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Everything posted by nicgwatchingtv

  1. You know, I don't know about that. I was really just referring to it's bacterial properties. But in terms of salts, it's probably good to redigest some if you're in a survival situation where one is dealing with dehydration. But it could be that other chemicals in the urine would be too much for a stressed body to deal with. Interesting. I may read up on that sometime. Edited to say: It might very well be a matter of how far along the path of dehydration a person it. A person in the begining stages may very well benefit from the high water content and additional salts, but someone who is further along might not be able to effectively deal with the chemicals and salt and at that point the water to chemical ratio of the urine would be way off.
  2. Seinne’s Date: Arie looked like he was FREEZING during most of his date with Seinne and it made it kinda uncomfortable to watch them. Bachelor production should be able to manage get them a big coat, a cuddle blanket or at least a portable fire pit for these type of outtings. But my favorite thing about Seinne and Arie together is that he seems totally aware that she’s too good for him. Group Date: Krystal’s face during the intro by the retired Green Beret and his wife = It’zzzz so unfair when other people get to talk guyyyyzzzz! And Krystal? With that ‘beneath me’ hand gesture? When they get you to do things that Kelsey Poe did? You’re the joke. A bitch might win this show, but the joke won’t. It’s going to suck to be you when you realize this. To be honest, I’m not even sure if she’s into Arie. I think she thinks she is (which is one of the producers’ main goals-to convince the contestants that they really want the prize) and that she wants him to be into her and is playing the game in order to achieve that. But then she goes on tangents about the other womens’ maturity and how they don’t have senses of self and they’re desperate and that they’re act like they’re in high school? She just seems so broken and unaware. It kinds feels like she’s just looking to cling to anyone that floats by and Arie happened onto her path. Didn’t love the peeing stuff (but for the record, pee right out of the bladder is sterile. An infection free, healthy individual, will not get sick from drinking your own their own unless a a contaminated container is being used). Liking Kedall so much on this date. Tia is still great. I was worried about her there for a minute but she pulled it off. Still think she’s likely to be the next bachelorette because I still think she was cast for that exact purpose. And I don’t think she has much actual chemistry with Arie. And, while she’s been cast as a Raven-substitute, I actually like her more than I like/liked Raven- I think she’s much more beautiful (except the nose which, as others have noted, is weird) and has a fuller, more interesting personality and a less shrill sense of humor. Krystal you are not misunderstood. You are not treated unfairly. Bekah’s Date: Come on, she looks 22. She acts 22. Even without being told that she’s 22, he had to have a good guess that she was approximately 22. And I don’t care at all about their age difference. I think they’re having fun playing together and I doubt either thinks that it’s going much further than that. I do think she was genuinely worried about being kicked off and I do think they’re genuinely enjoying each other and have some genuine chemistry and there will probably be some genuine tears when they part. And then they’ll both be fine. I’d peg her as a potential next bachelorette, but she does seem so young and I think it’s very clear that while she might be open to finding herself in a committed relationship, she’s not really into the idea right now. The Rest: Was that Becca shaving her legs? I don’t need to see anyone shaving her legs. I love Jacqueline’s look and style so much. While getting up to head to the rose ceremony Krystal looked totally shaken-like she could barely manage to stand up and wanted to vomit. She was really worried about not getting that rose. But I feel like she shot herself in the foot there by pulling him aside. Although I think they did finish that talk with an un-shown kiss (I think we saw him start to lean in), he looked tired and annoyed while talking with her and distant while giving her the rose. I really don’t think she actually had anything to worry at this particular ceremony but then she went on yet another one of her needy-fests. Her positives are starting to be over-shadowed by how much work she is. An Ashley was still there?! Sorry to see Brittany go. But she’s going to be fine. I hope we see more of her. Glam-shaming? OMG. And in that one conversation I like Marikh less and Chelsea more (it probably helps that Chelsea didn't mention her motherhood at all this episode) . “I am and have always been Pro-Glam” is the best quote of the season.
