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Everything posted by spunky

  1. I don't think Heavenly knows how to be a good friend. You don't publicly talk about your friend's marriage, even if what you're saying is true. Quad's conversation with her nephew was so touching. I think she would be a good "Mauntie". I know she said she didn't want children in the past, but I think she didn't say the quiet part out loud. I don't think she wanted to have children with her ex. I could be wrong. What was the point of Toya building her "dream house", just for her to sell it? How was the pool too small when she approved the design? Toya's need to live like a Kardashian is beyond selfish. Does she even care about how hard Eugene has to work to keep her happy?
  2. Just watched the first episode on Bravo. Benny is going to be a problem and the chef leaves a lot to be desired. This millennial would have been annoyed that I paid thousands of dollars to eat food I could easily make at home.
  3. In Trinidadian culture we have a saying "They so cheap they wouldn't pay a penny to see a fly wine (twerk)." Binh is the very definition of this saying.
  4. Alexis, Stacia, Morgan, Krysten and Miguel, please go home! You all are wasting your time. Binh's friend Kyle, is who Justin thinks he is. Nothing about Justin says "I'm secure in who I am."
  5. During their segment with Kevin, Mark said Lindsey spat on him during one of their arguments. When all of the couples got together at the end Olajuwon encouraged her to apologize.
  6. So Lindsey put all of her energy into being messy instead of focusing on her marriage. This explains why Katina and Jasmina would rather be friends with Alyssa. Spitting on someone is beyond disrespectful. Lindsey's lucky that Mark isn't the violent type. Olajuwon hush! You and Lindsey are basically the same person. Olajuwon should have been matched with Jasmina. I would've enjoyed watching her putting him in his place. Jasmina is going to wake up one day and realize that she lost a good man. Because the dating pool right now is a cesspool. ETA: Dr. Viviana came with receipts.
  7. We Black women wear wigs/extensions for many reasons. 1) Wigs/extensions are a protective style. Constantly combing and brushing our hair can cause significant damage. 2) It's convenient. Our hair needs a lot of maintenance, so it's easier to just wear a wig or sew in weaves and go on about our day. 3) Stress causes a lot of Black women to develop alopecia. 4) We like changing things up without causing damage to our hair.
  8. I see Bravo's traveling therapist is back. How many shows has he appeared on now?
  9. Jasmina has some unresolved issues with men that she was projecting on Michael. I think she needs to do like Michaela from last season. Go to therapy so that she can discover why she uses projection as a defense mechanism. Once she does that she'll realize she lost a good man.
  10. Who were the people calling Sriracha a star on the internet? From what I saw on this board, twitter and Instagram, everyone wanted Sriracha off their screens. I'm not surprised that Jasmina and Michael didn't work out. She was never physically attracted to him. She did say that she complemented him, but he never returned the favor. So maybe he was comfortable just being her friend. Lindsey is the female Olajuwon. Just straight up toxic. That letter just proved why he left her.
  11. Ralph probably subscribed and took a lot of his talking points from the dearly departed Kevin Samuels.
  12. I went to Atlanta this past weekend to celebrate my birthday and decided to visit OLG. Shawndreca, was Shawndreca. She speaks rapidly and is very direct. I don't know if she's really rude, or if her directness gets misinterpreted as being rude. I had to wait 5 minutes for her to come to the front because she was being both the hostess and Maitre D. She told me it would be a 45 minute wait for a single table and she would text me from their phone once the table was ready. I saw Brandon and Melvin. I mentally rolled my eyes when I saw Brandon just standing there talking to Melvin instead of covering the front while Shawndreca was busy fulfilling other duties. While waiting outside with other patrons we met a police officer outside. We asked if that was his assigned post and he said yes. Basically he's there for visibility, because people can sometimes become irate when they are waiting in line for 3-4 hours for food. However the line wasn't long that day. I had the salmon bites for an appetizer and Aunt Bertha's fried chicken with Mac and cheese and collard greens. The food was good, but it was very salty. I saw Torin a few times, he's very tall and really good looking. I didn't try to get his or anyone else's attention because at the end of the day, they're still at work. If I visit Atlanta again I would definitely give OLG a second chance.
  13. Sanya's mother is a typical West Indian mother. Don't ask them any questions and don't tell them what to do 😂. Ralph is definitely an emotional abuser. He gaslights Drew to the 10th degree and then does something romantic to wash it all away.
  14. If Bilal was looking for a woman he could control, a Trini woman was not the one to pick. Imagine a woman who comes from a culture where, we keep our surroundings clean and take pride in our appearance seeing that disgusting van and dilapidated home. That van looked like his side hustle is human trafficking. He's lucky all he heard was, "Scooby-Doo van, Sanford and Son, and does this house have rats?" I'm waiting for her to go full Trini on him and tell him his personality stinks just like the La Basse (Trinidad's landfill).
  15. Was Olajuwon the kitchen manager? He just sat there while the other men did all the work. What does he participate in other than the misogyny olympics? Like many of my fellow millennials Noi will learn a very hard lesson about putting everything on social media.
  16. Olajuwon belongs to the streets. He's looking for any reason to become the community entertainment again.
  17. Unfortunately some people in the Trinidadian community can be very judgemental. That statement was most likely for a hateful family member or a former neighbor who was openly hoping for them to fail. The "we have arrived" was more of "we worked hard and we made it, now go run yuh mouth about that!"
  18. I'm enjoying seeing my fellow Trinis (Trinidadians) tonight. Based on their comments they're from one of the lower income neighborhoods. Whatever house they choose it will definitely be enough space to "bus ah lime" (hangout).
  19. While I'm happy that she's in therapy and doing better. I would pay good money to see Michaela unleash Hurricane K on Olajuwon.
  20. Olajuwon is the donkey of the year. At this point Katina needs to pack her bags and move on. Never thought I would dislike someone as much as I disliked Chris from the Atlanta season.
  21. Olajuwon doesn't need a wife, he needs Merry Maids. So Steve wants to be a house husband. Got it!
  22. I think Iyana spoke for most of us when she told Shake "We all would love it if you would just shut up in general." He's beyond unbearable. Nick Lachey:"You treat animals, we're human beings. Now I see why you don't treat human beings." 😂 ETA: You can tell no one the cast likes Shake.
  23. I caught that too when he kept asking would "a woman" like this or that. I kept thinking "dude just ask her out, you obviously like her."
  24. With the exception of the floors, I liked the home Paul in New Jersey chose. It took him almost two years to find the "perfect" house. Based on some of his questions, my theory is he liked his Realtor and he was using house hunting as an excuse to spend more time with her.
  25. Olajuwon seems like he subscribes to the toxicity that is Kevin Samuels.
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