an argument that an intruder was in the basement area. The defendants also offer other undisputed evidence that they contend clearly establishes that another male was near JonBenet at the time she was murdered. Specifically, defendants note that unidentified male DNA--which does not match that of a;ny Ramsey- -was found under JonBenet's fingernails. 36 (SMF 173-174, 177; PSMF 173, 177. ) In addition, male DNA, again not matching any Ramsey, was found in JonBenet's underwear. ( SMF 175 ; PSMF 175.) Likewise, an unidentified Caucasian "pubic or auxiliary" hair, not matching any Ramsey, was found on the blanket covering JonBenet' body. (SMF 179-180; PSMF 179-180.) As noted, some wood fragments from the paintbrush used to create the garotte were found in JonBenet's vagina. Thus, given the existence of undisputed evidence that JonBenet was sexually assaulted and the discovery of DNA evidence on her person from an unidentified male--as well as no DNA from any Ramsey--the defendants argue that the inference of an intruder becomes almost insurmountable. As to the above described evidence, plaintiff offers no explanation consistent with his theory of the crime. Finally, defendants note the existence of evidence that they contend establishes, almost to a certainty, that JonBenet was 36 ======================================== on the north side of the house has fibers consistent with fibers found in the carpet in the basement where JonBenet's body was found. (SMF 185; PSMF 185.) Brown cotton fibers on JonBenet's body, the paintbrush, the duct tape and on the ligature were not sourced and do not match anything in the Ramsey home. (SMF 181; PSMF 181.)
  23. I have a hard time with the train tracks theory because one of the two marks on her face really looks like a burn mark, I even thought at first it was a cigarette burn. Maybe I missed it but they didn't adresse the mark in her face, we saw the photo from the one of the back each time. PLEASE BEWARE, THOSE PHOTOS ARE EVEN MORE HORRIBLE LIKE THAT THAN ON TV. I don't even know why because we don't see much, maybe it's because the "rythm" of the pictures is steady, but really, each time I look at them I cry. General link for the autopsy and crime scene photos: http://www.documentingreality.com/forum/f237/jonben-t-ramsey-autopsy-crime-scene-photos-8219/ Specific link for the mark I'm referring to and again please if you're a kind and tender heart like I am, think before clicking, it could hurt your sleep for tonight : http://www.documentingreality.com/forum/attachments/f237/18214d1213070520-jonben-t-ramsey-autopsy-crime-scene-photos-0jonbenetfaceop.jpg The only good thing was the reconstitution of the experience with the spider web, which on the video looked like the old one I can find in my home sometimes in our garage. Because it was asked : a spider take less than an hour to make a small web. http://topics.info.com/_2288 But really, to me, this web seems old and abandonned by its maker. Besides that, I'm happy to know not to buy a taser, since it seems it would energize my assaillant if I tried to use it. I'm appalled Taser doesn't sell it like it is: adderall for rapists. Anyway... the theory in that documentary is Burke did it and the parents covered it. FIRST PART OF THE CRIME: * JonBenét wakes up because she wet her bed ; * she doesn't change but she goes to the kitchen where Burke is taking a late snack while playing with his train ; * Burke tries to stab her with the train tracks because the golf club in the face earlier in their life didn't do the job properly ; * he then hits her with the flashlight he got from.... well, we can assume he got it because he likes to sneek downstairs at night and it's more discreet, seems logical and not farfetched I think ; * the blow to the head didn't kill her instantly if we are to assume, and it seems safe, the skull fracture and the subdural hemorrhage that ensued killed her ; so because he was bored, he watched her die while she cries and bleeds from the mouth (saliva and blood were found on the duct tape) because he's creepy like that ; * he calls for help or one parent finds her dead, thinks "yeah, Burke totally did it because our child is creepy like that, after all, he plays with poop and I'm going to save him from himself" ; SECOND PART OF THE CRIME: * then said parents cover up this and proceed like that ? - attach her on her bed or in her bedroom (fibers from the cord were found on the bed) ; - put her in the basement ; (even if we don't know definitively where she was killed, the basement is most