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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. They don't waste any time between the election and the swearing-in, do they? Is Claire channeling Bruce Banner? About time there was an Eve/Ben confrontation. I did have to laugh at Jennifer interrupting their "private meeting" and Jennifer pointing out they're in a public place. Did JJ and Haley board the UFO that Rex and Cassie came out of? Claire's planning on burning down the entire apartment building, huh?
  2. Haven't checked those yet, I will, though. It seems like there are at least three different videos of the same Love is Like a Dream performance, shot from different angles.
  3. The scenes between "Nicole" and Xander are fascinating. Is it really Nicole? They're talking as if it really is Nicole. Can't wait for the reveal. I love Xander offering Sarah's references for his capabilities. 🙂 I appreciate their interweaving the Claire breaking figurines in with Maggie's story. Ooh, Kate catching Xander and Nicole.
  4. The most egregious example of that is General Hospital, with Luke and Laura.
  5. The hand to hand combat scene needed a serious ten minutes of pruning. It just went on and on. The dogs were great. I don't know how much of what they did was cgi, but if they were really trained dogs, the trainers did an excellent job.
  6. The concert was in honor of Alla Pugacheva, who sang the song originally 25 years ago. The song was written by Igor Krutoy, who is the pianist accompanying Dimash. There's a longer introduction where Igor is introducing the song and Dimash, and saying that he thinks that Dimash is the perfect person from the current generation to sing the song. It's become my favorite of all of Dimash's songs. And that last sustained note is insane.
  7. Have you been watching Days of Our Lives? With serial killer Ben, who is now the sexy supercouple love interest?
  8. Especially considering Ron's love of masks, I have a strong suspicion this is not Nicole.
  9. The guy she slapped is serial killer Ben, now a hero on the show (yeah, it's complicated), who murdered her daughter.
  10. Patchouli body spray? "Talking isn't really our event, is it?" As gross as Xander is, he's really funny. But damn, Eric! Surprising that Xander just walked away after that. I wonder if there will be any consequences for Tripp for helping JJ and Haley to escape. Does Brady really think Xander didn't make a copy of the tape? Why did Nicole look so nervous to see Xander at her door? Kristen, maybe?
  11. Did ICE hire a private plane to fly Haley to China? The agent had to call the pilot to postpone takeoff? Why aren't Jake and Eve with their campaign staff? So Melinda is what, 40? Jeez, Jack is acting pretty manic. I love how Brady family members can just walk behind the bar and serve themselves. Are we supposed to be rooting for Ted and Hope?
  12. She's the only non-relative around. Yes, Melinda! She wants a competent lawyer instead of Justin Kiriakis. JJ's punch was nice. Casey's acting is so good. "Why didn't Haley just fill out the proper paper work?" What proper paper work? She didn't qualify for DACA and she would have immediately been deported if she tried to apply for citizenship. That wasn't a private conversation, Tripp, that was you and Claire having sex. Was that a typewriter ding at the end of the line while Jennifer was typing on her laptop? Wow, cliffhanger shocker. Not.
  13. I'm re-reading Poul Anderson's Time Patrol collection of short stories for the umpteenth time. He was SUCH a good writer, easy to read and his love for history is palpable.
  14. Chloe flaunts her cleavage even in mourning attire. Can't say that I care for Gabi's hair. Could we be lucky and Will get full amnesia again? He was a more interesting person then. Damn, Gabi, just jump in there. 😄 So Kayla warned everybody that they had no idea what the serum was going to do to Will, but now he and Sonny are shocked that it caused side effects. "You've had feelings for her for a long time." Sorry, Sarah hasn't been around for a long time. I wonder what other treasures Xander has besides Rolf's diary.
  15. Aaron Rodgers was an extra on Game of Thrones Sunday. He got burned up with the rest of the city.
  16. I just saw an ad for NBC's "the Village" that said on the screen, "All of the season has lead up to this".
  17. Shows set in military environments will inevitably get haircuts wrong, and nobody ever salutes properly.
  18. Annaleigh Ashford with special guest Jake Gyllenhall Friday on PBS.
  19. Both the President of ABC Television and Susan Lucci are talking about a reboot. https://www.soapoperanetwork.com/2019/05/susan-lucci-all-my-children-reboot-possibility?
  20. Give her a break, she hasn't had a man for a while. 😄
  21. The Jollibee fast food chain in the Philippines always runs emotional ads. This is their new ad for Mother's Day.
  22. Who would accept an appointment from Jack other than Eve?
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