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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. Watch Party has another semi spoiler for the upcoming season. It seems that thee will be a time skip again when Season 3 begins. That means that we will likely see Miguel going through physical therapy and coming back to health and Tory (and possibly others) just getting out of juvie. Much of the season will be non linear so mostly flashbacks and flash forwards; not just about Kreese's and Miyagi's pasts, but other events which will link up to the season finale. Collider also did an interview with Billy Zabka and WP seems to think he let it slip about the time jump during it.
  2. My local school district has it's own police force with full police powers. People have a habit of not taking them seriously (like glorified security guards) but they can be arrested by them.
  3. Covid strikes again! I received an email from my immediate supervisor about using file video pre-covid. We're not allowed to use any unless it has people wearing masks or exteriors of a building that shows no people in view. Why? A single viewer complained that people weren't wearing masks when we ran a story on the TSA and we used file footage (branded "FILE") that was filmed pre-covid. This idiot not only can't understand that there was a world prior to this virus, but that the TV station needed to know about it!! I'm certain this "Karen" must have an IQ matching her shoe size, not to mention too much time on her hands! Why is it my job just keeps getting harder and more complicated???
  4. According to this YouTuber, there is a video game coming out that is based on the show and is fairly close to the current cast of characters and plot points so far. It also has a character called "Diaz" who is not Miguel! That means, daddy's home.
  5. First the good news: Netflix released a trailer promoting CK's first two seasons which includes a few seconds of an episode from Season 3. Bad news? CK Season 3 will not debut until 2021. Potentially great news: It seems Chozin will be seen in the upcoming season; he's believed to be the guy fighting with Daniel. This Youtuber seems to believe it.
  6. This could be interesting! Just don't call it "The Wonder Years". There's a million other titles they could have used. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing a twisted Wonder Years-ish series with the family as a bunch of white radicals (think Bill Ayres and Bernadine Dorhn) who have to go on the run after a nasty incident. A bit like the film, Running on Empty.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong but the US/Canada border has been closed for a few months now due to covid. They have no choice but to film in the US. Not that I mind - I like the GA locations.
  8. From what I hear, working remotely will likely become a more common thing. It reminds me of when "downsizing" became a thing back in the 90s; staff gets significantly reduced and the remaining have to pick up the slack. Then the bosses find out how much money they're making with having 1 person do the work of 3-4, so it becomes the norm to not hire additional staff. Now we have people able to do their jobs from home which will likely lead to empty buildings because if the job can be done via a laptop at home, why pay for expensive office space? Not to mention some workers might like it due to being able to do their work in their jammies, being able to keep an eye on their kids (no daycare required anymore) or saving on gas and wear and tear on their cars. The cube farm has come home. Meanwhile, management is happy that their pay and shortened work days are nearing an end. By mid September, they'll be back at full pay. I'll miss this, since it was nice that Bitcheroo was out of my sight once a week. I've been working on some side projects so I'm hoping I can do something else soon. I can retire in about 2 1/2 years but there are days when I think I won't make it that long! My mind has been filled with a whirlwind of plans. I just hope the state doesn't go to Hell before I pay off everything!
  9. Another interview coming shortly to one of my favorite channels! This time, Grandmaster Darryl Vidal (Pat Morita's stunt double who invented the crane kick for the film) will be taking questions and offering behind the scenes conversation! Coming August 14th, 5pm PST!
  10. Ditto! however, there are upsides to the wait: Sean Kanan aka Mike Barnes will be interviewed by Cobra Kai Theory next week! The channel is collecting questions from fans/viewers to ask him! Sure, there won't likely be any spoilers, but it could still be interesting!
  11. I have a hunch Mike will be the next Johnny Thunder. If only because that pink pen is still in Courtney's room and there may come a moment in which he'll grab it and realize its secrets. We also never heard about Mike's mom, so I am curious as to whether or not he really is Pat's biological son.
  12. I didn't know they made a series out of this! It was a classic film made in 1975 called, "Three Days of the Condor"starring Robert Redford. It's a nail biter and awesome film. However, the assassin wasn't female, and those who do end up dead are just to force Redford's character (code name: "Condor") into a corner. Gender never entered my mind. To be fair, I didn't read the novel it was based on, but the material seemed better suited to a film than a TV series.
  13. We have a premiere date for CK on Netflix! It will be Friday August 28th. This will be when the the first two seasons will begin running; hopefully this will build an audience. This could mean that season three may debut in December, which would be ample time to catch up on plot points. Source: one of my favorite channels
  14. Bummer! I remember seeing her name in many TV and film credits. One of those actors that may not necessarily be HUGE but always working. Her name was so distinctive, you couldn't help but notice it. I remember her from the cult classic "America 3000" in which she played the best friend of the leader of a group of women warriors in a post apocalyptic America.