  3. I finally had time to watch the episode all the way through and, of course, had some thoughts: The Wrestling Group date: This would have been more fun without the actual GLOW woman coming in and being too much. I just don’t think that this was the place for it. I think it’s quite possible that they actually might not know how to play their characters in middle gear so just weren’t a great fit for this gig (I did watch the documentary on the original GLOW and it was really good) (I also watched the Netflix drama GLOW and loved it). Didn’t blame either Tia or Bibiana for their reactions but I liked that they really went for it once it was time. Thought it was no surprise that Bekah threw herself into it. She’s an actress, wrestling is acting and Really, they all seemed to do good and “have fun with it” once it got started. Every time they showed Jacqueline I thought she looked great and made good comments. We need more of her. Krystal, Shut up. You’re so self confident that you have to ask Arie constantly for both assurances and directions? Well, even if you’re not so confident, stop asking Arie for assurances and directions. Also the “aaahh, has everyone ahhh talked to him yet aaaahhhh?” crap? It’s embarrassing and would be annoying in person. And the way she was holding her jaw clenched while trying to maintain a smile while Bekah was receiving the GDR looked painful…and it showed off her neck wrinkles A. LOT. Is she actually under 30? If so, yikes. Also that convo with Marikh? Could that be fake? Was Krystal really just babbling to a producer-therapist? First of all, Marikh is probably the most beautiful woman there. She’s certainly beautiful enough to have had her pick of men and probably has not had a lot of boyfriends lost to cuter friends. Then, Marikh’s responses were so generic and the shots of her were cut so high you couldn’t even see if she was curled up on the same couch as Krystal. Loved seeing Kenny again. His appearance was too brief and kinda wasted. We need more Kenny. Lauren S. Date: Well, it was obvious that she and Arie weren’t a fit and that he was bored and she was sorta flailing around verbally (which has happened to everyone I think)…but he could have been more polite about it. And so could have Krystal. She was condescending and self absorbed while discussing Lauren’s elimination. Her interest in hearing herself speak was, as usual, more important to her than paying attention to what the people around her were doing, saying or feeling. Dog Group Date: Okay, so at this point I just feel bad for Annaleise. I did listen to a few podcasts this week and apparently she’s been attacked twice by dogs. The first time nearly cost her her eye. She was hospitalized, has scars, the works. That’s a big deal. Then it happened again with a little dog while staying with her grandparents. This might not traumatize everyone, but it would traumatize a lot of people. And the producers of course knew the entire story. That said, with this on top of the bumper car thing, she does seem very easily triggered. Or willing to act triggered. And I really think Arie could have been more gracious and/or compassionate in his last interactions with her, but I don’t blame him for being ready to let her go. Shallow note: I think Annaleise is pretty, but her hair gets really stringy and greasy looking quickly and really makes her look way less attractive than I think she actually is. Do something with your hair Annaleise! I do LOVE the use of reenactments. I hope they find ways to continue using them in the future. Preferably not to mock actual trauma though. Chelsea: My god, shut up. If you’re upset at the mere sight of chidren because you miss yours so much, go home. If you’ve never had the “opportunity for someone to, like, respect me for who I am”, you’re probably not going to get that opportunity on a tv show. And how long did you work on that “I’m here to discover myself through someone else” line? And isn’t that a sentiment that’s actually more likely to be felt about, say, one’s child than a grown man one wants to have a relationship of equals with? I don’t know that she’s a bad person, I’m guessing not particularly, but she does seem pushy and stupid. And I know that Arie has now given her 2 ‘date’ roses (the FIR and this one) but I don’t see much chemistry between them. Misc I liked Bibiana more and more the more that got to see of her. I think she was learning from her mistakes but she should have shut up about Krystal on the group date. I don't know why these contestants never learn: unless you're a very favorite favorite (or, in at least one case, have legitimately entered the friend zone with them), it does not work to criticize another contestant to the lead. I did feel so bad for her at the cocktail party with her romantic setup being stolen again and agiain though—she was obviously set up and I’m guessing that the producers were hoping that she’s flip out and make a huge scene. But I don’t think either she and Arie had any chemistry and he doesn’t seem able to even interact with someone he’s not interested in. At this cocktail party is the first time I’ve ever noticed Lauren B. She’s totally blends for me. My remaining favorites (not necessarily the ones I think Arie likes best though) right now are Tia, Seinne, Jacqueline and Kendall. But I actually like most of the remaining contestants. But there’s SOOO many women left, I wish we could have a good elimination blood bath and really knock these numbers down.
