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Everything posted by kwnyc

  1. I don't trust this "Friend of the Vatican" thing one bit! Especially because David was told to "tell no one," even Sister Andrea Martin. Frankly, I think she's the ONLY one he can trust. And now every time David and Kristen talk, I wonder if it's the succubus. And when they were offering what's-his-name One MILLION Dollars (in Dr. Evil voice), maybe I'm just over leaping for things that are too good to be true, but the initial offer of $80K for the business from his partner was a good one; and while they want to renovate the house, they don't NEED all of the money up front. And when Andy (that's his name) gets a new job, their income will go up, and they will also have the credit to borrow on the remodeling. (But then, I am too damn logical sometimes). Money shouldn't make people blind: at least not Kristen and Andy. They have a home, they have kids in good schools (with a discount because of Kristen's job), health insurance and a steady paycheck. All of this is by way of saying that I agree Andy is going away and Never Coming Back. And David should NOT work for the "friends of the Vatican" and definitely keep Siste Andrea Martin in his back pocket.
  2. Also: Wally Shawn's coming back to life completely healed IS a MF miracle! The church needs to be ON that. It seems like they just sent him on his way...but wouldn't the Vatican be all over a miraculous healing and resurrection???
  3. That was sad and beautiful. One of the small minor notes that grounds Evil in melancholy. And Wally Shawn is always a treat! And David, get your ass over to Sister Andrea Martin and tell her about the demon you are sleeping with! So WILL Kristen's shrink convert? Will Sister Andrea Martin accept his conversion if he joins another religion? And why was the shrunken head under Kristin's bed? Did Rad-G put it under there as her first shot in the war against Kristen's husband (whose name I can never remember.) If that's the thing (the shrunken head) which symbolizes her head of one of the 60 houses, what happens when the head gets flushed down the toilet? And yes, I think what's-his-name DID see the demon guarding Grandma. He has some spirituality to him as well, and probably senses things. I think it was a great idea for the shrink to suggest "normalizing" David in the family life. I would have suggested that myself. As the kids get older, they are realizing more and more that there is evil in the world, and Mom's "demon stuff" is serious. They're young, but they are smart and strong.
  4. CBS hates me. (And other fans.) Football Sunday nights make it nearly impossible to DVR shows on that night, going back to The Good Wife, The Mentalist, Madam Secretary and (yes) The Amazing Race. I'm old.
  5. Well synopsized! Also, I'm glad Dee has a shrink who's been read in on the espionage hijinks. (They had a special rehab for people like that on Madam Secretary! Remember Dmitri went there?) I'm sorry the activist was the trafficker, but the way they built her background, I can buy it. (So maybe the Council Member really is a Good Guy?) Foster care has a lot ot answer for on this show! (Also on Person of Interest, creating the character of Elias!)
  6. Damn. I'm torn between thinking that yes, that was the CIA abducting Robyn, or it was Evil VIllain's people. Though I suspect Dante is going to have to defuse a nuclear bomb early in the next season. What I liked about Delilah's character this season is how they've show her growth as not just a woman, but as her mother's daughter and her Aunt's descendant. ANd thank goodness the show gave her a support network in Harry & Mel before they whisked Robyn away. (I LOVE Mel's BFF delight in finally meeting Delilah). I'm not all that interested in International Intrigue as a long-running plot line. The episodes I like best have dealt with individuals victimized by institutional racism, sexism, etc. It was VERY satisfying when Dante came and perp-walked the teenage douche out of his school. And also well-played when he gave Delilah Robyn's "Equalizer" number. Dammit. They've changed showrunners and we have to wait all summer for the next season. I HOPE there is not a pivot away from the best themes and plotlines.
  7. Wow. Pastor Jeff really is a Howdy Doody-looking hypocrite. The Coopers have been kind to him personally: from George talking him through impending fatherhood to Mary helping him plan his wedding. Missy has even turned to him for advice and guidance. But Missy is showing the hypothesis they worked on early in the series: Sheldon is the intellectual genius, Missy is the one with the emotional IQ of a truly good person. And they're handling Sheldon's adolescence as well as they can. Ian A. is no longer a sweet little boy, but growing up into a good-looking young man. And his having the University President call his mother to "fix" his family shows that he is suffering as well, in a uniquely Sheldon way. George and Mary COULD find their way back to each other with a little professional counseling, but that's just not in the cards. This is how families fall apart. What's the saying: Tragedy plus time equals comedy. ETA: If I were in the writers' room, I'd have Mary & George have a reconciliation before he dies. After all, Sheldon's in Germany and he might not have heard about it!
  8. Bobby needs to work his steps! And WHO is his sponsor? (I know this is ridiculous, but he's portrayed as a guy who is serious about his recovery.) And I REALLY don't buy Eddie being a sort of Handsome Yoda with all the answers after a couple months of therapy. If he can just shut up and slide down fire poles next season, I'm okay with that. Hen & Karen 4eva. And Nia. And Denny. Of COURSE Bobby is going to take Athena on a cruise. It's an old people thing where they eat a lot and see some shows and dance. I hope Taylor shows up every now & then. She and Buck are good as friends.
  9. I did, too. But I was tall, so people just thought I looked young. And back then, the drinking age was 18, so I used to say I didn't get carded once I hit 5'9". My parents did not let me live at school freshman year, but I was allowed to move into the dorms in my second year. (Also, you are not ready for full-time work when you graduate at 19. My parents let me figure out what I was going to do for about a year after I graduated.)
  10. Millwall fans are CRAZY. I can believe some of them are from Poplar. I also read an article that said Helen George (Trixie) suffered from cholestasis during her pregnancy, so they didn't have to look far for that particular plot twist. (Just as two of Jenny Agutter's siblings died of cystic fibrosis, which was a plot point in an early season.)
  11. kwnyc

