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  1. Watching the end credits I wished one of them yelled ‘I love lamp’ from Anchorman but then I realized that everyone of them was between the ages of not born yet (Jess) to 3 years old when that movie came out. So I’ll just that as my sob story for senior bachelor.
  2. You are most likely correct. Personally I find James much more attractive and have never understood Logan's appeal, but the BN hierarchy is real and that makes sense. But BIP filmed before the Bachelorette started. At that point no one knew who Logan was and everyone knew who James was. Personally both are unappealing to me but I’m not on a beach looking for followers. 😅
  3. Casey was on Bachelor Happy Hour podcast and dropped some tea as the kids say. Highlights: 1. Faint - lots not shown which would explain ankle. He said it was due to heat, dehydration, and lack of sleep coupled with anxiety 2. He had kissed Brittney that was not shown and although nothing developed on her side, they were close. She told him that it was really hard for her to go because of the vicious rumors from her season and that really wrecked her. Peter thought him and Casey were friends and told Casey that he was going to ‘bury Brittney’ as payback for rejecting him. So Casey wanted to let B know so she wasn’t blindsided. 3. After he told her, he was confronted by Andrew S/his crew and yelled at for causing drama (which explains Andrew telling B not to confront Peter) 4. He said Andrew was kind of a prick to him the entire time and was really cocky. Which makes sense. Casey is a non-entity in the social media realm. 5. Michelle and Becca K (hosts) were talking about people knowing each prior to the show. Casey confirmed that Rodney had a huge birthday party prior and Genevieve was there among other cast members. Michelle said that she was going to go but Nayte told her it was only guys invited. She said ‘that should of been a red flag’ 😂 it was actually an interesting podcast with a lot more nuances between the 3 of them.
  4. This show is filming before the Bachelorette aired so the women would technically have no idea who Logan, Johnnie, or Tyler are or where they ended up on the season I.e no idea on who was a big name. I don’t think Shanae went after Tyler because of that.
  5. I stopped it with Wayne Brady to go and everything conked out. I started the live show at 7: 30. Does it not continue if the live show is over? Can only restart the premier episode now. This is so annoying
  6. Why???????? So it’ll be 45 minutes of Bachelor stuff and then the Bros movie? Which actually fine with me.
  7. Danielle was on Nick’s season. She was/is a nurse. (Not sure if she still us)
  8. Me and Mr. LBS are going on June 24th! I’m so excited! I don’t mind Sarah but since I don’t watch LCK I’m not as invested. My preference is a Buddha/Evelyn final with Buddha winning. He did his homework and I love how stunning his food looks.
  9. Julie in every episode:
  10. @Captain Asshat thank you for the local insight!!!
  11. Wow - this was a hard elimination challenge. I like all three but was sad to see Jae go. I thought she was heads and tails talent wise over Ashleigh. Buddha and Nick were even to me but I’m predisposed to want Nick so I was a bit disappointed. I’m all in on Damarr and hated that he knew he knew exactly what he did wrong but I thought it helped him at elimination when he didn’t excuse it. I’m so excited for this end! no spoiler but can’t remove the box.
  12. Instead of prom put in every rose ceremony for the last 2 years. At least Pee Wee is wearing socks 😂
  13. Me too! I think his shy body language is because he’s not used to being filmed. ( I’m extremely self conscious when someone films me so I may be biased.) I loved this episode! All the food looked so good. I was skeptical of Jae’s dish when she was describing it but man did it turn out well! Luke was the right choice to go although I warmed up to him as the season progressed. Damarr has collard greens on his menu. In fact everything on his menu looks fantastic. As soon as it is outside patio weather here, I’m going and I’ll report back. https://www.virtuerestaurant.com/menus/
  14. It’s not adding anything and it’s not that ‘crazy’ as she made it out to be. So many houses here have them when the windows face brick. My parents house built in 1912 have them (they had to replace them a couple of years ago but kept the original lead/glass and incorporated it in). My grandparents bungalow had 4 stained glass windows. I did love what she did with it and the butlers room which makes my heart hurt. 😂 My husband and I joke that she must have incriminating tapes of him. The building next to this build is the apartments from last week. So in a block of red Chicago bricks you got one painted black and another in white siding. Cool. Seamless. i
  15. I just want a meme/gif/whatever the kids are calling it of Buddha with a cup of tea smirking ‘plot twist’ when Jackson told everyone of his Covid. I laughed so hard! I actually liked Jackson and while I do think his team seized on that to blame him for losing at the moment, I do think they all realized they were a cohesive loss the next day because they all seem like reasonable humans. The Matriarc restaurant was just miles ahead. I’m rooting for everyone on that team to make it to final five! Demarr I want to go the end with Buddha.
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