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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. If I were that defendant, I would have been embarrassed to have my daddy come with me to fight my battles for me.
  2. They use the exact same response to every BBB complaint.
  3. I wonder when the Nathan Fillion interview was taped, because they were talking about spoilers from Birds of Prey, which has been out for over a week now.
  4. There are a lot of complaints against Lumico Insurance on the Better Business Bureau page, that sound very similar to this case.
  5. Please tell me that when the baby switch is revealed, they're not going to saddle that poor baby with the mouthful of Rachel Isabella. Giving your kids gifts on Valentine's Day? Is that a thing?
  6. He said he had had a seizure on the way to the show! He really did need to go to a hospital.
  7. I had to laugh when Nutmeg tried to compare herself on the right to AOC on the left. She could only wish. And she was surprisingly subdued with AOC, I think she knows that AOC would hand her her ass if she tried anything with her.
  8. People don't love you, Julie, they're just afraid of you. "I had a cop buddy of mine take Chris in." So, JJ just gets random people arrested even though they haven't committed a crime? How did Lani put her life on the line? Right, Abigail, you have no compassion. We know that. Was that bad staging, or did they intend for Chad to walk between Abigail and the camera? Is this goodbye for JJ and Abigail? Poor Ariana. Both her parents in jail. They unapologetically showed us multiple Bill Hortons in those flashbacks. I guess the digital series has started a trend. Egad, who was that singing horrible? But it was JJ's fault that he shot Theo.
  9. The Bad Night didn't happen till Mother's Day. Did WilSon make it to Costa Rica before then? How does JJ know if she's lying or not? He only knows what she told him. Yes, Julie, please die.
  10. Amie Harwick, Drew Carey's ex-fiancee, has apparently been murdered by an ex-boyfriend. https://breaking911.com/breaking-amie-harwick-drew-careys-ex-fiance-has-reportedly-been-murdered-in-california/
  11. Does a pizza delivery guy really laugh when a guy comes to the door in his underwear?
  12. I wonder if Gabi pushing the button is a fakeout.
  13. "I look awful." No comment. An outdoor wedding at night in the Midwest in February? And where is this wedding? isn't Horton Square roofed? Man, Stacey looks hot in that exercise outfit. Good job of hiding, Ciara and Ben, leaving the lights on in the gatehouse. Why is Lani dressed like Carmen San Diego? JJ standing next to Eli shows a huge disparity in their heights. Shove it, Lani.
  14. Shut up, Lani. "Why would she go after Abigail?" Is that even a valid question? "Why would she go after me?" Uh, because you killed her husband. Can't they decide that Hope is insane and can't be tried?
  15. I saw somebody complaining about a nun being used as a villain in The Rise of Gru, and suggested they should have used a Muslim. 😞
  16. Not really a spoiler, because it's all speculation, but a lot of people seem to think that the Turtle on The Masked Signer is Jesse McCartney.
  17. The thing that really amazes me about British soaps is how much money they actually put into it. The soap Emmerdale has an entire village set, including a pub that serves real beer. Plus an apparently working farm.
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