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Yes! watching this episode, I was trying to figure out if I could do my zoom meetings in a kaftan. Maybe the fact that I have to work excludes me from the kaftan-for-meeting group. Kudos to the costume team, from the outfits to the jewelry and accessories.
They missed the perfect opportunity to bring them all together in this episode. Miranda, in talking the good and the bad of motherhood with her professor, could have easily wanted her professor to meet Carrie, a woman who is perfectly content (before Big's death) without children. And Carrie could have randomly asked Seema, saying she really doesn't want to go alone to this party. And then, Charlotte would have had diversity and all the characters would be together.
I agree with all of you! Carrie not calling 911 threw me off. She could just call, scream into the phone, and then go back to hugging Big, and it would have been more impactful. But not showing her even attempt to call was off-putting. Seconds matter! Miranda and her ongoing foot in her mouth - Miranda was always smart and witty and sharp. If she was thrown off by the braids, I could see her catching herself with a self-deprecating joke "I expected the professor to look as old as me, like when I was in school" or fixing it part way "your hair is different than the website, but I love it! Rock on!" (still cringe, but something that can be an annoyed brush off). Brady - I wish they had either cast or wrote him better than some weirdly horny kid. It was also weird, even in college most people weren't that loud! I admit to being a prude though, and it was really off-putting to see the screen. Also, I wish they wrote him so much better or cast a different actor. For example, I can see Charlotte's kids as a mixture of her and Harry, with Lilly adopting Charlotte's perfectionism and very feminine style, and Rose being more like Harry, a bit rough, easy going, and goofy. But Brady didn't seem to get any of the charm of Steve, or any of the with of Miranda. And both parents were supposed to be smart - Steve might have been a bartender, but he was always reading a deep novel, and eventually became a businessman. Why not show a little of that in Brady? And Samantha. Man. Re-watching the show, I can see why she wanted out. As the series progressed, she became more and more one note while the other ladies grew up. And the "firing" was ridiculous. First of all, Samantha was a talented publicist who also did Richard Wright's hotels and Steve's movies. She wasn't just "books". As others said, they could have handled this so differently, including just a natural falling out. Sadly, I lost some friends as they had kids. Suddenly, I wasn't invited to birthday parties, because I didn't have a kid to bring, and that was their main socialization (kid events). With other friends, it didn't matter, we worked it out (and I'm easy going and accommodating). Was Samantha even Carrie's publicist still at that point? Or, if it had to be, why not spread the blame. "We argued about creative differences, and that impacted our friendship. I regret it, but sometimes, it's hard to come back from that." And then, have her move to London and move on from their lives. Carrie was the glue anyway, we saw that when she went to Paris or spent all that time with Aleksandr Petrovsky. Oh man. Guess I had a lot to get out this episode! Needed to rant!
Did Jessica really say something along the lines that if Barnett picked her he would be a better person (something like a more mature, poised version of himself)? Please. He picked the person he wanted. And he is the person he is, and will turn into the person he wants to be. I'm not saying that a strong, supportive partner can't help a person be better, but just find it silly to say after talking to a person for just a week.
You know, if Scheana admitted she was jealous, I would have felt for her. I get it - she started the show as the "hot" young thing. Former mistress to a C-list actor, then dating someone who was supposed to be up and coming. Famous enough to perform shows and go to recording studios where a bunch of dudes complimented her. First of the group to get engaged, and then married, but still hot enough that guys flirted with her and her ex wanted her back. And then ... it all went away. Instead of a 2 year mistress, she is basically a hookup. Even a guy who seemed to show some emotional interest ran away when the next pretty thing was in his grasp. She is getting too old for SUR, and all of her friends have moved on - serious relationships, married, buying homes, creating careers, etc. So yes, it makes sense that she is jealous that this tall blonde with a good sense of humor and a sense of self-worth isn't really jealous of Scheana's relationship with Max. And Max seems enthralled with Dayna for longer (not that he is likely to be faithful, but Dayna didn't have to buy him an Apple Watch to keep his interest). Admitting it would probably make her feel better, because then she can actually move past it.
As an Indian person, I'm dreading this show. I hope it is a one and done season. Unless it is good. 🙂
I used to kind of like Destiney. But this season she is bugging me. It seems like she wants to put herself in the middle, but then pretend she is blameless. Sorry, but you are just as fame hungry and gossip spreading as the rest of them. If someone told me something about my good friend, I would say "it is none of my business. If this is a problem between the two of you, go resolve it." But, for my real friends, I don't like to gossip, and would protect them first. For all these famewhores - they are open game!
