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  1. I thought that a handle of vodka was a big bottle that actually had a handle on it. Details matter, GH. 🫤
  2. I swear Steve Burton has a sweet crush on Rebecca Herbst in real life, probably for a long time! It just comes right through the screen when they have scenes together like they did today at the hospital talking about the baseball game for Jake. ♥️
  3. Hey guys! Now that the nice weather is here I was just wondering if they have brought back the rooftop bar. I really enjoyed that set and the vibe from it. I think the cast did too! Seems that General Hospital has kept up with their rooftop pool and bar so I was hoping Y&R might bring it back, despite the dreaded budget cuts.
  4. Oh my gosh, how many seasons is she into the show now with her Emmys behind her and she still is so hyped for the entire show? I find it incredibly annoying. It seems like she’s yelling the whole time. And it feels forced and fake and phony. I agree with the post that said that she should go back to news reporting . Unwatchable for me.
  5. Unpopular opinion here, but I didn’t like anything about this episode, and I didn’t laugh once. That Sasha and Nico storyline was just lousy , not into it. It was zany kind of humor to me - yuk. And Sam was behaving like such a jerk, it was really surprising to me. And So was Jay, constantly greeting Flower at the seance. Just obnoxious. So now Carol is dead? That will be sad for Pete’s family especially his grandson. And Carol being annoying isn’t funny to me at all. It’s just annoying. Not even sure what to make of Flower falling down the well. Will have to see what you guys think about that.
  6. So is Natalie going to be hosting and reporting all the episodes now? I don’t necessarily mind once in a while , but I like the other reporters and would hope for a rotation.
  7. I noticed that during the wedding vows, they cut over to a shot of Leslie. I actually did gasp when they did that but I guess I really shouldn’t have been surprised.
  8. Agreed on that one. and yet Kobe seems like such a good guy. Maybe the work situation for him is a little weird since he’s been here, but he just seems even keeled and kind. Hope I’m not missing something. I think he’s a good husband to her. I sure hope so.
  9. Teresa‘s whole speech on the platform before he even got a word out was weird to me. What if he didn’t choose her? but she was very gracious when she thought he rejected her. And I love her she put the ring on her finger lol!
  10. I also think that when Leslie had that angry sort of on the offensive reaction when he came back and told her it was Teresa, I’m guessing that that kind of solidified his decision, if that makes sense. Again, I just don’t get it how she could be so confident that she was 100% being chosen. Of course, we don’t know what they said to each other and we only see a small percentage of what happens. I don’t know it’s just complicated I guess.
  11. Leslie had already picked a wedding dress and written her vows? I don’t know. Advest it was a 50-50 chance for her up until the last minute. I’m glad you didn’t make her go through standing on the platform. But I don’t know Leslie seems to be forgetting that this is a show and a competition and this is the price you pay for getting involved in it and that’s the risk you take. Of course she has every right to be devastated and crushed and all of that but that’s the risk you take. And people say stuff and people change their minds over the course of days weeks months even hours I guess. Again that’s part of the game here isn’t it?
  12. Treesa always sounds like she needs a drink of water or something. We older folks often have that problem due to certain medications. 😉
  13. After reading the Hollywood reporter article, I just don’t understand how he can defend his words about not having any relationship, or practically any contact with a woman since his wife died. Especially since it’s so easy to prove if he was involved with someone, and it seems like it’s sort of has been proved or am I missing something?
  14. https://nypost.com/2015/08/23/frankie-valli-took-me-at-16-and-used-me-in-decades-long-affair/?utm_campaign=iphone_nyp&utm_source=pasteboard_app He used her horribly, but apparently it went on for decades. Sad. Seems like she gave up a lot for him in hopes he would choose her.
