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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. Why is Brady so reluctant to have Tate tested? He should be willing to get anybody tested who might be a match. Besides, Theresa has custody, it should be up to her. Where were "Marlena" and Stefano having their conversation? That painting of Stefano was hanging right there. If this is Hattie and not Marlena, where is Marlena?
  2. Just saw an HIV pill ad where there was a male couple stroking each other's hands, plus one of the participants said, "Has not been studied in people assigned female." The rednecks are going to plotz.
  3. So are they going to think that Tate is a match because he's related to Eric, instead of being Brady's son and therefore "Mickey"'s half brother?
  4. The CEO of WeatherTech car accessories company has a dog named Scout. Last summer, Scout was diagnosed with cancer, and was only given a month to live. The CEO took Scout to the University of Wisconsin School of Veterinary Medicine, where they were able to fix him. So the CEO has paid $6 million for a Super Bowl ad where he thanks the vets, and started a program where people can donate to veterinary schools.
  5. Disney, NBC Universal, Paramount, Sony and Warner Bros have signed a deal with Kodak guaranteeing that they will purchase celluloid film if Kodak will continue to produce it. A lot of movie makers prefer to film on cellulose rather than digital. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/behind-screen/studios-up-kodak-deals-keep-celluloid-film-alive-1274709?
  6. Yay, we got Show today on the West Coast. Why are John and "Steve" sharing a hotel room? Are we supposed to like Lani?
  7. Watching Friday's show, and of course Abigail has to blurt out the news of Haley's death to JJ in the most obnoxious way. Poor Brady, who can't hold two thoughts in his head at the same time, is having his mind blown by everything going on. They let people carry dead babies around the hospital? So Victor and Xander paid off the doctor. That explains a lot. I'm trying to think of which characters are blood relatives of Sarah. Maggie, Summer, Melanie, Holly, Parker. I don't know if Neil has any blood relatives. Of course Eric has millions of blood relatives. But also of course, they aren't really the baby's parents, so it would have to go into Brady and Kristen's blood families. Maybe they can bring Peter back to do a blood match. 😄 Shut it, Eric, you have no right to be pissy about who Nicole is sleeping with. So we've been seeing Sonny begging and pleading for Will not to divorce him and now he's telling Evan that his marriage ended the night Will killed Adrienne? Make up your mind, Show. So I wonder if Evan is going to go through with it ...
  8. That green shirt that Will wears in the flashbacks always looks like he's sweating through it.
  9. When Ronald Reagan was Governor of California, he got a law passed saying that if parents died owing the state money for medical coverage, their children were required to pay back the money, regardless of their relationship with the parent. I assume it's been repealed, but I don't know. I do know that my mother hated Reagan after that because she had to come up with money to pay off her parents' medical debts. My parents made a contract with the Neptune Society to take care of their bodies after they die, and paid off the Neptune Society themselves. My Dad was a veteran, so his ashes were inurned at a veterans' cemetery, and my mother will be placed beside him when she dies.
  10. One of our local channels runs ads for their news where they just run clips from previous news stories. It's ridiculous, it makes you think they're current news stories. "It's going to be sunny and warm today, so put away your umbrellas." Hey, it's pouring rain. Oh, this wasn't a weather report, it was an ad for their news. I despise this.
  11. We didn't have any TVs in our office, so we all tried to get online to see the news, but all of the news websites were overcome, and we were trying to find decent coverage that was still up.
  12. I was in 8th grade when Kennedy was assassinated. Without warning, the office turned on the loud speakers in the classrooms and played a radio broadcast over it. We had to listen for a while to figure out what they were talking about. I lived in Los Angeles on 9/11, and was driving to work, listening to NPR, when the towers came down. Because I worked in downtown LA, they were worried that there might be more attacks in different cities, so they told us to go home.
  13. The one I detest is the one where the mother has prepared a full salmon dinner and little mister drama goes all death spiral until Mom makes mac and cheese for the whole family. Did she toss out that perfectly good salmon?
  14. Jan apparently stripped Shawn naked and then dressed him in the baseball pants.
  15. I wonder if Summer got Maggie drunk, drove the car that crashed, then pulled her into the driver's seat.
  16. John cost Steve his vision, so it could, storywise, just be Steve retaliating. 😄
  17. One of the most emotional episodes of the UK Who Do You Think You Are was Stephen Fry going back to the town his Jewish ancestors came from and finding out about their deaths during the Holocaust. Unfortunately, it isn't available on Youtube any more.
  18. There are spoiler pics of Eric and Sarah making out on a bed.
  19. I love how Sarah's cell phone apparently has a dial tone. Adrienne's death would have been more dramatic if we didn't already know it happened. There was sure a lot going on at the hospital that night. Victor swapping his grandson's daughter for his wife's granddaughter seems pretty much like not caring about family. I hope we get some juicy scenes of Kristin going after Xander and Victor when the truth comes out. It should not have been the responsibility of Haley to tell Kristen the news. That doctor was irresponsible.
  20. Summer showed up to tell Maggie that she, Summer, has cirrhosis of the liver because she's an alcoholic who inherited it from Maggie, and she's going to die in three to six months. She pulled a bottle out of her bag, took a sip, and left the drink on Maggie's side table. Then left.
  21. I wonder why nbc,com has "Chad and Abby in Paris" on their website, but not "The Last Blast Crew".
  22. Will walking away from Sonny without so much as a kiss was rather jolting. Is that Stefan's ring Gabi wears from a chain around her neck? I had to look up who Noah is, since he doesn't exist. I am loving Andre's sparkly orange tie. Is the Kiriakis mansion out in the middle of the woods somewhere? Chad's blue and green tartan jacket is a thing. Ugh. I'm watching this on nbc.com, and every time they run a commercial, it interrupts over and over again. The video clips of the show run fine, but the ads are practically impossible to get through. He's shady, and we know he's up to something, so it's a possibility
  23. Will had a job, he was working for the Spectator. Yes, that's the original Summer. He'll probably sleep with Evan (if Evan is indeed gay) before Will is released.
  24. Not everybody in Peter's school got dusted, so there's one boy who was a weeby freshman when the snap happened, who's now a hunk that all of the girls are after, and Peter is jealous.
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