    S05.E16: May Day

    I called Claudette's death in the first scene. (I do that, and my wife gives me a "no spoilers" look.) So they brought her back to kill her. Ah, well, it's a paycheck for the actor. So May's definitely going to college. (I read an article that says she is currently an undergrad at UCLA). Good for her...they've written her well enough and she's a good enough actor that I'm interested in seeing where she goes. If she ends up in some kind of law enforcement or public safety, it won't surprise me a bit. Yeah, so I guess Eddie is magically healed of his trauma and can return to the 118. (Though a thing he can do as an actor is the physical stuff. The way he figured out there was a fire, and then managed to shatter the shatter-resistant glass was well done.) I'd just as soon see Buck stay paired with Taylor and have Lucy as a friend. Which probably means that there will be a flaming breakup and Lucy will get killed.
  12. On our PBS station, they played the "extra" twice in a row!
  13. I thought the scarf-wearers on the train were football fans on their way back from a big game...they were rowdy and cheering, and at the beginning of the ride, Dr. Turner & Sister Julienne seemed amused by it. The ones who pulled Nancy off the train were actually being helpful...giving the other survivors a hand off (in case of explosion). Nancy seems like she might have a concussion. It occurred to me that the loo might have been the safest place in a crash...she was in a contained space and there weren't other bodies flying around and broken glass.
  14. If you give them food, they will bring you gifts. I learned this on 9-1-1. ;-)
  15. Whoa. They'd BETTER NOT do anything to Sister Julienne & Dr. Turner! Though I think poor tea lady is a goner. And of COURSE the train derails as it passes through Poplar and blows out windows and creates even more casualties... DAMN. This is what I watch 9-1-1 for, not Call the Midwife! Total aside: I realize that in England at the time 16 was the age people could leave school and go to work, but to give a 16-year-old her own apartment and absolutely NO support? Accident waiting to happen. And cast a particularly young-looking girl. One thing that's been consistent all season is the growth of both Sister Frances and Sister Hilda. I wonder if they are prepping them to step up more in case of a long recovery for Sister Julienne? And good ol' Sister Monica Joan manages to keep hold of her marbles in a crisis. I have no doubt she'll be bandaging and picking glass out of wounds and holding babies. Damn. Next week? And it's the last episode of the season? (Shaking fist) Damn you, showrunners and covid!
  16. ...Sister Monica Joan has also always been an adherent to astrology, which is, strictly speaking, not something the Church approves of. She's clearly been a great reader of philosophy and theology in her life, and is always looking for symbols and signs. (And yes, I believe she saw the white stag.)
  17. Interesting callback...last night on a repeat of BBT, Sheldon literally moves out of his apartment because he "can't keep a secret." And bless Missy, who truly has the kind of gift Sheldon has, but for emotional intelligence. There's no way Mandy will marry Georgie, and my guess is they'll have her leave town. How BOUT those hypocrites in Mary's Bible study? They can't wait to show their "holier than thou" attitudes. Pastor Rob is a good guy...and it was disconcerting to realize he's the same age as Mandy!
  18. Me, too. We record the shows, but I tend to delete the "super size" ones that are just the previous episode with a few more scenes. Which episode was that?
  19. It was the alligator lizard that got to me! I could see why they needed to bring it in with the idiot who stabbed himself in the leg, but to bring a wild animal home is really irresponsible! We've had beautiful lizards at our house, so I immediately got on the internets to see if people keep alligator lizards as pets Turns out that they DO, but as every responsible exotic pet owner knows, you don't just take them from their habitat! And it would be better if they returned it to the spot where it originally was. (I don't know if the lizards are territorial, but if they are, it needs to be on its own turf.) Also: they really are biters. I wouldn't want one. And, it turns out, they are endangered! (Thank you Smithsonian/National Zoo).
  20. kwnyc

    S05.E15: Fomo

    But hey! They might have been social influencers! Who didn't fall on a hot rock!
  21. I totally agree with this. One of the things that I hold against the actor is that in the buik, Bree is said to stand around six feet tall. She's literally head and shoulders above most of the women around her (and Roger is just a little taller than she is). I'd think that when you saw Jamie and Bree standing next to each other, you'd go Ohhhh...of COURSE, she's his daughter.
  22. As to the Browns' "committee" riding. up at the end...I'm still inclined to think that as a colony, they had to follow British law. Do they have a warrant? What is the charge? (Remember when Lord John quickly dispensed with the charges against Jamie in the Caribbean? Because they hadn't been properly brought and there was no witness.) I sure hope Jamie has some pull with the Governor...and that everyone Claire's helped with her new-fangled doctorin' remembers it.
  23. ...where all of New York is "Manhattan," including Brooklyn, Queens, The Bronx & Staten Island. ;-) (IRL, all boroughs have their own DA. My DA in Queens actually IS a blonde woman...)
  24. kwnyc

    S05.E15: Fomo

    Solid episode! I like that the Buck/Lucy thing seems to have disappeared, and she's being an active, competent firefighter. The Buck/Maddie scenes bring out the best in both of them, and Rain Man Buck offered another gem: Maddie raised HIM. While it was upsetting to see the mother die...she DID fall 80 feet and they can't save everyone. Eddie was actually useful! And I think they are setting up an arc for May to go to college. Even if she wants to concentrate on emergency services, there are a lot of great degree programs for that. (Also, Athena successfully threaded the needle with May so as not to let her own opinion come through). As for the girl who passed out on the sauna rock...third degree burns? She's going to have a lifetime reminder of THAT. (At least it wasn't a volcano). And yes, I liked Hen & Karen playing detective at the club...and staying afterward to dance. That was fun!
  25. ..but the Nonnatons are Episcopalian, darling! ;-)
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