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Everything posted by kwnyc

  1. Imaginary med school is hard, y'all! Hen is capable of being a captain, and I wish that's the direction they had been guiding her in. She handled the situation with the dying man very well. And I am very glad that Bobby stood up for Athena. The two of them have a pretty solid relationship. I just don't care about the body in the foundation. I hope they take care of it quickly.
  2. JEEZ. He thinks that Mr. Reese was a real character. We just finished a rewatch of the show (it's on HBO Max), and were astounded at how good and PRESCIENT it was. Among other plot topics: foiling a pandemic; flash crashes in the stock market; suggesting that with Samaritan choosing the Supreme Court judges, they'd be in place for generations... Helluva show with some really great acting.
  3. I saw her name in the credits, and went YEAH! Poets in the 7/11! ;-) I also liked the moment when Willie Jack offered to atone to Jackie for talking shit about Jackie's brother...and Jackie took it and...didn't hit Willie Jack. And they shook hands. So I think Jackie's going to be more incorporated into the group. With Willie Jack and Cheese dishing out the advice. :-)
  4. I wonder if Janine is sending Tarik money? As part of being a full adult and all. Also: Jersey Shore, smell of cigarettes and vinegar. My childhood!
  5. "Well, no Buck. I didn't consider you because of that personal lawsuit you filed against me, and because you're a not particularly bright impulsive freak. But other than that, keep up the good work." Of course Hen is the best choice for interim captain in a world where there are no other shifts at the house ;-) as pointed out above. And there is no way in the world she could be doing both med school AND working full-time. Unless it's part-time med school, which I don't think they have. (And what happens when she graduates from imaginary med school?) When Athena explained why Bobby was so intent on having activities on the cruise (because of all the bars), it made me wonder why they didn't pick out something a little less stressful on him. Here's to no more Maddie and Chim drama. They actually work well as a happy couple.
  6. I have actually been at a show where someone had a heart attack in the middle (and it was a solo theater show). Paramedics arrived, and the actor left the stage. When the man was taken out, she came back on, closed her eyes, took a breath and went on with it...which I found amazing. (This was the late Colleen Dewhurst). Another time, I was at the taping of a comedy special, and one of the comics had made it most of the way through her set, when they stopped the show and told her the sound wasn't working right, and she had to start again! (This was Marga Gomez). And she DID. Jimmy proved his worth when he brought the mood back (by lying about what happened). And of course, they would edit the interruption out. Suzie Essman (the director) was a standup I used to see years ago in NYC. I'm so glad this show brought back so many amazing women of a certain age in great parts!
  7. Of course the lesbians would have a quorum to kick Deborah off the boat (IT'S A SHIP!) Deborah is smart, wealthy, talented and self-destructive. She won an entire ship over...and got them to throw her off in a 24-hour span. I've been binge-watching, courtesy of Covid, and this show is so healing to my heart. The writing, the acting, and how it plays. I do like Marcus, because he's someone who stopped growing when he went from a fan, in his youth, to full-time employee. And Deborah does know he's spiraling and she's bringing him with her. The downside of the wounded birds she nurtures is that they all try to cut each other out to get more of mommy's attention. Josefina (the head of the house) could probably move on and do other things, and Kiki is also someone who could do without Deborah's patronage, but Marcus and Damien and now Ava, have that enabler/codependent thing going on strong.
