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Everything posted by dosodog

  1. I saw that on Twitter. It was very random. Crystal posted a cute picture of her dog. Kathy posted something about the dog. Rinna replied to Kathy's comment about the dog with the whole "Hey I suddenly flashed on you saying Kim lied about having stuff on Harry". It was weird. But then I saw these from your link. Do y'all know anything about these? https://pagesix.com/2022/06/03/lisa-rinna-claims-kathy-hilton-paid-marketing-manager-to-start-feud/ https://pagesix.com/2022/06/06/patrick-somers-claims-he-and-lisa-rinna-concocted-kathy-hilton-feud/ What happened there?
  2. I appreciated the sprinklers coming on as they left the house.
  3. I I wanted to hear more about Gene Simmons and Marlo. That got glossed over. And it could have been...interesting...
  4. At this point I don't care who Sanya comes for. As long as Ross continues to grace my tv screen! Hottest husband in the housewives universe!
  5. Does anyone know if Elton owns property in Canada?
  6. Maybe someone else canceled the table, Sutton heard about it and graciously included the Hamlin's at her table because they has nowhere to go?
  7. I hope so! I LOVE this show and would really like to see it keep going. It's a refreshing change from the usual Bravo stuff.
  8. Or "I'm over your shit and I'm divorcing you. Hey! I hear Kenya's officially single now...". I'm not a Kenya fan and I'm not wishing Ralph on her. I just think she would verbally destroy him.
  9. Soooo. I keep seeing stories that Peter/Patricia, Cynthia Bailey's ex, has been spotted filming Potomoc scenes. And that he's dating Giselle.
  10. I think the issue is that Cynthia is no longer on RHOA and Kenya has no use for her anymore.
  11. Kim. Regardless of the complexity of the relationship, you call anyone I love a cunt? You are leaving through the nearest door. Period. And you are cut out of my life until a sincere apology is accepted. Rinna involves herself WAY too much in that trio of sisters. But I guess it's an easy storyline for her to be involved in. Without it actually being about her...
  12. Does Kyle REALLY care though? About her sisters? If you invited someone to your party and that person calls your sister a cunt and you don't immediately throw that person out? Do you REALLY care about your sisters?
  13. They kept her around long after both of those. I think it boiled down to the consumers having enough of her crap and not buying her stuff anymore.
  14. I still respect Peter. Maybe because he isn't on all the time... He usually came off as a nice, respectful guy. Not the kind of guy to tell a girl she is dumb. Seems to hold his alcohol well, generally. Doesn't rage scream at people. Yeah. Definitely a move up!
  15. Would it be the same Bambi Eyed Bitch who is now dating Peter?
  16. The first time I saw this picture I thought it was a lifesize puppet. Team America: World Police!
  17. ITonight I went out with the girls and took the opportunity to do some Orange County research. I did get some weird looks when I asked if they could dip an orange slice in cinnamon. And they got a little weirder when I asked for a tequila shot. In the spirit of things, my friends decided to join in. They are AMAZING! Not amazing enough to put up with Noella and her stack of vaginas. But still. AMAZING! I enjoyed Fun Vacation Shannon and Tequila Emily. The silliness spoke to me. I also enjoyed the 3 hour tour boat ride starring Shannon Beador as a competent Gilligan. I did not enjoy anything else. It was painfully boring.
  18. I didn't like Santiago. Mainly because I wanted to finish his sentences for him. I'm old. I don't have the time left to wait for him to complete a thought.
  19. I will be the one rioting if Ellora isn't in the finals.
  20. I came across an article from a local paper that talked about Ellora, Santiago and (I think Caroline). Ellora is basically self taught. No bakers or cooks in the family. Just a girl looking for something to do, during a pandemic. She realized she liked baking because of the SCIENCE behind it. I love her even more. I didn't think I could love her anymore when she busted out Cinnamon Roll cereal, but she's inspired to bake because of the science! Right hand over my heart, "awwww" (think of the sound 5-8 year olds make when they see a baby animal) Here's a link to the story and it is Summer, not Caroline. Also interesting...it says the kids know a week in advance what they are going to make? https://www.ocregister.com/2021/12/22/watch-3-o-c-contestants-on-kids-baking-championship
  21. And that's why she is my favorite howife. Pink and gloriously tacky. Also she gave me the best way to walk away from someone: Oh look! The ponies are by the pool. Works like a charm!
  22. Lisa Vanderbucks! But instead of 5% interest, they will get 10%.😉
  23. Teddi is. Pathetic. Once again, someone else is responsible for the choices she makes. Now it's Denise who made her do something. https://heavy.com/entertainment/real-housewives/teddi-mellencamp-denise-richards-feud-set-up/
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