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Everything posted by dosodog

  1. I thought it reached the level of high school shenanigans. Before caller ID was invented...
  2. Just one phone call? And he considers it harassment? If she was repeatedly calling him, I could see that being harassment. But one? Nah.
  3. On a loop! All day! My 1st grade class will be wondering why Ms. K keeps watching Aquaman in between lessons...
  4. I have those shoes in brown! And they are perfect for a boat.
  5. Yes he was always that bad. For me, he always had a "holier than thou" attitude. For me, his misogyny and mansplaining was always obvious.
  6. Was she moving on up to the Eastside? To a deluxe apartment in the sky? I'm singing The Jefferson's theme song in my head now...
  7. All the pages in the Mia's bedazzled box looked blank...
  8. How is the claim "Some guy is giving him a blow job" defamation? How exactly, given all the other Darby stuff we've seen, is this defamation? Where was the defamation over "I would suck that dick", in regards to Juan, not defamation, but this is?
  9. Why is it "sad" if a parent chooses to help their adult child financially? Why? More than half the people I know had parents who stepped in and helped them out financially when it came to buying a house. None of them are "sad". Most of them work 40 hours a week, in low paying jobs. I think their parents want them to have a better life. In a home they own and can earn equity in vs. paying someone else.
  10. This is the dress she wore on WWHL a couple of weeks ago.
  11. I love the blue! The yellow reunion is still my favorite. Can't say I disagree with most of his opinions. Wendy's is more costume than dress. I find it fascinating. Candiace's is. Interesting. Mia and Charisse's dresses are not flattering. Karen? Yeah. Ashley’s is also costume like for me. Gizelle looks good. So does Robin. Jacqueline looks nice.
  12. This is the Potomic season of "Let's Talk About the Husband". I think the only husband NOT accused of being inappropriate is Ray. It is my opinion that this season is the best season of editing on any housewife show in the history of housewife shows.
  13. Poor Dean and Dylan. No Christmas bonus for mama!
  14. She had Tiff and Fi redone. Maybe it's time to redo Boo and Ti...
  15. Both Chris and Eddie thanked production last night on Twitter for showing the truth.
  16. The editors are not playing this season. Ashley: My friend's don't lie. Editors: Oh yes. They most certainly do. Ashley was trying SO HARD to get a reaction out of Candiace and failed. Miserably. It's like you could see the hamster wheel in her head trying to figure out what to do once Candiace politely said "No ma'am". She was absolutely stunned. What was with the silent film homage?
  17. She's going to need that sense of humor after production outed her for being a lying liar who lies.
  18. Giselle needs to be put on notice: Get your own damn storyline or find a new job.
  19. I just respond with: "Oh look! The ponies are by the pool!" And then I walk away.
  20. I like having fat cheeks. Stretches out the wrinkles...
  21. I left after Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy. It's not as hard as you think it will be. I do still read the boards because y'all are hilarious. I know what's going on, but don't have to sit and tolerate the assholes on the show. I do feel like I'm missing out on Garcelle though.
  22. Me either.. With absolutely no evidence, I believe Ashley and Gizelle came up with this whole bunch of lies. For Ashley, it's payback for Michael. For Gizelle, it's her ghost producing. I also believe, with no evidence, that Ashley secretly hates the "Sesame Street" girl and convinced her to do this. It's a 2 for 1. She wants revenge on both! Because why would you put your "friend" through the Twitter ringer? She's already being horribly trashed for her appearance. I'm just throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing if anything sticks.
  23. She's going to get tag teamed by Candiace AND Wendy. It's going to be a verbal bloodbath. I'm not sure if she can survive it. Like you, I'm not sure if she should survive it. Is this a "pretty" girl thing? I'm not pretty (on my best days, I'm "cute"). I don't get hit on that often. So I don't assume that a man who talks to me is hitting on me. I have noticed that pretty girls get hit on a lot. So I wonder if they just assume all male attention is hitting on them. Does any of that make sense? I'm sick of Giselle bringing nothing but rumors as her "storyline". She's so boring at this point. I need a season where she gets a taste of what she does to others. Wendy's mom was hilarious last night. Buy the lady some tatas!
  24. She didn't say Charrisse's name because she was answering why Karen had beef with Charrisse. Last night's clip did not include Ashley asking the question before Candiace answered. The full clip is from the episode where Ashley went to Candiace's house. That's where you get the context to her response.
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