  8. I KNEW they wouldn't kill Andy. And we know that Andy can see demons...didn't he see the one in the office when Sheryl was staying there? Also, he is a Buddhist, right? He's called on his spiritual practice to heal his youngest daughter, and to heal his relationship with Kristen (with the burning ceremony). I wonder if he's going to turn out to be a secret weapon for Good? But they have definitely fucked with his mind. Seeing Grace's drawing triggered him...which is why I don't think it's an Andy-double. Good on the kids for figuring out Leland was behind the "Andy's missing" message. WHY didn't Kristen OR Ben snap to attention when Leland's name was mentioned? And yes, all this lack of communication...has he or Lynn (was it Lynn?) ever mentioned throwing the head in the jar down the toilet? FINALLY Kristen mentions to the team: oh yeah, the toilet overflowed with blood. And WHO is Crystal? (The voice trying to scare the kids through the wall?) It's good to know that if you can see demons, you can also kill them with a shovel. That talk by Sister Andrea to Lynn was more useful than a thousand job fairs! (Though, based on the ex-nuns I know, maybe Lynn just hasn't realized she's a lesbian.) I also don't think that's an ordinary mosquito net Sister Andrea gave to David. When Sister Andrea turned on the light and saw all the demons scurrying away, was I the only one reminded of Ghostbusters? I can ALMOST buy that Grace is too traumatized to describe the person who attacked her (she never met Leland, did she?) But how is the Church going to handwave the murder of a Monsignor? And are they just going to let Leland continue to do what he wants? I don't see the Holy See letting him take out one of their guys without a MAJOR response. I'm so glad Good is finally coming to David's aid...I also interpreted the 38 days as how long it will be until the baby is born. And I don't know if it's Leland's seed that fertilized Kirsten's egg...he's too middle management for that. It's somebody higher up. Also: f*ck Dr. Boggs for going from ally to Leland's stooge in the space of a season. ETA: Now that Boris McGiver is out of the picture, I hope this means that Wally Shawn (Father Ignatius) becomes a recurring character.
  9. I also wonder whether that was CGI. I mean, she's a professional actor, but she's also a kid. It could be traumatic to do a scene like that!
  10. Wow! So much ground covered. I keep wondering why Kristen hasn't told David/Ben about Boggs's book. And when she saw the weird language, and the backwards text, why didn't SHE turn the mss. around. She's a little worried...she changed her mind about referring the rich guy to Boggs. But not enough to be careful of what Boggs is doing. As for Andy...I don't think they'll kill him off. I don't know why, it just fits in with the weird way the show makes things turn out. However, we are now at the point where there is a witness to Leland murdering someone (and attempting to kill Grace). So there has to be police involvement, RIGHT? RIGHT?
  11. I felt bad for him. If he still lives at home with his mother (which he seems to), he should be eating better. But the bumps coming off seemed to change his whole attitude. The other two cases both seemed to hark back to the earlier days of the series, where there was a person with a bump (or series of warts!) and it bothered them, and Dr. Lee was kind to them and fixed the problem, and they went on to be happier.
  12. I wonder if she's playing a long game, trying to protect Lexis...but then she's the "ambassador." For WHOM? (Not to mention that she is keeping what's-his-face, Andy, alive). I feel like she's the wild card in all this, but she's not particularly BRIGHT. (And who/what is Eddie?) Boggs is a f*cking idiot. I didn't think he was that shallow. What does his wife make of his behavior? I wonder if he's going to end up dead this season. Also, I bet his book is terrible. It's good that the actor who plays Lexis is turning out to be pretty good. (I wonder if that's part of why she was selected to be the RSM baby). ...and of course, even in a dream, Kristen would nurse a demon baby. Very Rosemary of her.
  13. Not to mention, is Kristen still seeing Kurt as a therapist? GEEZ! As much havoc as Leland causes, I've realized he really isn't a big guy on the dark side. He plays tricks, he's good at creating conflict...but he's not the head of a sigil (that we know of). He was outsmarted by 4 adolescent girls, Sheryl has threatened to cut off his dick. Kristen nailed him in the head with her shoe. So he's a wannabe...and I think whoever calls him on this might bring him down.
  14. Yeah, if The Entity knows everything, why haven't they mentioned (or tried to stop) Sheryl? And her weird doll! Do they know that Leland is kidnapping people and draining their Precious Bodily Fluids? I smell a great big rat. LIke after telling David NEVER to tell anyone, especially Kristen, about their work, they just pull her right in the room and read her in. Poor Ben. He ha the worst luck with women!