  4. I come up with different theories on almost every viewing, so take this as such: So, right now I'm thinking that S2 has been largely about Michael trying to trick the humans into telling him how they keep figuring things out/why they keep trying. I think Shawn is in on it, but no one else. But it'll be turn out that Michael has changed even though he didn't intend to. But I also think that it'll turn out that not only the humans and Michael have changed, but so have the many demons that have worked in The Good Place. We have, after all, seen several of them talking about how weird it is to not just twist, burn, whatever humans but to actually talk to them. Does this unique interaction influence them? Does Vicky atually care about Chidi. Does Mailman Chris fondly remember hanging with Eleanor? Does Chuck miss not the challenge of working in the good place environment?
  5. I love this show. I watched S1 of it, but I they really had me at Elinor's epiphany and "Holy Mother Forking Shirtballs". And I've loved every minute of S2. But I'm afraid that Michael's next line, right after "Hey Boss, What's up?" will be "It worked". (But even if it is? Michael and Elinor are still sole mates waiting to be revealed. I think)
  6. I just think it's BS that this reporter has now gone to 2 separate casting calls for the Bachelor 'just for reporting purposes' (eyeroll) . Pause: I had started to type that <-------<----------- and then I thought "wait, maybe she attends all sorts of castings just to report on them, I shouldn't judge". So I stopped and did a very brief google search on the author. Now I'm willing to say that I could be missing a lot but....She's really an author. Not a great one, from what I could see easily, but a legitimate one... but also not one who goes to muliple castings just to report on them. So, unpause: I just think it's BS that this reporter is going on multiple castings of the Bachelor just for reporting purposes. She sounds bitter and annoyed and needlessly bitchy in her analysis of the process and judgement of the women around her and I'm guessing that that's because she is. Stop trying to make the bachelor happen for you Allie, it's not going to happen.
  7. I'm a graphic designer and an artist and I know several graphic designers (not me) that make most of their money a year from selling luxury level, custom stationary to rich brides and similar. A single invite can cost more than $11 easy. Catherine is also a graphic designer, albeit much more of a connected one than I am (or have ever tried to me-no jealousy or even respect really. It's just what it is). I didn't see this episode but I assume that she's trying to take that luxury graphic design sensibility mainstream and I don't mind. At least she's always been a graphic designer. Her interest in this type of thing didn't start only after she had a platform; unlike those who become handbag and jewelry designers after they've been nothing but party girls for a couple of seasons of a tv show I mean, I've been around graphic designers and artists when we're all drooling over pricey paper and old school embossing and so on....And while I don't think anyone really would or should pay $11 for a card in a retail store, I don't fault a designer or artist for getting so excited about product that they forget that or just want to make it work somehow. I think it's more about her not being quite savvy enough than about entitlement. Of course, it could work out somehow and then I'll be like "well, yeah, she knew her niche".
