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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. Freddie Smith announced today that he has signed a new contract.
  2. Do you wear a size zero or extra Small? Poshmark is selling clothes Jen Lilley has worn on the show. https://poshmark.com/closet/jen_lilley?utm_campaign=referral_code%3DJEN_LILLEY&
  3. Today's production of Broadway Sacramento was An American in Paris. To be honest, I am neither a jazz nor a ballet aficionado, but i really enjoyed this production. To begin with, the set design, the lighting, and the 40s costuming were superb. I was blown away by the use of flies in the form of panels which were used to project lots of images. And the production of "I'll Build a Stairway to Heaven" blew my mind. The lead was Kyle Robinson. He's the understudy for the tour. The regular star is McGee Maddox, whom I don't know, but I know Kyle Robinson. He's one of the co-founders and -owners of Travis Wall's Shaping Sound troupe, and he was a regular on their reality TV show. I always thought he was one of the best dancers in the troupe, and he did not disappoint today. I have to admit that he is not the best singer, or the best actor, but his dancing was superb. Lise Dassin was played by Allison Walsh. Adam Hochberg was played by Matthew Scott. He was the comedy relief, but he gets very dark in the second act (the whole show gets very dark in the second act), and his singing of "But Not For Me" was great. Henri Baurel was played by Ben Michael. Milo Davenport was played by Kirsten Scott. The entire ensemble's dancing was outstanding. I loved it.
  4. Is Ciara going to hook back up with off-screen Theo? Poor Gabi is going to be stuck in jail for a whole nother week? Are Theresa and Xander going to be a couple?
  5. Is Negasonic's girlfriend in the comic books?
  6. Oh, God. I cry every time. AI: Artificial Intelligence. David curls up into the bed with the dying clone of his mother, to stay there for eternity, and Teddy joins them. Oh, God, I am tearing up just thinking about it. I can't even watch that movie any more, it makes me a sobbing wreck.
  7. The worst part is that they pronounced it "jullyfish". God, I'm tired of that ad. Actually, there are two of them, but they're virtually the same. At least they changed the version with the supposed real life user who screeched like the Wicked Witch.
  8. Juggernaut now officially has the most badass theme song.
  9. He's the son of a Victor brother who is neither Deimos nor Justin's father.
  10. Judge Judy had no clue you can take your Social Security before the age of 65? OMG.
  11. Please don't try to forgive Abigail, Gabi. Aw, isn't Stefan and Gabby's story so romantic? Puke. No wedding drama? In Salem? Ha. At least Show is acknowledging that what Stefan did was rape. Nice Friday ending.
  12. Platini says the 1998 World Cup draw was fixed so that France and Brazil could avoid each other until the final. http://bleacherreport.com/articles/2776691-michel-platini-1998-world-cup-draw-fixed-for-france-to-avoid-brazil-until-final?
  13. I saw people on Twitter complaining about the Sonny and Leo scene, complaining that gay guys take off their shirts last, if at all, not first. I have no first hand knowledge of this information. :)
  14. WHAT is Meghan wearing!?!?!?!?
  15. Ugh, Leo's become even scummier than before. Gabi, DO NOT give in to Abigail, drag her with all the filth you can read. Ugh, Stefan is disgusting. "I somehow made it all about me." That's Abigail's MO.
  16. I'm hearing rumors that Freddie Mercury's death of AIDS is not going to be addressed in Bohemian Rhapsody.
  17. And did you know her father is a politician? We've never heard that before.
  18. I was just coming here to say this. This conciliatory, reasonable person pretending to be Meghan is creeping me out.
  19. I dunno, Marlena's little giggle when John popped the question was really cute. SPD and Hope had NOTHING to do with getting the truth about the murder. Justin should not be involved in any aspect of Abigail's legal efforts, considering he's Gabi's lawyer. It's nice to be able to pop off to South Africa at the drop of a hat. What is it with Sam and h is attachment to Vivian, whom he hardly even knows? Is Chad wearing a velvet jacket? I hope Gabi goes off on Abigail tomorrow.
  20. I'm surprised the Giants game got under way, lots of rain here today, too.
  21. In the wake of the publicity over the Childish Gambino video, news is coming out that there will be a Lando Calrissian stand-alone film.
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