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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. We got Annie!! RIP Ms. Reinking. You were great on Broadway, film and TV!!
  2. In a screenwriting class I took, I asked my teacher (a veteran Hollywood screenwriter) why there weren't many musicals these days. He said it wasn't so much a lack of talent, but the musicians union. It's makes things more expensive to create than a non-musical. I like classic musicals myself as long as the songs are catchy and memorable (and help move the narrative along). Often times that's not the case with musicals lately; filmmakers prefer to use soundtracks with various catalog songs instead.
  3. This reminds me of YT reviewer Confused Matthew. He doesn't do reviews anymore but he had a strong following back in the day. When he reviewed Episode 1, he kept using the phrase, "These Jedi are heroes? My ass!!" especially when he would get to situations Jedi supposedly would not support. For example, Anakin and his mother being slaves (would the Jedi as known from the original film) support that institution? Or leaving Shmi behind? Or.... many other things that supposedly could have been dealt with differently.
  4. From what I understand, if you wanted to "go somewhere", you needed to hitch your wagon to Hsieh's train. Even his closest "friends" were told they were "out" if they badgered him about getting help, or letting them ease up on the 24 hour party lifestyle. Most would agree to shut up because of the goodies he gave them. Jewel, believe it or not, was one of those who broke off their friendship because she saw the writing on the wall. Sounds like a classic tragedy. You'd have to ask the author about that but I'm sure he wouldn't publish this without some backup. Otherwise he would risk a lawsuit. ETA: Forbes just published this. WSJ published this. The man had business decisions done on sticky notes for heaven's sake!
  5. I recommend this for wounds or rashes - whether you're human or not. It's awesome!! Another user left a review mentioning she used it on her cat - and the cat did NOT lick it off!
  6. I was just going to post an article about Hsieh that I just found today. It isn't flattering. It also answers some nagging questions I've had since he came to town.
  7. Well, we had an interesting morning! Breaking news, traffic mishaps and of course, local Chanukah celebrations tonight. The latter is particularly important since this year celebrations are going to be virtual and 1/2 of our morning crew happen to be Jewish and often participate in local events. Then the new anchor read the story.... Anchor: "Tonight will mark the first night of Cha-NOO kah!" Me: [Face Palm] I'm just waiting for the complaints from viewers to come in for that one!
  8. A pet peeve of mine as well. My niece just adopted a Chiweenie (chihuahua/dachshund mix) that was abused in his previous home (at least the jerk went to jail for it!). He's improving, but he's still pretty skittish. She loves the tough cases! How hard is it to be certain you're ready for the commitment of a pet?? Another peeve? Kids' dreams ruined by faux Santas! For heaven's sake, don't tell the kid he can't have a toy!! Especially when it's his parents who are buying it for him anyway!!
  9. A few blind items for December courtesy of Entertainment Lawyer: Kinky much? I guess men aren't the only ones....
  10. So sad to hear about Lander! Squiggy will always be his best know role/character but he did quite a bit of voice acting as well. He was the voice of the head weasel in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?" and WAY back, he voiced Jerry Lewis in "Will The Real Jerry Lewis Please Sit Down?" cartoon.
  11. I remember him from Happy Days as the head of the ROTC at the HS the gang had to attend. "I coulda been a 'Sir'! I shoulda been a 'Sir' "
  12. I'm certain it will considering the money involved. Here in LV, people are demanding statues be built in his honor. Meanwhile, it seems Hsieh had a drug problem and paranoia lead him to barricade himself in the storage area of the house. He also liked candles for atmosphere and it would seem that lead to the fire that would claim his life. None of this has been reported in LV media for the most part.
  13. The mystery continues with Tony Hsieh's death. Some other sources from CT mentioned the recordings from the FD mentioning he was "trapped" in the room, another recording used the word, "barricaded". The Courant reports he was found in the basement. Radio transmissions can be heard here as they are archived. The house itself didn't belong to Hsieh or his family but a LV musician. None of this is making any sense!
  14. I happened to be watching Decades Channel and the Danny Thomas Roast popped up (1976). Dietrich was one of the roasters! I saw it on the front pages of the LV RJ! Talk about the LAST person you'd think would end up in the obits! He indeed did a lot of great works here in Las Vegas and Downtown LV specifically. He died in a fire at his home - which was a trailer. Yup, despite his wealth, he chose to live downtown in a trailer park. I don't know how the fire started, but, based on experience from previous fires, it wouldn't take long for the trailer to be consumed quickly. So sorry for the tragedy!
  15. This reminds me of a story my dad told me that he witnessed some decades ago: The BQE (Brooklyn Queens Expressway) was full of bumper to bumper traffic; no one was moving. He saw a guy honk the horn relentlessly at the guy in front of him, as if that guy could move. Then that man got out of his car, took out an ax from the trunk, went to the honking car and began attacking the hood of the car. After a few chops, he calmly went back into his car and sat quietly until the traffic finally began to move. Pet Peeve: People who honk when they really shouldn't.
