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Everything posted by Willowy

  1. Or most of it was in the ceiling with the Beanie Babies. ;) I watched this all in one day and I alternatively loved and hated it. Some of the jokes were really BAD, but all in all it was pretty good. I'll watch it again. I LOVE PETE. I have - well had (he disappeared off the face of the Earth after a very sad paranoid break) - a very close friend who was just like him and I miss him very much. Didn't know he was actually Australian! I'll watch Kathy Bates in anything, but I agree with Hybridcookie about the dumb laughter - I did read that it's a studio audience though, not a track. I didn't like seeing the talented Richard Kind as a bad guy Fed. That sucked. I was hoping they would redeem him somehow, but no. Like Carter a LOT. Don't like generic sitcom girl who ate too many shitballs. She's boring af. Dank and Dabby. I like them and laugh at them, though her off-putting "John Belushi by way of Jack Black" appearance threw me for a while. Them being "un-high" was a revelation, haha. Doug was WAY outta line at the beginning, and I wanted to put a fist in his face. He got a little too worked up over the lemon verbena (always reminds me of Laura Ingalls and Miss Beadle) candle, if you ask me. I guess because nobody's ever nice to him. Anyone know when more episodes come out?
  2. For those saying that was the jawbone of a baby dragon, I'm not so sure. I think that it was a visual reminder for us of what they'd said multiple times - that eventually the dragons shrunk in on themselves and were about the size of a small dog. Also if that's what's just lying on the surface, imagine what's underground. Aren't there any Westerosi paleontologists around?
  3. Is anyone here living in Austin? There's a big Geeks Who Drink Buffy Quiz coming up and I'm putting together a team. Teams can be up to six people and we already have 3 with possibly a fourth. We all feel pretty strong in all areas except comics. While I do read and enjoy them, I'm inconsistent with the seasons. Please feel free to hmu if you wanna play!
  4. My money is on her knowing perfectly well "what happened" to cause the split. They are 5, almost 6 episodes in already. No way they haven't explained why Simmons is joining the team by now. She either told the writer of the article not to publish it yet, or didn't tell him jack squat.
  5. This is awful. I spent most of last night and all of today over on Whedonesque.com, which has decided to shut down. Totally understandable in light of the devastating news, but the end of an era. That site has been solid, largely unchanged, for 15 years. Those of us that were there from the beginning, and others, have been posting goodbyes.
  6. I KNOW! When I saw him going down then the wights came up from the water hole and grabbed his legs I was all NOOOOOOOO - but YES to Clegane's rescue. SUCH RELIEF!
  7. I'm with those that are pulling for Tormund and Brienne. I agree that he likes everything she is - warrior, statuesque, put-off by his interest... they are hilarious and I think if they ever get together they could be quite sweet. Brienne doesn't love lightly, and it may take a while for Giantsbane to pierce her armor, so to speak, but if she starts to reciprocate his feelings, they could be the most interesting couple on the show. Just because she's annoyed with him now doesn't mean she'll always be.
  8. I hear IKEA rugs are the costumers go-to. :D (this was for all those drooling over Dany's outfit and wondering how to replicate it)
  9. Totally on-board with the "Where did those big fucking chains come from" faction. Seriously? No way 'the dead' crafted those. Sansa and Arya are so Thor and Loki now it isn't even funny. ICE DRAGON!
  10. Hot? Gallant hero? Kylo Ren was an obnoxious, greasy/sweaty, spoiled baby-man who murdered Han Solo, his father. I hope Rey kicks his ass up one side of space and down the other in the next film. Again.
  11. I was really bummed out by Shoshanna's decision to go back. I was really enjoying her immersive experience and her love affair with Japan. And Yoshi! What a sweet puppy-man! How could she just ditch him? She should've just told him the truth (without going into detail) that she wasn't a virgin and put the ball in his court. If he didn't want to see her any more over THAT? Then Yoshi was a turd and she could've gone home knowing that instead of just jilting him.
  12. I read through the first 10 pages here, but skipped through after that - has anyone brought up Drogon's obvious intelligence and cognition with a lot of the shit that's going on around him? I don't know if he reads Dany's mind or what but he practically introduced her when she was addressing the Lannister troops. When he deliberately smashed the scorpion I was like... what? He's a mythic beast and a powerful flying reptile - but how does he know to do that? Then his recognition of Jon, and him reining himself in and not breathing fire until Dany gives the signal, and knowing exactly who and what she wants torched? It just seems to me he's got quite a lot on the ball, like maybe much more intelligence than a horse or dog. Once and for all, ARE the dragons telepathic?
  13. Hmmm, I wonder if Cersei isn't thinking about ways her and weirdo Qyburn could weaponize the Dead Army.
  14. Sure, but I'm saying he wouldn't be all 'chip on shoulder' about it, especially once he knew the circumstance. He'd hear Dany offered the knee or death, and his stubborn dad wouldn't take it even though he'd changed allegiancies before, so... crispy Tarly. And I'm sure a warlike soldier rigid dude like Randyll would've provided a will of sorts for his wife and daughter. What I'm saying is, Sam has way bigger problems and his abusive asshole dad that humiliated him in front of his gal the last time they were together ain't priority one.