  8. Liked this episode and felt genuinely terrible for Sara even before she realized that her mother was watching her again/still. That hole really bugged me too. Parents would have talked, Sara's friends would have talked and Sara would have been suspicious. Even a really honest kid would have caught on sooner to an overly-informed mother sooner. I also have trouble imagining that Marie went years without 'plugging into' Sara's chip but immediately went for it as soon as she couldn't find Sara for a few minutes. Not with what an addict she whenever she had it in her hands. I just do not believe she would have left the tablet alone. (That scene when Sara is trying to text Trick and is lying in her bed all sad and looking at her phone and terrible Marie curls up in bed to see what she's reading....awful) I I did like Trick and Sara as a couple. The childhood playground bonding between them really sold me on the idea that they'd be drawn to each other later, when older, and they seemed really charming together. I can imagine that they helped each other. I felt terrible for him when Marie came tearing into him, leaving him no way to even tell Sara that she was being stalked by her mother without risking jail time for the drug dealing. I like to imagine that with another day or so he would have told Sara's friends who would have found a way to let her know. But I think that they entire episode would have been much better if they'd put Trick and Sara both in their early 20s. Maybe they made Sara so young so that it was believable that her mother was getting away with being a full on stalker, but neither Trick nor Sara in any way passed for 15-18--not in looks or mannerisms-- and it was distracting as hell.
  9. Misc Thoughts: Becca and the her 1-on-1: I like Becca. She seems very normal and likable and I quietly funny (I thought the ‘fix my breaks’ was funnier than it’s been given credit for. I’m not even quite sure that Arie got it). I think she and Arie look great together, but the date bored me and most of the fashion was unflattering (and she seems to wear clothes well so I blame the clothes). She and Arie seem comfortable together, but I’m not sure I see chemistry. And Krystal: God, I just can’t stop hating her. From the way she talked about how she’d handle the motorcycle to the constant smiling and the ‘I don’t want to gloat’ about everything to the airy, candy-coated voice. She does look so much like Arie’s mom that I can’t help but think that that’s why the producer’s got her on this date. Have we ever seen childhood, family movies on the Bachelor before (I do tend to skip the hometown dates; I guess that’s when they’d happen)? Because showing those videos and letting us see Arie’s mom at a younger age really underscored the similarity. And seeing them all together in the living room, if I didn’t know better, I’d have thought it was Krystal who was related to Mieke rather than Arie. Kinda creepy. And she’s just so self absorbed: rushing through conversations to the parts where she can talk, interrupting Arie’s family so that she could talk, breaking into other get conversations so that she can talk some more. And there’s something about how she is constantly flipping her hair and twitching her shoulders that really bugs. The Group Date: I thought it looked like so much fun. I enjoyed Tia, Sienne, Brittany and Chris Harrison a lot during this date/episode. It's the first time in years that I thought CH was enjoying being on an episode of non-paradise bachelor. What’s with Jenna and all the gestures? My oldest daughter is on the spectrum and she will act like that when she gets excited and nervous—I don’t know if it’s possible that Jenna is on the spectrum, but it’s those gestures are so common for those that are. Annaliese and her fear of bumper carts; yeah it’s a weird fear but people have all sorts of fears. I thought that most of the joking about was funny and in good spirits (and wonderfully tongue in cheek), but Jenni’s bitchiness was straight up bitchy. Also, I overall liked Annaliese so much more when she wasn’t focused on that stupid mask. I really like Kendall though it's hard to imagine that she's not playing up her quirkiness (but knowing this show for what it is, I don't really care about that). Surprised too that she'd travel with the seal though. In my (limited) experience, taxidermy in general and vintage taxidermy in particular is pretty fragile. I do think Arie has responded well to her 'nuttiness'. Chelsea: blah blah blah mysterious Blah blah blah motherhood blah blah blah it’s so different for me blah blah blah child blah blah blah….Single parenthood as a personality has never been less interesting on this show and it’s always always been damn boring. Bibiana: Stop playing into the producers’ hands. I mean, go ahead and play into them if you know that you’re doing it….But I’m not convinced that she does. I can just hear the producer(s) behind the scenes to Bibi as the night goes on: “Do you think that it means that Arie’s not interested in getting to know you because he hasn’t spoken to you to yet? Do you think that Krystal’s interruptions may have made it harder for Arie to get to know you? Do you