  16. I remember those commercials fondly!! I didn't know she was still alive up to now. Nice to know she lived a long life. Mother Nature has retired. There used to be a few spoofs related to the character; I remember one from "What's Happening!" when Mamma (Mabel King), played a similar role to help Rerun (Freddy Stubbs) get loose from a cult that worshipped a head of lettuce.
  17. Well, after another episode of "Family Law", I nearly blew a gasket with one of their legal plots! The episode was largely focused on babies and responsibility. In one plot, a 16 year old boy fathered a child with his girlfriend. He chose to keep the baby and raise it with his father. They went to the firm to get an order from the court to make the baby mamma's family kick in some child support. The girl was told by her parents to ignore the baby and move on with her life as she is too young to be a parent and should focus on her future. This on it's own is bad enough, but what got me steamed was the lawyer plotted to have the teens get back together, marry (in another state where they didn't require parental permission), become legal adults and raise the kid! Plus make the girl's family kick in some dough. The other option was for the baby to be raised out of state with baby daddy's mother who would likely get full custody eventually since he's a kid who is still in school and working part time at a fast food joint. That couldn't have been more irresponsible!!! Not once did anyone ever consider putting the baby up for adoption when it was born (the girl mentioned she considered aborting it but was talked out of it) - which honestly would have been the best solution from the start! What are the odds these 16 year old children are going to stay together much less raise a kid and finish school and find a career? These days, the one you dated in HS or college is usually not the best marriage material. The baby daddy was adamant about keeping the kid because he loved it. Fair enough, but love is not enough and he seemed more like a child who refused to part with his favorite toy!
  18. That's why it's called, "programming". True! I've heard of more than one instance in which [soap] actors were accosted on the street and admonished for the bad things they did in character! I feel sorry for the people who are that lost. It depends on the state since some never shut down and continued to thrive while others didn't. If working outside the home isn't an option, at least one could make money and keep busy working remotely rather than doing nothing.
  19. Not the first time I've heard this from wives with retired husbands. See if you can get him a new hobby - or rediscover an old one. If it's something you can do together all the better! Retirement shouldn't mean staying at home in front of the TV or computer all the time. He needs to keep his mind and body active somehow.
  20. I was afraid to link it to an actual episode because "they" might try to have it taken down. If you search the 'net, you'll find some. The opening credits were filmed using the actors who recorded the songs and played the band for live performances, not the cartoon versions. Interesting you mention Scooby - they were direct competition to the show, both debuting on Saturday morning in September, 1969.
  21. His son, Noel Blanc did say in interviews that Mel's "real voice" sounded like Sylvester - without the lisp. But there have been worthy successors who have been voicing Loony Toons characters. Most recently they've worked on The Looney Toons Show on CN and a few other projects.
  22. Funny after all this time spent in lock up, no one thought to add some BIs to solve: Why do they call it "throuple?" Whatever happened to "threesome"? We know they're not referring to Alex Trebek since he just passed on. Could it be Ryan Seacrest? Kathy Gifford? Who's been looking ill lately? Speaking of the internet: Have at it!!
  23. That's awesome! I wonder if they'll also use the original interstitials? I used to see them in the 70s-80s syndicated reruns but not recently. The commercial that annoys me at the moment is the car commercial in which the dejected girl comes out of a boxing gym and tells her mother that [the boxing instructor] told her to try dance lessons instead. Naturally, mom talks about not compromising (ie. the car) and to go for it if that's what she wants to do. Cut to the kid hitting the punching bag so softly, dare I say it? - she hits like a girl! Little girl, maybe the reason the instructor told you to take up something else wasn't because he doesn't think girls can't train to box, but because you suck at it and he just wants to save your mom the money?
  24. It depends on the district they work in and if unions are involved or not. My sister is a Special Ed teacher and they are paid fairly well for the area. However the district (Clark County NV) is so screwed up, they create their own problems! Many people who come here to teach (some retired from other professions but are licensed to teach) and have told me about how despite having more than one Masters (and a doctorate or two!) they are refused additional pay beyond what a teacher with one Masters Degree (in Education) is paid. Meanwhile these people have multiple degrees in great subjects like Math, English, and various sciences. Which comes to my pet peeve of the hour - when outsiders are hired to do a job an insider could have done (and is likely more qualified for) and then when everything goes to Hell because the outsider couldn't handle the job, they are given a golden parachute and go screw up some other outfit! I think in some cases it is deserved. For example, in my job, I think I deserve more money because I produce more. As a video editor for the AM news show, my edit partner and I are editing almost every scrap of video for a 5 hour news show non stop - even as the show is airing! We get last minute notice on changed stories, we order video, download online stuff, edit graphics, etc. and yet those who work on the PM show by comparison, have it super easy! They edit about 1/2 dozen videos at most (reporters on that shift often edit their own videos) and everything is tied up with a bow by the time the show airs! Sometimes I don't mind it because some words or phrases need to be shortened! Veggies was a word we used only occasionally - and that's only because "The Fonz" used it on Happy Days.
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