likely where most of the "action" took place with the evidences of urine just outside the room, the shuffle inside the room and the tiny bits of the paintbrush suggesting the garrote was made there) - simulate the rape of their favorite child with a paintbrush ; (spec of wood from it was found in her vagina ; ) or she wasn't sexually assaulted and a piece of wood went into her vagina when the father moved the body ; (not gonna lie, this one would be a relief) - made a garrote and strangle her with it ; (same wood) - evidences aren't conclusive for any side but either they simulated that she struggled to take off the garotte or they didn't. Your choice at that point, some believe there are scratch marks around the neck, some don't. I can't read an autopsy report to save my life but Judge Carnes thought there was indeed signs of struggles ; - but they did put some DNA of an unknown male under one nail ; - tape her mouth ; - put animal hairs (probably a beaver) on the duct tape, making sure it wasn't matchable with anything in the house. And because they had spare beaver hairs, put some on her hands to be thorough ; - cover her with a blanket ; - put one pubic hair and one long hair of a unknown man on that blanket ; - clean her with a brown thingy, putting brown fibers on her, unmatched with anything in their house ; - put touch DNA from an unknown male on TWO separate pieces of her clothes, in an amount that assure confusion (if I remember well, it's 10 times more than the amount of touch DNA found on new clothes coming from the usuals "touchers" : workers, factory, deliverer etc...) ; - put a suitcase with random things... - ...under a broken window, put a mark on the wall and some shoeprints to suggest an intruder ; or they got lucky with that idea because all of that could have just been done when John Ramsey broke into his own home as he admitted freely and immediately when asked about the window (but the grass was still green indicating a fresh disturbance) ; or they lied about the window being broken before that night and broke it then too, shuffle the grass outside the window to make believe of an intruder but forgot the spiderweb. - put fibers of a carpet from the basement on the baseball bat found outside the house to further confusion ; (that one still confuses me, it doesn't seem relevant but I put it there because that evidence exists so...) ; - made some of the evidences disappear : the shoes used to make the footprints, the rest of the ducktape, the brown thingy, the beaver, the rest of the cord used for the garrotte, the end of the paintbrush (but the brush part was left on the tray) ; - if you believe she was tasered, it also disappeared. If you believe the train tracks theory, they just left the rest of it (or even the one used) here to be found ; - forget the flashlight, with which their son killed their daughter on the kitchen counter BUT erase all prints inside and out ; - forget or don't know enough of the details to realize that the pineapple is relevant so they just let the bowl where it was ; - wrote a ridiculous ransom note using their own stationnary, inspired by all the movies they've watched ; - writing in a manner and with the ideal pen, a broad fiber-tip pen, to hide the caracteristics of an handwriting which preclude any expert to positively identify said handwriting or match it ; - make the scene of Burke's crime disappear. What is the kitchen? The bedroom? Did he strike her in the basement? They really got lucky with police incompetence if it's in the kitchen ; no way to find the blood she bled through the mouth or traces of the saliva that runned down the side of her face ; - call the police but managed to fuck up that part too because Patsy didn't hang up correctly and John Ramsey adresses the culprit in such manner it raises furthermore suspicions. Okey then©Fargo. I'm conviced! Burke killed her! Did the parents even bother to check if she was indeed dead when they found her "the first time" before putting in place that charade? *sigh* I really want to believe Burke did it and the parents covered it up. I swear, the more I read and watch, the more I want to! It would suck because I don't like to think of people capable of doing that to a child but at least, I'd know a 9 years old little sociopath and his enabling parents (at least the one still alive) wouldn't get away with it even 20 years later but could this assertion be made with an explanation of the evidences (instead of declaring irrelevant the unfitting and unsexy ones) and behavioural speculations?