think that if he doesn’t get to know you than you’re more likely to go home tonight? Would it be Krystal’s fault if you go home tonight?” Also, I was okay with her confronting Krystal even though I think she’s all bluster but I hate that “my man” crap. The entire premise of the show is that he’s everyone’s man, but also you can’t tell me that she cares anymore about him than he cares about her. Shallow note: I really do think Bibiana is super cute and I love her face especially w/o makeup (during that ‘everyone sitting around sweats’ scene, she was shockingly pretty) but her neck continues to be almost nonexistent and gets shorter as the night progresses and it creeps me out. It’s probably a stress thing. I know that I carry stress in my shoulders and neck and they will start tightening up as I become more upset or worried …If Bibiana is actually an example of this, I should probably worry about how neck-less that I appear when worried about things . Bekah: I still think she’s a total standout and that she and Arie are having fun playing together, but I’m not sure that there actual 'conncection' is very deep. I do think she’s enjoying herself (which is nice to watch as so often everyone is so serious so soon), that she’s had some great comments andthat we will definitely be seeing her in Paradise and possibly winter games (if she gets let go from this season in time) because she just doesn’t feel like the winner or like a future bachelorette (but I’ve been surprised by who gets those titles before) to me. I will say I can see her being in the Bachelor family for a long time and becoming the bachelorette at some future date. Sienne is impressive on so many levels and she seems so likable and is just gorgeous. Right now she might be my favorite. Pretty, pretty bitchy bitchy Jenny with her candy-cute appearance and crappy attitude and need to take digs when rejected : It’s too bad she doesn’t have a personality as charming as the freckles on her nose. Valerie: I don’t know why because we saw so little of her but I liked her and it’s too bad that she’s gone. About Arie: I don't think he's the most exciting bachelor ever and who knows about his long term intentions, but I basically like watching him interact. He's mellow and actually seems to listen when being spoken to and enjoy his conversations.
  10. I keep expecting and waiting for the childhoods/families of the four main characters to make a real impact on the story line. We know that both Elinor and Tahanis' issues in life were very much in response to how their parents treated them. We've heard enough about Jason's childhood to assume that he is not the product of 'good' parenting. I can't remember ever hearing about Chidi's family/childhood but I expect that, when we do, we'll see/hear about them neglecting Little Chidi due to indecision. I suppose it could be as simple as the idea that the goodness or strength of a person can be directly tied to their willingness and ability to overcome childhood issues. But I hope it's not that simple.
  11. Until I watched this episode of Jimmy Kimmel, I always assumed that Aire got passed over for this and then this and than that ( and so on) season of The Bachelor because some other potential candidate had had a slightly better story. Now I think that maybe they couldn't/didn't cast Arie sooner just because they couldn't get him properly media trained. His poker face is just....No.
  12. Nothing except a lost bet can explain that outfit
  13. Week 1 In an episode or three the show will start to bore me and I’ll probably be sick of everyone, but right now I’m happy that this show is back. The first episodes of this franchise are almost always my favorite episode. I love the crazy array of people, the limo exits, the earnest selling of the lead, the babbling of the new contestants, the predictable recycling of characters and storylines. Some Random thoughts from the episodes beginning: Rewatching the breakup with Emily: I’ve seen a few comments mentioning this and they’re right: her teeth were weird. Do styles of veneers change that much in 5 years? I guess so. Uugh, Sean Lowe is the worst….”they’re not taking the advice”….blech. Also, I suppose it’s just because she’s pregnant right now, but Catherine looks so tired and so over sitting around listening to her husband talk about The Bachelor. Some Random thoughts during intro packages: Maquel: She’s been divorced less than a year from her high school sweetheart so what’s with all the ‘I hope that someday I’ll find love and get married’ stuff. On a shallow note, I think she has a very pretty profile but is boring straight on. Maybe it’s the stringy, unflatteringly colored hair that’s failing her. Chelsea: Thank God, someone brave enough to finally admit that being a single mother isn’t always easy or glamorous (eyeroll). It’s already been said, but I find her resemblance to Olivia striking…but she’s not as pretty, stylish or driven as Olivia and so far she seems to lack Olivia’s weird goofy side, which can be endearing. So basically a sucky (suckier?) version of Olivia. Tia: Sounds like Raven, looks like Becca Tilly. Rumor is that the PTB wanted Raven for the next bachelorette. Now