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Everything posted by Ohiopirate02

  1. That is a possibility if she goes into labor while they are traveling. Jill was lucky she found one doctor who is willing to overlook her poor parenting, but if the whole family shows up at a hospital, who knows what could happen?
  2. I really can't imagine this family playing Apples to Apples. I know they would have to clean up the deck and get rid of say the Mike Tyson card. Do they also have a dictionary handy?
  3. They will also go to Europe to try to convert the locals, it just depends on the season. It's March and they want to get some surf, sand, and sun.
  4. Because they can't just take a vacation like the rest of us, so they pass out tracts or witness at the beach or at an amusement park. It's all Jesus all the time.
  5. But this is a group of conservative fundamentalist protestants. None of these kids is looking for a night of tequila in Mexico. In fact, if some did sneak out to party or hook up, the group would ice those individuals out. All of them believe they are doing Gods work by passing out tracks and witnessing at the beach (I'm assuming on the latter, but I know groups like these do that). Now my high school Catholic youth group or college Newman Center are a different story. Our mission trips included actual mission work and clear vacation activities.
  6. In my experience of these campus Christian groups, married couples as adults of the group is what they want. They want to have examples of a godly marriage for the students to see. In their eyes Jill and Derrck is something to emulate --virgins who waited until marriage. I had a roommate in college who was involved with a group called Campus Crusade for Christ and this Cross Church group reminds me of that.
  7. As a librarian, that comment had me cracking up.
  8. I completely agree with you. Also, doctors and nurses are mandatory reporters for abuse. I could see a man not wanting his wife or daughter to spend time alone with medical professionals without his presence. Who knows what could be said while the examination is going on.
  9. I cannot fathom spending all that time looking up the religion of an author before reading a book. As a librarian, I will look up the publisher, but that is as far I will go. Cathy and the Duggars would probably read most of what Regnery (an ultraconservative Catholic publisher) puts out. Also, I know the Duggars did stump for Rick Santorum back in the day.
  10. Well someone has to put food on the table while Derrick is busy at school.
  11. I'm sure the house was part of Derrick and Jill's compensation. Derrick was a fool who hightailed it to Danger America before he got his name on the deed. Its not TLC's fault Derrick is an idiot.
  12. I agree with you about Derrick not having a support network. Cathy's enabling of his behavior is doing him no favors. What infuriates me is how no one from Cross Church seems to be reaching to help him. They are willing to fleece Derrick out of over ten grand, but they don't seem to care about his mental health. I can't believe that none of the "good Christian males" Derrick would be around on an almost daily basis don't see him unraveling. But, I'm just a heathen Catholic woman, so what do i know about anything. I could be interpreting the program at Cross Church, but ignoring someone on the precipice of a breakdown does not seem to be something a loving Christian would do.
  13. I wonder if JB was the one taking the picture.
  14. One word--Jesus. Also, he didn't seem to care much about his kids when he wasted all that money on the failed Senate campaign. I can't really see him caring about what will happen to his family once he is no longer with them.
  15. I also think that Derrick is still mad that his big dream of converting Catholics to Jesus in El Salvador went up in smoke because of Jill. I believe that he thinks JB sold him damaged goods when it became apparent that Jill was not cut out for missionary work. He thinks JB owes him for this. I can see Derrick with his sense of entitlement expecting JB to compensate him for this more than what the other son-in-laws.
  16. That is true, but the housewives are paid. Using that approach, Jill would have received a paycheck.
  17. That is some of the worst looking bacon I have ever seen. Jill burnt it to a crisp. Also, you are an ablebodied, young, white man who has had everything handed to you and you refuse to get a real job to support your family. Derrick doesn't really know the real trials of life.
  18. I would assume that TLC might have all the participants of the show sign non-disclosure agreements, but is Jim Bob smart enough for that? He and Michelle did such a wonderful job of covering-up the first Josh scandal, that I can't see him having any new person sign a NDA. Maybe after Joshgate I, Jeremy and Austin may have signed.
  19. If Derick was naive enough to allow cameras to follow him and Jill around without a contract in their names, why is this TLC's fault? Someone was compensated for the episodes that aired. I highly doubt that the network forced Derick to quit his job at Walmart, and if he did without a contract in his name then he is just stupid. This sounds like a problem between JB and Derick. Perhaps he needs to file a lawsuit to get his earnings from his father-in-law.
  20. Derrick might not remember if he was paid for the show, but the IRS will. (not that I actually believe he and Jill were not compensated for the episodes that made it on air). It doesn't matter who cut the check, but no one willing allows a film crew to follow them around and sit for interviews if there is no compensation. Derrick has an accounting degree, he should know what constitutes income.
  21. And of course, Jill thinks getting to a doctors appointment with 2 kids on time is an accomplishment. Thousands of moms do this everyday and even hold down a full-time job.
  22. And if the Dillards did not specify that the money raised for their ministry would be going to outstanding medical bills, then Derrick has opened himself up to a fraud investigation. Does anyone remember if their ministry page listed medical bills as a reason to donate? I'm sure in Derrick's mind, this was a reasonable use of donated funds, but probably not in a court of law. If I had donated money for an overseas mission that went to pay for medical bills incurred before the mission began, I would be calling my state's attorney generals office to complain about fraud.
  23. So if we are to believe Derrck that he and Jill never were compensated for their time on the show, how were they able to pay for the hospital bills? Does this mean that the money people donated to the family ministry went to pay for this? Derrick needs to shut his mouth before he gets investigated for fraud or faces a lawsuit.
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