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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. It's pretty common knowledge. Abby and Chad know, Justin knows, and Gabi knows. I think everybody knows, but nobody knows where he is.
  2. Maggie is doing the Alcoholics Anonymous program rule of apologizing to everyone they've hurt. Rafe's haircut is doing him no favors. Gabi said Stevano! Ciara: I don't care about David, what about Ben?
  3. Ugh, Lani and Eli are boring! I used to like Chad. Wanna bet that even after all of this, Sonny will continue to live in the Kiriakis mansion and sponge off of Uncle Vic instead, of, y'know, getting a job and finding his own place to live? "I don't give a damn about ethics", says the doctor. "Kayla looked deep in my eyes." Well, eye. Did Stefano drug Chad's drink?
  4. Does the Kisqali ad even mention what it is it's used for? I like how it tells you "Take this and you won't die" (Well, it says that there was an overall survival rate in two tests, but they don't say how many tests people didn't survive in.) And why does it end with a whole bunch of women clapping their hands?
  5. Is that Randy Rainbow in the Pepto ad playing a flight attendant?
  6. She was on the phone thanking JJ for letting her stay in his apartment.
  7. oh, please don't tell me Evan is Orpheus's kid.
  8. Aha. Evan on the phone with somebody. Jordan?
  9. Sarah, you can just f off. If whoever is doing the background check on Evan is so concerned that he contact them immediately, wouldn't they call him?
  10. I've been binge-watching "Vera". Not only is Brenda Blethyn epic (an iron fist in a silk glove), but so many of the shows end with you sobbing in sympathy for the person who got arrested.
  11. The weird thing is that The Federalist is touting Bernie. I expect Meghan to start singing his praises soon. They are both politics wonks. O'Leary actually ran for Prime minister of Canada, and Cuban has discussed running for President.
  12. Considering the size of those cookies, I don't think he has a human sized oven.
  13. Man, this whole show has turned into the Bash Bernie Show. Kevin O'Leary is the child of rich parents, I wonder how he feels about that.
  14. Ha. I thought he was going to go after Will.
  15. So Chrishell is coming back in the spring, so at first I thought it was probably going to be flashbacks, but then it occurred to me, what if Jordan's still alive and she and Evan are conspiring to get rid of Ben? Also, if Galen is leaving, will he leave with David, or will Ben get him?
  16. She couldn't give the repair guy anything when he had zero evidence to prove anything he said! He also looked more like a boxer than an electronics repair man.
  17. I wonder if Evan is going to go after Will if he and Sonny get back together again. Or maybe he'll go after Rafe to get David back.
  18. I think I'm going to have to find other things to do when Rod Blagojovich is on.
  19. I was pissed that nobody corrected Meggy when she threw out the right wing talking point about Bernie honeymooning in the Soviet Union. He was the mayor of Burlington at the time, and he and his new wife traveled to the Soviet Union as part of a cultural exchange between cities.
  20. I was fascinated by how much English the Koreans threw into their everyday dialogue. My biggest huh? moment was, where did the Kims get the expensive clothes that they wore to the birthday party, if their house was just flooded out?
  21. Jacob Young was at an event with Kassie De Paiva, Wally Kurth, and Eric Martsolf. That's kicked off repeated speculation that he's going to be Philip.
  22. She left because Show wanted to relegate her to recurring. They called her Theresa instead of Jeanne because they wanted a mystery about who she was, for about a week.
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