  15. I agree 100% about Marlo Thomas. What’s also weird to me is that she seems to have tried to cancel out her eyebrows. There’s something going on there that just adds to the whole distortion of her face. Good grief Alexa just said she is 86 years old. Regarding Savannah and her horrible fashion choices, I also agree 100%. I am all for mixing it up a little bit, but a little goes a long way. Like someone said earlier, regarding the revealing Halloween costumes for Dylan and Savannah, which I also agree, often Savannah just puts together these awful Outfits that are a mix of Little House on the Prairie and grunge, just as an example. And sometimes it just seems weird and unprofessional when she’s wearing some weird choices and interviewing someone or reporting on a serious topic. And now Savannah has written a book about God. Interesting but I’m not sure what to say about that. I’ll have to take a look at it online. Finally, did anyone catch the gang hosting the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting last night? I know that Kelly Clarkson is now the darling of NBC, and it was advertised that she was sort of hosting it, but that’s what Savannah, Hoda, Al and Craig used to do. This year Kelly did a very good job of hosting it, but it was just weird and awkward to me how they would cut back to the four who did their best, but really had nothing to contribute. I guess maybe this year of transition had some growing pains, or whatever, but it just seemed so awkward and useless to keep coming back to them when Kelly seemed to have things under control.
  16. Hello! Just jumping in to say that I’m enjoying today’s vintage episode. Does anyone know what year this is from?
  17. Does anyone know the reason why he met Leslie’s family at a restaurant instead of at one of the homes of the family members or her home?
  18. I still think the “I love you” versus the “ I am in love with you” needs to be clarified with everyone on this show. Maybe almost everyone.
  19. Wow!!! And isn’t April a “therapist”? Maybe not the greatest judgement in real life?
  20. I’m really enjoying the show. It’s the first time in a long time that I’ve looked forward to watching the new episode each week. At the end of the first episode when they revealed that.Sir was living in the basement, I gasped! That hasn’t happened watching TV show in ages for me. I understand, comparing it to other shows, but I’m just watching it for what it is and suspending my disbelief for certain things that don’t quite add up. I really like the characters, the pace of the show, the writing and the acting. Etc. , so that’s enough for me. The show does a great job of keeping me interested, surprising me, and distracting me from stuff each week. I look forward to watching things unfold. Such as more development and the backstory of the characters. The show also does a good job of putting it out there about issues like trafficking, disproportionate coverage of the missing, when it comes to different races. I’m in.
  21. Ugh this whole thing is going to be Jasmine and she knows it and loves it
  22. Eric should report Ridge to HR for ageism. The only other character named Luna that I remember is the one from OLTL.
  23. Whenever I see interactions between D & A, I do feel like I notice a difference lately. I think he’s reacting to whatever her health challenges are at her weight gain. I heard a saying the other day that really stuck with me “women get married hoping the man will change, and men get married hoping the woman won’t change “. Word! my ex-husband was and still is fit and trim and loves exercise and keeping himself in great shape. I was the same while we were dating and married initially for the first few years, but not as intense about it as he. Several years later, I came down with a chronic illness (MS) where pain and fatigue are some thing to deal with almost 24/7. So my body changed and my behavior changed even though I tried so many things to battle the pain and fatigue. Anyway, my point is that the ex definitely changed his attitude towards me in many ways when I wasn’t that energetic fit woman anymore. I’m not huge or anything and people tell me that I look pretty and I do feel like I do look pretty nice most of the time. What I have and whatever Danielle with these chronic illnesses are often called invisible illnesses because it’s often hard to see from the outside and Most people will say you look fine. It’s so frustrating. I feel like this is what’s happening with D and A he is not happy at all about the changes in her in terms of her energy level, appearance, and probably attitude as well, which often can’t be helped when someone is in chronic pain. I just feel like I see subtle and not so subtle differences in the way they interact. Sometimes it seems like he’s barely looking at her when she’s talking, and they both just seem distant and drifting even further away from each other. Maybe I’m personalizing it too much but it’s just seems all too familiar for me with them and I feel bad about it for them. And for the girls all of their girls. Sorry for the long message, hope I sort of made my point!
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