  15. I think Kristen knows there's something up with Andy. She wished him "Happy Anniversary," and Sheryl pointed out that it wasn't their anniversary. Sheryl's onboard with having Andy kidnapped and drugged. But then she stood behind Leland and shook her head and nodded to give him the right responses when Leland was questioning him. So she wants Andy alive for SOME reason. The girls are their mother's daughters. And yes, they have grown so much. As for the weird room with the bottles of serum, we haven't had much info about it, but it SEEMS like they are draining some kind of fluid from the people they have imprisoned, and using it to make themselves feel stronger and younger. (Can you do that in an apartment lair?) And presumably, there's only so much you can drain from a body. I had the weird feeling that Andy's going to find some way to either throw off the paralyzing drug, or communicate with someone (or maybe David or Sister Andrea will have a visitation that gives them the message that Andy's alive.) All 4 daughters woke up and screamed that their Dad had died at the same time...maybe that was when he was kidnapped? And yeah, where IS Andy's partner?
  16. The fact that Kristen is Sheryl's daughter AND a basically functional human being is a bit of a miracle in itself.
  17. Not a spoiler, but I think that Dr. Boggs is going to have some kind of conversion experience this season.
  18. I was thinking it's about damn time that the good side is sending help...in the form of the angel who appeared to David in the last episode, and in the one he is seeing in his visions. "Your side is weakening," is something that a losing team actually says. Not that I believe there will be world peace if all the families with sigils are stopped...but they are definitely scoring some hits on Evil. I still don't think that the Friends of the Vatican, or the guy who claims to represent them, are actually that. I think he's there to distract David from the work he's already doing...or to get him to their side. Kristen is showing more Strong Woman this season...good for her. All of them standing outside and yelling and throwing rocks at the train was a great scene. (And given that I hear the same train, just not as loud, is something I wouldn't mind doing.) As fo Sister Andrea Martin, that was a beautiful apology she made to David, showing that SHE (though not most of the rest of the Church) is capable of growth and evolving. It's probably what protects her. And I have a weird feeling that they are NOT going kill of what's-his-face (Andy) on the mountain, but that something horrid will happen to him afterward. I don't see him as changing sides. I have finally gotten that Makob is supposed to be "macabre."
  19. While it's not true that Queen Victoria said "women don't do such things" about lesbians, it is true there was no such thing as "gross indecency" for women. So, yes, there was NOTHING illegal about Ann and Anne's relationship, and I was glad to learn the history about the two women who sued for defamation and won 10,000 pounds. And I also just checked the internets and found that both Anne Walker and Mariana visited the famous Ladies of Llangolyn who are depicted in the linked article (from the British Museum) wearing top hats!
  20. I have been following the coal/canal/railway parts of the story in a way (and Marian's "WHAT?" is one of the finest moments of the show). And because of watching shows like Cranford, and Young Victoria, I know that the railway is going to be huge. So Ann, who has a fabulous business sense, is hedging her bets with the canals, so they will be as modernized as possible before the railway ends up taking over, and looking seriously at investing in the railway; not to mention that it runs on coal, and all her mines will be right there. She was making moves that would make her fabulously wealthy. (A hotel, though? Nah. They are expensive and fail easily...) And note later that she's willing to sell some of her canal shares, and at a price lower than what she was asking. Had the real life Ann Lister lived to a ripe old age, she might have been one of the richest women in England.
  21. It's really annoying that there were only 2 or 3 first and last names back then! ;-)
  22. Anyone else think Billy maybe never kissed a girl before?
  23. This is my favorite thing in the series.
  24. Deirdre O'Connell is the ex-wife. I love her! She just won the Tony for Best Actress a couple weeks ago. She'd damn good and rotten, like the rest of the Tillersons. Will Patton's crazy reminds me very much of Dean Norris, in "Under the Dome" and Dean Norris in "Claws." Maybe Dean Norris wasn't available to play the part. I also just saw Noah Reid (Billy) in a Broadway play, "The MInutes," in which he plays a newbie to a town council. Not as simple as Billy, but an innocent.
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