that they lost her to Adam, they are probably hoping to find her replacement in Tia. All the other wanna-be-future-Bachelorettes on this season should probably consider her very serious competition for the job. Right now I’m weirdly enjoying all the Weiner jokes (even the one out of the limo) but those should probably taper off from now on. Nysha: Beautiful adrenaline junky who thrives under pressure and loves blood? So much better than another reality agent. Kendall: Okay, she’s not boring and I like that she likes to do her research and the ukulele & seal sing-along was at least unique. She will probably end up being very charming or totally obnoxious upon further exposure. I can’t imagine there’s a lot of middle ground there. Bekah: I don’t know. She’s very calculating and aware of the camera (any nanny career she has is not her real career-this one is an actress and she practices-which isn’t a bad thing). Love the hair, great smile. Might be annoyingly precious and probably stealth bitchy (which is possibly a good thing) Krystal: I don’t know why exactly what it is, but I can’t stand her and the dislike was instant. She’s got the breathy manner of speaking that Britt has and Britt’s touchy feely approach to things but without Britt’s charm or beauty. Of course, the story about her brother is a sad one and I hope that that situation improves for her and her family. Some Random thoughts during limo exits: Caroline is beautiful (but I think she should try parting her hair differently) but I’m already sick of realtor references. Chelsea gets out of the limo all “yeah, you’re going to like what you’re seeing” but that lifeless, “lot to learn” line? No. I really doubt there’s that much to learn and a contestant having a kid is not anyone’s idea of major revelation. Kendall: It’s never good to be so nervous that you make nervousness your defining characteristic. Sienne: Gorgeous and I thought the elephant cuff links were fun Tia: Another one that needs a new hair part. I know that a lot of people didn’t like her little weiner joke, but I did. It was lightly naughty but was directly tied to her and her home town. I do hope the little toy was one of those tourist souvenirs with Weiner, AR written on it. Bibiana: So cute except for her total lack of neck Brittane: The bumper sticker was cute idea that didn’t quite work Jacqueline: So striking Krystal: No one is comfortable having a stranger ask them close their eyes and the gratitude prayer was overkill but she looked much better here (has her botox softened since the intro package was filmed?) Valerie: Like that she’s just listed as a server and the dress was a good color. Pretty face, but that hair… Bekah: Still very attractive and the dress was a great choice but I didn’t really love the car thing. Is there any chance the car is actually hers? Like she’s really into vintage cars in her real life? Or was it just a gimmick so that she had an excuse to mention that she doesn’t mind that Arie is old? But she did deliver the line with charm. Also she seems very very young. Jessica: Gratitude rock? Is that a thing? Did she just pick it up off the ground on the way to the limo? Marikh: Gorgeous but sigh with the salt and pepper comment. I’m already over the comments about Arie’s age. Becca: Really beautiful with a bad hand tattoo and great dress. Liked the up do and thought the proposal thing was cute-ish. Lauren, Lauren, Lauren and Lauren: When you’re not in the first limo, you’re not in the second limo…in fact, you’re in the “Lauren Limo” you probably spend the ride to the mansion coming to the realization that no one in production thinks that you stand a chance. Brittany T: She’s got it. She’s flaunting it. Ali: Who in production hated her enough to convince her ask a strange man to stick his nose in her pits? Some Random thoughts during the cocktail party and rose ceremony: Mask girl? Knock it off with the mask and talking about the mask and all things mask Chelsea: She’s so mysterious that I bet no one will see it coming when she announces that she’s not there to make friends Arie is very good at listening and engaging (and seeming interested in) these women during their conversations. I actually really liked the mini car race Bekah is perhaps ‘too adorable’ with all the chin tilts and batting eyes and coy smiles and is probably bitchy but for now I think I like her. Arie obviously does too. Contestants literally discussing the fact that there’s just one guy for all these women? Wow, way to grasp the tiniest details about the show. Becca and Arie holding hands and lounging casually together? Relaxed and cozy. I thought she was a lock for the FIR after that scene. Chelsea’s veneer of cold confidence is already cracking even with the FIR. Amateur. Wish Lauren J had stayed. It seemed that there was something interesting there. Glad Jessica left. She was fine and well spoken, but I could not have taken listening to her mention her father and Aries' connection over and over. I’d mention that Amber seems to have bad skin and being seen in daylight is doing her no favors but it seems wrong to mock her while watching her cry throughout her walk of shame. Previews look promising.