  15. @Francie, but don't forget, Cersei herself half-jokingly suggested reaching out to Tyrion. Cersie makes me sick. I'm done with her smug smirking, the ugly faces she constantly makes, and her stupid belief in her own omnipotence. I'm not a huge fan of Jaime but he is definitely the VERY best and most loyal soldier she has. He is brave in battle, a good leader and he listens to reason, and he isn't afraid to present her with alternatives. I hope the wight bites her and she starts to necrotize then Qyburn has to do some weird magick on her that keeps her from dying somehow but still makes her skin all crusted with necropathy or something. She either needs to ally w/Dany for the survival of Westeros, or she needs to die. I'm well rid of her and so are the 7 kingdoms.
  16. Jamie can 'defend' Tyrion all he likes. That's not any kind of 'betrayal'. I didn't get that either, from Cersei. Is she trying to control Jaime with fear? Fuck that, he faced down a fucking dragon, I can totally see him MAKING Cersei listen to his one-armed ass. Jaime knows what's UP.
  17. Maybe, but she def 'appreciated' Gendry.
  18. Why would Sam be angry or feel butthurt by his ragingly abusive father being roasted? He's seen and endured far worse and he's made far better/stronger relationships with Jon and Gilly than he ever had with that stiff-necked thistle-head. He may feel a twinge for his brother but it seems Dickon never really protected Sam from his mean dad... so fuck 'em. I'm not so sure Arya is falling for Littlefingers machinations. At least if she is right now, she may not be for long. She's been taught to see every side, every possibility, and she is a master spy and assassin. Littlefinger is good, but at best he's a classic manipulator and opportunist. Arya is better at this than he is. I hope she gets a chance to show Sansa just how much better at it she is. And why wouldn't she know how to pick locks? That's Spy School 101. Gendry! God I love Davos. Beric Dondarrion's voice makes me feel all melty. Love the rag-tag band of not so merry men, but what is the plan exactly? To sneak up on the dead, then grab one and hightail it outta there? I don't understand their plan but if they pull it off I want them to turn it loose in Cersei's bedroom and watch her smug-ass face FREAK THE FUCK OUT before they charge in and rescue her. Tormund Giantsbane is an adorable force of fearless nature Greek god Zeus made flesh. AND he's hilarious. "Did you bring the big woman?" I was floored... like actually gasped at the beauty with which they are rendering Drogon. He is magnificent, and the way they are framing the shots of him are breathtaking. He had better NOT die. I'm now not so worried about there being poison on the spear as I was before, because Cersei would've gloated about it if there had been. I'm so angry I have to wait a week for more. So much happened tonight, yet I'm like a bingey Netflix child screaming for the next episode.
  19. Dawn Kennedy Maggie Walsh Rona Warren I think that's about it, wait - Riley, but he was really pretty and had some decent scenes.
  20. I'd like to see the Ledas all be 'out' as clones. I'd like to see that they were all the rage for a while, but the world moved on and now they are all just really well-known, but no big deal as far as society is concerned. Maybe some became famous, but for the most part it's just universally accepted now that there are clones running about. That way, no 'super-sekrit' shady organization could try to get their clutches on them again, because they could all just go to the media and say "Yo, this shitty company is trying to trap us, what should we do?" And people could just rise up and protect them. I'd like to see them delve into the new personalities and maybe tell one clone's story each week (one's a famous athlete, one's a junkie, one's a politician, one's a welfare mom, one's a horse breeder, etc...), then have them meet up for the season finale. I dunno, just spitballin crappy ideas, but my point is that they would very likely never run out of tales to tell.
  21. Went through an entire box of kleenex, most of it during the birth scene. I loved the flashbacks, and how then ended it with S's living room and Sarah's smile. Helena is my hero, I love her so much. I hated the weirdness and bad wiggyness of Alison's hair my god! Why did they DO that? And like, two episodes before the show ended? Awful. Rachel's bit was fitting, although I would have loved for her to have just gone in, all the sestras stare at her for a beat, then they go back to talking and Rachel takes a chair against the wall, in the shadows but still there. I know that's way more forgiving than she deserves at this juncture, but maybe we'll see what's up with her when the movie happens. And Fe, always the go-between. What would they have done without him? Love him so much. Loved the new clone, how spunky and cute was she? Helena's bebe names were perfect, and I love how enchanted she seemed with them, and how much of a natural mother she was "Is he poop? He always poop when I eat." Rocks for toys notwithstanding. I too wanted to see Cal and Jessie, but this one was for the women, the sestras... and brother sestra. Art and Donnie were the two XYs and they fit so perfectly in the fabric of the clones' lives that it would've been super weird not to have them. Still feeling uber-emotional about this being the end. I love that this show made me care so much about it. Thanks, John and Graeme. Clone Club forever. xo
  22. I think it was just her 'wrongness' of being there. A rookie from the Academy who's only qualification was that her dad was a serial killer? Ugh. Add to that the resentment at being JJ and Emily's de facto 'replacement', and she really never stood a chance. I'd love to see Blake and Kate again, too. And I was surprisingly touched by Morgan's return. It felt so right to see him in that room again with them.
  23. That would be cool - just please, no Seaver. ;)
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