  15. I'm going to be frank here because I've been there (although the dark thoughts were aimed at my tormentors not myself), and there are some things to consider. 1) Do you live in a "right to work" state? If yes, you have to either take it or leave it unless.... 2) You are a "protected class". If you are a minority in which it's illegal to bully (by race, disability, LGBTQ, etc.), then use it and bring a suit against the guy/company. If you can, consult with a lawyer who handles employment issues and see if you have a potential case or not. 3) If you are not "protected", see if you can document every incident of harassment/bullying. Wear a device if need be - they're pretty reasonably priced and can be found online or at spy stores (of course there is also the matter of if you live in a one or two party state but even getting a recording can sink them deep even if you can't use it in court). Also, create a diary and hand write the dates place times and people involved. If you can get a hold of people (ex employees) who can bolster your claims, keep them in your contact list for future reference. 4) Challenge the jerk! If he fires you, collect unemployment. They're making more than a lot of working people at the moment and the $600 bonus from the Feds was extended. Why should you blow through your savings? A lot of people in my area are making up to 1K a week! 5) Go out pounding the pavement for a new job, but keep in mind jerks are everywhere now and bullying from management is encouraged. Think I'm kidding? I hear it more and more from people I know and my own experiences; management wants vinegar rather than honey. It's wrong but that seems to be the climate. If you can, try to find remote work or better still, maybe work from home with a business of your own. Be your own boss - even if it's something different than what you're doing now. I've been looking into doing it myself because I'm getting tired of the life of a wage slave. 6) Two weeks notice is standard, although when I asked a relative of mine (a tech professional) about what I should do if I get offered a new job if I quit and how much notice to give, she said that the two week announcement was outdated and considering all the grief the employers were giving me, that it was OK to just quit and leave them on the spot! But that's up to you and any courtesy you choose to extend to your boss.
  16. I was doing just that! I would burn into the video "FILE" in the upper corner of the video. Apparently that wasn't good enough. So far, it's softened a bit (we have been using that new video of school exteriors) but considering that even file video from FOX and CNN have unmasked schoolchildren, my News Director is an idiot for expecting most of our earlier video to just vanish! Not that we don't have file of generic people wearing masks (we've been doing mask related stories since the mandate came out) but this virus has caused all sorts of chaos for us logistically. If it isn't mask stories or covid stories, we've been doing a lot of school related stories (lots of controversy locally since the school district is at war with the Superintendent and the Governor and it's been non stop) and it's getting harder to keep video fresh. Before covid, he had issues with us recycling video for 30 second videos. We usually cut those from 1-2 minute packages so we're often limited to video depending on what was used to begin with. That's on the photog who shot the raw video. If they don't shoot much video, we have to make the most of that - unstable shots and all! These idiots don't seem to understand that; they make all these declarations without at least talking to us about what we have to deal with daily.
  17. The insanity just goes on and on. The newsroom bathrooms were blocked off and limited to field reporters and photogs only. The rest of us have to use two other bathrooms located down the hall. Most of us are still operating remotely (I’m still in office). HR claimed they wanted to phase people coming back to the workplace but changed their minds. Who knows when they’ll be back. Meanwhile I keep interacting with people are are almost never there. At least parking is easy. Due to the Governor’s mask mandate, I have to wear one when I enter or leave the (empty) building and whenever I leave my bay to use the restroom. This mandate has caused several of our anchors to have rashes around the mouth and mess with their hair and makeup. Bitcheroo has kept her (social) distance from me which I’m glad for. The news director has lost his mind. He told me and other editors not to use “pre-covid” file video because it’s not showing people in masks. Especially video for school children. He wants all stories that don’t have mask video to just have the anchor read the story on air. That would pretty much cancel a lot of stories. I told him TV was a visual medium and our audience would get bored really fast. My immediate supervisor said he’d get file of exteriors of local schools since they’ve been closed since March and who knows when the kids will be back.
  18. @hoosier80 I can't help but wonder if Dip is gaslighting you. Sure she's a screw up based on your previous posts (I certainly can name a few on my end!) but I can't help but think she's purposely trying to get you buggy.
  19. Could CK be getting its own video game? Maybe!
  20. Congrats @bilgistic! You never know - if you impress these guys, they might decide to make you permanent! At the very least, maybe extend your temp status for future projects.
  21. I work in TV news and it's somewhat similar. You have to keep your true self under wraps because someone will try to exploit it to further their own agenda. Considering how many people are getting fired or having their reputations smeared for 10 year old tweets, it's a wonder people haven't shut social media down entirely! Meanwhile, corporate announced they would bring the crew back to the office in phases (imagined my surprised look/sarc). By the end of this month, more of us will be back in the office rather than from tenuous WiFi connections at home. They've installed 4 way plastic barriers on the corners of the cubicles that stretch about 18 inches in all directions. Of course how that will stop a virus, is unknown. They also put "social distancing" stickers on the floor; one in front of the snack rack to protect the cookies and chips in the break room, the chairs were removed (why eat your lunch comfortably??), and reminders to clean up after one's self are everywhere. If only they did that before the pandemic! Needless to say, hand sanitizer dispensers are hung on the walls everywhere! In the bathroom, thee's a "safety door handle" for those us us who don't want to touch a door knob after washing our hands. They also put up a sticker insisting one wear a mask before entering the building (uh huh), and outside the employee entrance, they left red social distancing stripes all the way down the walk, because people are always lined up to enter the building, especially at midnight. By always, I mean, never.
  22. I remember her for her several appearances on Barney Miller. She appeared as 6 different characters in 6 different episodes! "Hi! I'm Lana Lane!!" Poor love starved Lana, who was robbed by her potential suitor when she prepared a romantic dinner! I didn't know she was in her 90s!
  23. Nancy Walker in addition to all her other accomplishments, will still be the waitress who shilled for Bounty paper towels! "It's the quicker picker upper!!"
  24. It was a bit of a rough week. My computer wouldn’t stop crashing due to it somehow never having been updated and therefore becoming somewhat incompatible with other equipment. Then I arrive to the office to find construction work in progress. Seems they’re upgrading the WiFi among other things (yay! more radiation) and not only to I have to deal with noise but someone turned off the AC so it’s getting stuffy! Luckily engineering brought a portable ac unit for me because it was becoming a distraction! We also had to scramble at the last minute due to a 6.5 earthquake in Tonapah this morning. Still don’t have much info on that yet except part of US 95 is closed due to a huge crack in it! Mom just glad it’s Friday.
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