  24. It's not to me. If I was afraid, if there was ruckus in the house and I heard my parents scream in panic, I would be very afraid and I'd want to stay where I feel safe: in my room (and under my bed! haha!). I don't believe he wasn't awake, just IF that's the truth that he stayed in his room, he stayed in, listening. It seems unlikely but not impossible. That's the all thing with this case: everything is unlikely. I don't want to pull a Sherlock because you can't. Nothing is truly impossible so you can't grasp ONE theory. All theories are improbable, from the Ramseys Did It to the Pedophile Ring to An Intruder Did It but not impossible. They called their friends and their reverend (the two couples of friends arriverd around 6 AM ; the reverend around 7AM). I don't know, I'm an atheist but seeking comfort in a group setting isn't that a thing with Christians? I'm really asking, there is no irony in my question! The thing that bothers me most isn't as much calling of friends as the 911 phone call, meaning the timing of it. I don't know, but I have a ransom note which says "don't call anyone", I would at least hesitate to do so and discuss the matter (not that I could have a coherent discussion about it with my husband, more of "don't call them, don't call them, go get the fucking money and give me my daughter back" kind of discussion...). Here, Patsy discovered the note around 5h45 and called the police 7 minutes later. Again, I guess this one is a damn if you do, damn if you don't because hadn't they call the police quicky, I could have said that they waited too long to call the police, but this bothers me. But given the bad statistics for abducted children, whether you call the police or not, I guess it makes no difference at the end... But now that I'm thinking about it while I'm writing the thing above, if you want to cover the murder of your child, would you call the police that soon after stating finding a ransom note? You could call your friends (or even better, your reverend) to testify on your behalf: you play the worried parents comedy for them, wait for a phone call you know will never come with them and THEN call the police. Wouldn't your case be better? Red herring? When you think of an abduction, you're less likely to search for trace of a murder, especially in the house, maybe? And that's valid for a cover-up and an intruder theory. Especially when you think that there was actual evidence of a practice note on the same pad. http://www.jameson245.com/bestnote.htm Pages 1-12 were missing. Pages 13-16 were filled with lists and notes and doodles Pages 17-25 were missing - apparently not found in the house Page 26 contained the words "Mr. and Mrs. I" and had some ink on it, apparently bleedthrough from whatever had been written on page 25. Pages 27, 28 and 29 have been positively identified as the pages the ransom note were written on No one has said if page 30 had any "bleedthrough" on it or if any other pages were missing. When John was asked for handwriting samples from both himself and Patsy, he gave them the pads from the hall. There were no fingerprints found on the pad - just one print and that belonged to the CBI examiner. The irony is : it was the Police's fault. They called the people who first compromised that room. http://jonbenetramsey.pbworks.com/w/page/11682461/December 26#8001000AM Time Unstated Advocates Brought Food. "Early that morning, police had called in a team of victims' advocates, trained in helping families through traumatic situations, who arrived with bagels and coffee." (Glick et al. 1998). Time Unstated Advocates Cleaned Kitchen. "After using the kitchen, the advocates began tidying it up, a law-enforcement official told NEWSWEEK. One friend helped clean the kitchen, wiping down the counters with a spray cleaner--and possibly wiping away important evidence." (Glick et al. 1998). That helps understand what the cleaner was thinking. I know I clean when I'm stressed and I'm not alone. Stressful situation --> people making a mess in the kitchen --> I'll help my friend whose to do list that day doesn't include making her kitchen spotless. Regarding the documentary, well, the only thing I was surprised about in this first part was Henry Lee working this case for that bullshit show. I've known him from the Laci Peterson's case and he seemed like a good scientist in that one. Well, more exactly, I've seen him on The Staircase, the awesome documentary about the case but still... That enhanced tape was horseshit, really. You can hear really what you want. I did the test with my husband who knows nothing about JonBenét and except for the Help me Jesus part, he scratched his head. Those experts were just parroting what was reported online. Playing virgins about it was really taking the public for dumbasses. I was super disappointed in this first part: I was prepared if not for a Making a Murderer, The Jinx or Paradise Lost quality or even Killing Fields (which was kind of shity but still compelling enough), at least for some good reporting. The idea that it was originally 6 hours long excited me when I heard about this. But except for production value and the HD, that was bad. They just had their idea and made the evidences fit the theory. I detest when people wave the flag of fairness and unbias and use it to blind people. But because I like the benefit of the doubt, I'll say that cutting the program so much must have left on the floor a lot of the reasoning behind and that's why this first part is so one sided.
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