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Everything posted by Cotypubby

  1. Why are you going on and on about them “kicking her out”? Nothing was said that indicates she was removed from that game against her will. It seemed very clear she was the one who decided to leave and that her leaving fucked up Production's plans. And come on now, a lawsuit? Really? That's funny. 🙄
  2. Actually from what I can see, it looks like Taylor was able to hold herself up and did not let her foot touch the ground. Or if she did, it was obscured in our view. But from what was shown on TV she never touched.
  3. WTF did I just watch!? haha I am dying over just how much the producers plans went to shit during this episode. First with Paloma’s exit killing the Backstage twist and then the complete mess that was that comp. Jasmine absolutely touched the ground when she slipped btw. You see the confetti get brushed aside by her foot. I did love the final match being Monte and Nicole both looking like they were trying to throw it, and both doing such a bad job of it so the other has to slooooowly then try to fall.
  4. Sing-er. Not Sing-ger. I said Truth or Consequences for FJ because I was trying to think of a city that was also a phrase. 😆 The only state mottos I actually know are New York (cause I live there) and New Hampshire (because of Breaking Bad.)
  5. I guess Ben decided to give up and not try to win the game. 🙄 If he can’t do simple math like $10,000 x 2 I am glad he lost. I can’t stand Mayim’s weird pronunciation of “singer” to rhyme with “finger.” And there were like three questions where she said that word!
  6. I love Nicole’s hairstyle and think she looks great. Much better than with longer hair. I’d be happy to see Taylor gone, I hate the women who always try to use their looks to get with the guys.
  7. FJ seemed like nothing but a 50/50 choice between Sodom and Gomorrah. “Cities destroyed in the Bible” tend to always be “Sodom and Gomorrah” so I have no idea how you were supposed to distinguish between the two. Of course I ended up picking the wrong one.
  8. I can’t believe none of them knew to guess The Bronx on that last NYC borough questions!! WTF!? There are only five boroughs, they already asked about the other four, obviously The Bronx will be the answer. 🙄 Sad to see Yungsheng go, FJ was an instaget for me. At least the winner knew it as well.
  9. No, she specifically said they are not safe. That’s why it was not something anyone wanted to get, because they cannot compete to save themselves if they are nominated. Pooch and Daniel are safe, everyone else is not.
  10. No. It played fine for me. Probably was just a glitch on your station. What’s wrong with that clue?
  11. That was a really terrible FJ clue. Unless you were one of the kids in Philadelphia who had actually seen (and remembered!) that pilot episode, how the hell were you supposed to get that? First I thought the date was the clue and the show had something to do with the Moon landing, but couldn’t think of anything. Then I thought “OK, it’s a show with a famous character with a D name” but couldn’t think of anything in time either. Turns out neither of those facts had anything important to do with the answer.
  12. Eh, the actual ceremony is always held within the calendar year after the films came out, but no one refers to the Oscars by the year in which they were held. It’s always the year of the films unless the question is specifically something like “At the Oscars ceremony held in 1996… etc.”
  13. Instaget FJ for me. 1975 is one of only three years ever in which one film won the Big Five (Picture, Actor, Actress, Director & Screenplay) so it had to be Nicholson from “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” (The other two are “It Happened One Night” in 1934 and “The Silence of the Lambs” in 1991.) Also knew the other two films he won for.
  14. After finishing the season I went back and re-watched the pilot, since it’s been several years since I saw it, and when Barry first arrives in LA the very first scene is him stuck in traffic on the freeway when two motorcyclists whiz past on both sides and he yells “Assholes!” Not sure if it was actually a callback or just coincidence but made me go “oh huh! Neat!”
  15. I know it’s been commented on before, but seriously what is up with Mayim’s drawn out pauses before saying correct? She does it on every DD. Eric: “What is… Phoenicians?” Mayim: … … … ”Yes!” Its not like it’s something that has to be double checked with the judges because maybe he meant something else, it’s one word, is it right or not!? Her response should be instantaneous. She did the same thing for another DD he got correct yesterday as well. Could you imagine Alex giggling every time someone hit a DD?
  16. Melee does rhyme with day... I didn't get "bray" either because that was the first clue read in that category and I had no idea that it had to rhyme with "day." Did Mayim say that when she first read the category names? If she did, I didn't remember it by the time the category was chosen and I bet the players didn't either. The category just said something about rhyming so I thought it was one of their regular "the answers must rhyming words" categories and was trying to figure out how to best say "donkey honk" so that it rhymed when the time was up.
  17. I was so certain FJ was “Of Mice and Men” and was so proud of myself for getting it! 🙃 whoops Wow, never would have come up with Catcher in the Rye and had no idea that had anything to do with Burns.
  18. The third contestant not knowing “A date which will live in infamy” is embarrassing. That felt like a $200 level question.
  19. I can’t get to the page with all the shows I am subscribed to. It just shows a list of all the shows. This started same time as the other bug so maybe it’s related?
  20. Oh my God I am so sick of Mayim laughing and acting surprised every. single. time. there is a Daily Double! Why is a contestant finding a DD funny or surprising!? THERE ARE THREE OF THEM EVERY GAME THEY ARE ALWAYS THERE!!
  21. FJ was an instaget for me today, since I know that an Archimedes Screw is used to move water upwards, and you’d need that for a hanging garden.
  22. I really don’t get why the dog product is needed. We just pour water into a old plastic takeout container. This product seems to be solving a need that isn’t there. So if the dog doesn’t drink it all you just empty the extra on the ground, so what?
  23. Missy is 29 right? Why would her parents say they want nothing to do with a 29-year old woman having a baby? She said she hadn’t even told them Georgie’s age yet. This storyline is so weird. It keeps being played like this is a teen pregnancy and she’s 16 or something.
  24. Ugh, I thought we were done with Titi B last week. Now she’s a recurring character I guess? She’s a one-joke character, watching her for longer is sucking the fun out of this show.
  25. I knew FJ was referring to The Godfather but it’s been a long while since I’ve seen it and had no idea there was a character called Clemenza. All I could think of was Vito or Fredo and I knew those weren’t right.
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