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Everything posted by Cotypubby

  1. I was glad they included that! As soon as Jacob said that going to an airport restaurant was a thing to do I thought, “But airport restaurants are on the other side of security!”
  2. Same! I really disliked her being all mopey emotional because a 12,000 year old (!) skull reminded her of an old case. Like, get over it? You’re going to see skulls all the time. I hate when they make the female characters so overly emotional.
  3. Wilde was in the clue. I felt bad he missed it! Such an obvious one, aww.
  4. My only guess is she was not confident in the category and bet that Matthew would get it wrong. If she had bet enough to pass his total and gotten it wrong, 3rd place could have overtaken her. Of course she also wagered $1000 earlier when Ken just told her she was $1400 behind so I am probably giving her more credit than she deserves.
  5. Yes, exactly! As soon as she described seeing a figure with a snout, I immediately thought “grey face with long snout in a room filled with poison gas. Gas mask anyone!?” It was really unbelievable that none of them thought that. I also thought “the female friend did it” as soon as she was featured talking when the victim first woke from the coma. Just the way she was filmed when offering the mint and talking made it obvious that the mint will play a part later, which means she’s the killer. Like the camera was too focused on her or something. But my biggest issue was that the whole setup of this episode made no sense and was so dumb! Every time they showed a print in the dust it was made by something stepping on the dust. Or the arm prints brushing aside the dust. The dust which wasn’t there at the time of the murder… And they tried to say that “oh the dust wouldn’t adhere there because of the oils in prints.” Um, just what kind of “oils” are supposed to be on the soles of shoes?! God this episode made me so angry with all the levels of idiocy.
  6. WOOHOOO!!! Thank God Jake is gone!!! I’ve never disliked watching a contestant as much as I did him. Congrats to Patti, yay!!
  7. Ugh, Jake is insufferable to watch. He reminds me of a douchey frat-bro with his fist pumps and gestures. I have always been someone who would never not watch because of a contestant but after he did that fist bump pop thing after getting the first DD I was this close to actually turning off the TV. The only way to make the show bearable is to look away when he is onscreen. For FJ I said “Oregon and… Idahoe?” 😆
  8. Yes! Ok so it’s not just my device/recording! It was super annoying on yesterdays show and was still there but less so today. Like a metallic echoey sound.
  9. He stopped doing it before saying his answers on yesterdays show. Someone must have said something to him because it was a complete change from Thursday.
  10. I was so annoyed when Hillary got the very last clue and guaranteed Troy would win. Erin was so close! I normally don’t root against people but every single time Troy spoke he would begin each sentence with “Uh.” “Uh, what is *answer.* Uhh, can I have *category*.” Every time. I hope someone says something to him about it between taping of todays and tomorrows episodes.
  11. All of the scenes with Michael in prison are a later timeline 10 or so months after the shooting. The events back in New Orleans are immediately after the shooting. The very end when Via is writing a letter with (Adam’s) baby and Michael getting out of prison are where the two timelines converge.
  12. Instaget FJ. Mather= Salem Witch Trials.
  13. “8mm”!!? 😂 Wow. Wow. ”8mm” as a Spielberg film about a young boys love of movies is possibly the funniest thing I’ve heard all week.
  14. I said Model T immediately though I wasn’t sure that was actually right it seemed like a reasonable guess. I was pretty surprised no one got it. Not really sure why two of them went to Govt bonds… Congrats to Katie!
  15. I legit burst out laughing at Benson’s scream. I can’t believe someone actually thought that was a good thing to add to that scene. Made something really disturbing into a piece of comedy.
  16. But that wasn’t what we actually saw. Every time the kid was shown on screen or in the background he looked distraught and upset. I’m glad they didn’t find some 11th hour alternative motive for the killing to make the kid into the evil monster Maroun wanted him to be and realized getting a plea was the right thing to do. I also did not see any misogyny (🙄) here. Maroun was taking the case way too personally from the beginning and once they showed her crying by the flowers it was obvious she was relating this case to her sister instead of actually looking at the evidence.
  17. There are already tons and tons of deet-free bug spray products being sold for way cheaper than hers. I’m so sick of watching pitches for products that already exist and the only difference is the name. I want to see new inventions and things that aren’t already out there! And yet another dumbass probiotic drink. Another product that already exists and will make no money.
  18. Those wine holder things were ugly. I’ve got no problem with Barbara telling them that. Even if I had the money or need for it, I’d never buy them because they are way too big and unwieldy and unpleasant to look at.
  19. Yeah, that was pretty funny. I can only hope he didn’t see the picture clearly and just named a boxer. I thought of Tom Clancy instantly for FJ but had no idea if he was dead or not. I’ve never read any of his books or seen any of the films/TV shows based on them, but that’s just the name that immediately pops into my head when I think of military action novels.
  20. Yes I know all that. What I am trying to figure out is why Avatar should not be considered a Drama.
  21. The Globes have absolutely put films in categories that don't really make sense before, but I am still not understanding why you think Avatar being considered a Drama is "nonsensical"? What else could you possibly call it? Of all the Dramas it's possibly the one most fitting of that designation. There is more music in TAR & Elvis and more comedy in The Fabelmans...
  22. Bwah? Avatar is 100% a drama. I don’t see how you could possibly think otherwise? There is nothing about it whatsoever that would make it a Comedy/Musical.
  23. The right way to say Houston Street is not an “incorrect” pronunciation. It’s named after an actual person whose name was pronounced “House-ton.” It has nothing to do with the Texas city.
  24. Maybe if we didn’t have all these stupid bits between the awards they wouldn’t have to play everyone off…
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