I'm so done with LeeAnne. Where to start? The racism - just disgusting. As someone said, once would have been suspect, but to keep going is just gross. And it is especially bad given everything else that is happening at the border. Just stop, LeeAnne. And you can keep your fake apology. We see you. Next, the sex workers. I don't understand the need to "protect" anyone. Sometimes, we need to be confronted with the realities of the world. I get how this could be a trigger, but why not show a little appreciation for how good you have it. LeeAnna, I don't know about your life, so I'll give you that you have a hard life, and faced adversity. But look at you now. You are sitting on a cushy job, you have a home, you have loving pets, you now have a husband. You drive around in a Mercedes, wearing designer clothing and bags. You got a free wedding, and were able to borrow millions of dollars worth of jewels. The rock in your ring probably costs more than what many of the people around you make in many years. Some may not even earn that much in a lifetime. And yet - instead of feeling sad for these women, or trying to figure out how to help women come out of the sex trade, etc, you just cry "woe is you" I think it is good for Kam to see this. Maybe you could have talked to her about working with organizations that help to employe women in third world countries. She is a wealthy Dallas socialite, married to a wealthy VC husband. She could help make real change happen for people. Isn't being confronted with this one way to shock someone into action? It is one thing to hear the stories, it is another to see there was a real person there, performing the act, being ogled by throngs of men who see them as just objects, and not as people. I'll stop my super long post. 🙂 Thanks for letting me rant.
This episode made me upset. First, I think travel is important. It unites us as a world, and makes us realize that though we are different, we are also the same. It is also a wonderful way to experience and gain appreciation for other cultures, and see the beauty and learn of the travesties. It humanizes people, helping to break down stereotypes and fears of other cultures. So, when I see someone like LeeAnne say something like she wants to go to an English speaking only restaurant (not that everyone has to eat street food, but there are actually Michelin star street foods. I get Kam might be a picky eater, and just want her usual, but why not at least try some noodles or something?
I wonder if Candiace's mom discouraged her from pursuing a path that would lead to her independence (higher education, JD, MD, etc) to keep her more dependent on her. But Candiace doesn't seem to have a lot of drive herself. Is her wig business still a thing? I haven't heard much about it, and the housewives that have successfully launched brands manage to bring it up at least 1-2x an episode (Bethenny and Skinny Girl especially comes to mind).
S11.E13: It's Not You, It's Miami
nenya replied to OnceSane's topic in The Real Housewives Of New York City
I agree with all of you. I hated the way Sonja treated Tej (well, and the way Ramona treats everyone like her own personal servant). His name was not that hard to say, and it is very entitled to completely change it. It was also gross that she was pointing out his flaws and hanging all over him at the same, probably blowing her alcoholic breath in his face. I think it is really hitting Sonja that her old life is over. With her daughter basically and adult, there is not reason for her ex to talk to her any more. She used to be a sought after lady, even if it was just for money and access, and there isn't that. The mean like Harry Dubin dated her when she first had her inheritance - either for the money or to make sure she didn't need to touch theirs, and now those men are leaving. She always talks about how much so and so loved her and wanted to marry her ... except if they did want that, then wouldn't they have asked? I think, as the last of her money goes, it is really hitting home to her that she needs to figure out the rest of her life. Whereas before, she had the security of marriage, that is gone. Then, she had an okay settlement (not enough for NYC, but enough to keep her comfortable) but she messed that up. Then, her other back up (properties, investments) had to be sold to make up for the lawsuit. And now, she actually has to live off of whatever she has left and whatever she makes. No more trips to Gstaad. No more invites to yacht parties. When she was married, her allowance probably exceeded her current income. According to one website, her net worth is around $8 million. If it is, I'm sure most of that is in the townhouse. I bet her liquid net worth is much less. While still lovely and vibrant, she hasn't been able to keep a man (not that she needs one, but at this point marriage is the only financial stability she may have). She doesn't have the business acumen or drive to create or run a real company, she wants to be a "star" but there are no offers. And even her most important job is basically being reduced. Her daughter no longer needs mom like she once did. I think Sonja is depressed, and we are seeing that on TV. I feel sad for her. Sorry for the long post. -
S04.E03: Mistrials Of Marriage
nenya replied to TwirlyGirly's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After
With Elizabeth and Andrei, everyone is annoying. Last episode, her sister was surprised she wasn't there for one of the baby appointments. What! That was so strange. I mean, I can imagine maybe joining a sibling for a check up, but I don't know a single married friend who wanted her sibling there over her husband. But at the same time, if Elizabeth and Andrei are living rent free in the dad's house, then they should be taking care of that property. Why can't Andrei mow the lawn? Can't they borrow a mower or rent one or ask her dad to borrow his? How are these two going to have a baby? Why didn't they wait until he was more settled and had his paperwork? Why don't the people who go on this show want to use logic? -
Dorinda and Sonja - just be quiet. That was incredibly rude what they did to Ramona during her speech. Just let her get through her spiel! If she messes up, it's on her. And then Dorinda interrupted the main person as well! My goodness! How is this behavior okay? I know, since Dorinda was married to an intelligent and wealthy man, she obviously knows everything about everything, but come on!
Shannon Beador: Magic Crystals and Nine Lemons
nenya replied to Lisin's topic in The Real Housewives Of Orange County
1.4 million won't even buy her a house. Weren't they living in a 10 million house before? What happened to all that money? Was it fake? -
Good call on the crypts. There has to be something significant there. After all, the name of the castle is Winter + Fell. Maybe it is still protected by old magic (First men or Children of the Forest?). I wish I remembered more of the books - I'll need to reread them again, to remember more of the history of Winterfell.