  14. Just rewatched this again while cooking (watching episode 1 later today and wanted a reminder of who is who) and it got me thinking: Arie has been “this close” to being the Bachelor at least twice in the last 5 years (and has been mentioned more than 2x) and he’s obviously wanted the gig quite a bit (there’s nothing wrong with that) . In a way, it feels like he’s basically kept himself ‘on-hold’ while waiting for it to happen. By all accounts, in the time since Emily’s season has ended, he’s dated a lot of women and even been in some long term relationships, but nothing has been serious. His last girlfriend of over a year (I’ve read both 1 and 2 years) has said that Arie never told her that he loved her. I assume that that’s because he didn’t. It happens, but a year+ is a long time to sit in a go-nowhere relationship if you’re looking for something more. So Arie probably wasn’t looking for more. Which, again, is fine (as long as everyone knows the deal and everyone is a consenting adult, I don’t care what sort of relationships people participate in). But I think it’ll be interesting to see if he’ll be open to something like marriage now that he got the job that he’s been waiting for. I don’t even mean, “I wonder if it’ll work out with whoever wins his season”, because probably not for a million reasons. But I wonder if in a year or two he’ll end up marrying someone he used to date or someone he met on Tinder or something. Because I think in a very real way, he wasn’t going to be willing to settle down until he got to become the bachelor.
  15. I really ended up liking Holly and Blake too. I wish they'd get some coverage; really ANY coverage would be fine. For that matter, I'd like to see more of all past couples who don't currently have Sean Lowe as a member.
  16. I've always basically liked Catherine, but I can't stand Sean. He makes me cringe too. When people speculate that he's being groomed to replace Harrison at some point, I just hate the idea so much.
  17. You never know for sure but (during Emily's season) I thought that the tide really turned against Arie when Emily found out that, at one point in the past, he'd dated her producer friend and neither had bothered to tell her about it sooner. I think that unsettled her and did so with cause. In terms of Jef, I never saw them as a fit. But I didn't love him (or even like him, really) either, though so many did. I do think that she thought he was cooler than she was/is and that it flattered her that he seemed to think she was cool too. When it comes to Arie or Emily or any of them really-none of them really go into it for love. Most of them are open to it if it happens, which is the most I'd expect from anyone dating (although the show itself does pretend otherwise). I do think a few of the leads have been absolutely resistant to anything 'real' happening and actually aren't open to love (at this point in their lives) whether they're on tv or not. I don't know if Arie will be one of those, but I don't think Emily was.
  18. Was it Peter who, a couple weeks back (or last week- I'm not keeping track), mentioned to Rachel that he'd noticed that she'd had a second glass of champagne during a stressful evening? This comment stood out to me because I was surprised that just 2 glasses would be noteworthy to the bachelors because, traditionally, these people seem to drink a lot. If it was Peter, maybe he really isn't drinking/drunk girls? And that's why he was so weird w/ Rachel tonight--she did seem at least buzzed and a little sloppy tonight. I don't know. I really don't believe he's as physically disinterested as we've been shown. I think there must be other times that we're not shown (maybe to throw us off?) when he's more demonstrative because Rachel herself def. seems to notice and care about what sort of physical attention (as she should) she is receiving. I have trouble believing she's all about Peter physically if he's always as resistant as we've been shown. Of course, sometimes the distance we see is real and not just editing (Desiree and that guy she was into for most of her season). Who knows.
