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Everything posted by kwnyc

  1. All of those picky things...and YAY for Aunt Vi, nailing the bigoted appraiser. She's an equalizer, too.
  2. Maybe he was a priest, like his brother! ;-) Also thought this was an excellent episode. The show is really finding itself, showing both what the people in the community need & want AND how the sausage gets made.
  3. But he was still married to Laura, wasn't he? And as his spouse, she could say that she didn't want an autopsy, and have him buried or cremated right away. Cremated, probably, because then there'd be no body to exhume. And since ILM, I mean LAM, was a very profitable company, Laura stood to lose a lot of money if she and Max divorced. Arthur had heart trouble. Chances are, they wouldn't have autopsied him either. And it seemed like he had no next of kin. But Laura ended up taking her own life, and a very Poe-ike resolution. Well done, show!
  4. Is Nick Nolte really having that kid of trouble with his voice and speech, or is it...ACTING?
  5. Truth. At least Allentown has Dorney Park, but that's closed in the winter! ;-)
  6. Clearly, YOU'RE still interested in it.
  7. There have also been medical marijuana dispensaries for years here. (In fact, it was a plotline in "Person of Interest" a few years back.) But yes, because of issues with federal law, the businesses are cash-heavy, and there are companies that specialize in providing security and cash pickup. There are so many shops in my neighborhood selling weed that they'll drive each other out of business...it really is up to the city and state legislature to write some regulations that govern the purchase and sale. (NB: It is also now legal in NY to own 10 marijuana plants to grow-your-own).
  8. I think it's smart for Robyn to allow Dee to continue training with Mel...can you imagine your Mom teaching you how to kill people? (Well, self-defense...) And I wonder if the head of the hedge fund really IS going to prison, because all the shit Harry did to get into the air-gapped servers was very illegal! (I'll fan wank that there was some other evidence, because Dante arrested him, not the Feds!)
  9. Speculation: the savvy consultant tells Suarez HE should run for mayor. (After all, he's already been president...)
  10. Killian's been around as a cop long enough to have learned how to be a bully, take all kinds of shortcuts, and play the "poor me" card. (Not to mention stealing what he thought was an extremely valuable piece of memorabilia.) He might even have joined NYPD because he had that type of personality. If there's not comeuppance for his behavior (more than just the boss pulling him off a case) I will be disappointed. And Regina's regret and sadness about what she did as a Narcotics cop (putting away people for selling small amounts of weed) felt real and something she wrestled with. I wonder what that was at the end of the show when she broke away so quickly and said she had to go. Also: I strongly suspect Jimmy Smits' character will be asked to run for mayor by the consultant.
  11. But DARLING...they're SHOW people...they get to order off-menu items! As a theater person myself, this was an especially delicious episode, pun intended, for me!
  12. That's what I thought, too. And I wonder if Charlie pointed Katy's mom in the direction of WHO altered the seat belt. (Especially since her husband confessed to rigging the engine, but did NOT mention the seat belt.)
  13. Does anyone else think Nigel is a passive-aggressive twit? Too bad there is only one queer ghost, because Isaac doesn't have another potential love interest (except for Nigel's lying ex). I find him repellent, but then I have Irish roots (Hetty would HATE me!) ;-)
  14. As a schoolkid in Philly, we had some great field trips: places like the Franklin Institute, the Philadelphia Zoo, Independence Hall, the Betsy Ross House, Academy of Science, Museum of Art (not just for the Rocky steps), going up to the top of City Hall ("Billy Penn's Hat"), and lots of other fun stuff.
  15. I also share the love for the Franklin institute! When I was a kid, it was by far the favorite field trip we took every year. I remember buying a little gadget which let you figure out the day of everyday until the year 1999. I am old.
  16. I know that sometimes tv shows and films use the NY Transit Museum for shoots in an indoor station. And yes, that didn't look like a real station where the body was found...I wondered if they used one of the MTA train yards, or if there's a "practice" station for engineers in training.
  17. I agree with those who felt like the last episode was rushed. it felt like a recap! But damned if it didn't catch a place and time very well...and there was some excellent acting. (Though I can't tell whether I thought Steve's minion was just badly acted or terribly written. I mean, I felt disgusted on behalf of people who are from the Bronx!) The leads were strong, the hair and music were on point, and it was a story I didn't know about at all...now I have to go find the documentary!
  18. What a sad ending. The scene where the two of them, much older and sadder, talking again before their last performance was achingly good. It seems like Richey managed to screw Wynette's 4 daughters out of their mother's estate, though they did win a lawsuit to have her grave marked "Tammy Wynette." The real surprise to me was that George made it into his '80s.
  19. You are too kind (to Jacob!) ;-)
  20. I'm glad the baseball bat came back...maybe that's why the restaurant it was stolen from never reported it! They knew it was a fake. However, the detective still got off pretty much without a problem after having committed a robbery AND passing off fake memorabilia. His partner was right when she pointed out that HE works 3 jobs, but he doesn't want his girlfriend managing someone else's restaurant. He reminds me of a poor man's Steve Zahn. Is Westchester Rich Cop ashamed of his projects girlfriend? Signs point to yes. And they have been borrowing some Blue Bloods plots (I think it's funny that the detective's girlfriend is named Moynahan), and Blue Bloods had an episode where a cop who roughed up a suspect turned out to be a bad actor from another PD. (In which case, since the star of BB is the PC, he went and yelled at the head of the force the bad cop left AND kicked him off the force.) So what's President Santos, I mean Jimmy Smits' angle? Why is he letting a bad cop go unpunished? Is it because George Santos is his secret son??? Interesting that they have the PBA rep so blatantly trying to trade quid pro quo. (The real head of the PBA in NYC has never met a cop he couldn't defend, and regularly politicizes police issues).
  21. I don't t think it's George. I thinks he might be having booty calls with the principal. And of course, the newly-single assistant coach is out there.
  22. I've learned that British geography is malleable. For example, it takes very little time for an assassin to get from Upshott to Grandpa's house, but it takes several hours for a small plane to fly from Upshott to London. As someone who lives in New York City and often laughs at the geographical shortcuts on cop shows, I can respect that.
  23. I also keep wondering when undercover boo finally finishes his assignment, how the heck can he stick around the neighborhood? Plastic surgery? Dye his hair?
  24. I knew Spider would live. Gits like him usually do. The Slow Horse tribute to Min was incredibly moving...and clever. If someone finds the engraved plaque they had made for him (well hidden behind a chair), it would be more embarrassing to move it than to leave it (and if we've learned one thing about MI 5, it's that "Nothing happened, and it was taken care of." Soooooooo British.) I like they they put the names of the agents who have died in the line of duty on a church wall...I believe at CIA headquarters, there's a star on the wall (no name, no info) for every agent who's died in the line of duty. And of course Dickie's fell off the wall. Standish, who isn't an agent, clearly knows far more about the job and spycraft than the other horsies (except Jackson). I assume Roddy did go through the training, as all agents have to do, even the suits and geeks. His thoroughly poisonous personality is nearly as dangerous as a sidearm. Also, for someone who loves his joes and wants to protect them, Jackson sure gets them into some tricky situations. And I'm coming to the conclusion that River really isn't that good an agent. He needs more time under Jackson's tutelage (and I wonder if that's the instruction from Grandpa, who is very handy with the shotgun). Can't wait for the next season!
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