  19. The twins? It's so hard to imagine that anyone anywhere has any more interest in seeing more of those 2 boring, barely-attractive-enough women. uuggghh I don't have a clear opinion on what I think happened with Demario and Corrine, but I basically hope that A) they're both okay and B) neither ever shows up on my screen again. I have no interest in watching either of them put on their weird, unpleasant little shows.
  20. I like Sharleen and her perspective, inside or not, quite a bit more than I liked her as a contestant. I can't imagine how useless I would find the views of some ex-franchise participant who could not make friends within in the franchise and who would not/could not react according to those relationships. Of course, I mean this only in terms of their media presence. Which is the way that I actually know any of thse people e (ie: I don't know any of them in real life).
  21. Leave it to those two to out-tacky and out-fake this tackiest and fakest of shows... which I'm going to miss-because of stupid DeMario and stupid Corinne.
  22. i was pointed to Amy Kaufman on twitter on the media thread. Don't know if everyone already knows about that writer, but she has more details about what happened (https://twitter.com/AmyKinLA)
  23. So I just discovered Black Mirror and have been binge watching it when I finally came to this episode. It was very disturbing and not unexpectedly I'm left thinking about the way people can be warped by revenge and by the way we can accept so many and very terrible things if we're angry or frightened enough. But I was also unnerved to feel sympathy for the woman being punished while a part of me saw the punishment as both brilliant (there's that part of many of us that responds to the 'eye for an eye' type of justice and I'm don't support that approach to justice in actuality). Also: While I think people might get bored with a 'show' like this after awhile (especially during a particular 'run' centered around an particular criminal), I think there's be a real possibility that people would start to sympathize with the criminal and want to rescue them from the cruelty of their sentence. The conversation would definitely shift away from justice and victims' rights to one about the rights and treatment of the convicts themselves (and I would probably be one of those people. Of course, I'd want justice for the victim, but I'd also be appalled that socially we would stoop to the level of the criminal and claim it's moral to do so because they did it first (we should do better and treat each other better than the worst among us has).... So I guess I'm left feeling like....If I just say "achieving justice is hard" it will probably come across as a little too light and trite, but that's kinda the thought I'm left with after this.
  24. I adore LOLO! But I don't think she's high profile so I can't imagine a lot of these ettes know who she is
  25. Usually, I have TB on and kinda watch it while I do other things but I don't really watch it so I miss details so I had to go back and rewatch to try catch exactly how the bouncy house scene came into being. Was the bouncy house a secret from the other girls? Was it something just for Corrine? Was it really a part of the date? No, because it was out front and on the other side of a wall/gate. It totally gave an illusion of privacy to Nick (and Corrine) but it was def set up to give Corrine another chance to tackle him and insure that the other girls catch site of tackling. I just don't buy that Corrine and Nick have any sort of connection. Maybe a vague physical one, but he usually looks uncomfortable with her grabbiness and/or as if he's humoring her (and trying to be polite while being a bit horny). He talks about liking her, but most of the time he doesn't look like he likes her. Maybe he wants to be into her more than he is, but it seems clear that she's a total plant (or a puppet) and Nick is playing along. I wish I knew if she was in on the joke, because she (and her relationship with Nick) is obviously a joke. That said, I don't think Vanessa or any of the girls have anything to complain about. They knew he'd be dating more than one person (and that means kissing, etc more than one person) and they knew that this fact was likely to be rubbed in their faces (because, reality show). I mean, the entire goal of the show (season after season) is to make a girl for special and then show her that she's not the only special one and then film the emotional fallout. Besides, if you DO happen to find yourself on a dating reality show (especially this dating reality show) and the lead is temporarily missing but you suddenly hear a fellow cast-mate squealing as loudly as possible from the other side of a wall and the the producers are pointing at said yelling "Hey, I wonder what's happening over that way", you probably should have to brains to not look over it.
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