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Everything posted by Mellowyellow

  1. Was happy with 3 of the wins. Dislike Leanne Wong and like Chris Scott very much so that was a downer for me.
  2. What day is it officially airing Snazzy Daisy?
  3. Why is Sarah back??? Why? We were subjected to two seasons of her, wasn’t that enough????? Why????? Happy to see Declan again! I have a soft spot for him! Hehe I was going to say I’m fine with everyone and then I realised Defensive Sav was back🤣
  4. That was a highlight for me! I like the direction they are headed with his character. The Elsbeth and Kaya tension reminds me of the CW shows I used to watch where they’d manufacture something to break the main couple up. Given their friendship and experiences together it’s very OOC for Kaya to be all suspicious and tense suddenly. She was always a zen believer in Elsbeth no matter what peculiar shenanigans Elsbeth got up to. It’s like their friendship is the ship of this show so they must stuff around with it a bit. I did love Elsbeth telling her retreat partner that she was tricked and she found it hard to process because this never happens to her. I thought that was a great character growth moment and just very sincere. It’s a satisfying acknowledgement as Elsbeth has always been written as being 10 steps ahead of everyone.
  5. That was fantastic!!!! Love Elsbeth vs Evil Judge. I enjoyed the dynamics. He had the power as the judge but had to put up with Elsbeth’s shenanigans somewhat because he had a different interest in the case. Can’t wait to see them face off again. The Teddy actor looks so much like Carrie Preston!!!! I was worried when they decided to introduce Elsbeth’s kid. I didn’t want an “Elsbeth deals with son’s angst” storyline but he was nice and cheerful just like the rest of the show.
  6. I squealed when I saw Nadine!!! She’s beautiful and so much fun! Loved the poker game with all the detectives. Haha Elsbeth and I wear the same colours! My favourite show right now!!!
  7. One of the best episodes ever! Sooooo much fun! Poor Captain Wagner and his fun lunch! I hope he ends the season with a new friend or something! Love Elsbeth and Kaya's friendship. Especially loved the minor glitch they had between rent and no rent. Elsbeth is so often written as being able to float in and gain the upperhand, I really enjoyed seeing her not "getting" it and then coming around to see things from Kaya's point of view in the end. Vanessa Williams is an absolute gem in her role. I genuinely wonder what she is like in real life. It's hard for me to imagine her as anything other than a petulant, rich lady. Yaaay to my favourite Detective Donnelly being back!!! Rotating detectives is the best thing ever about this show. Loved the "It's either love or money" detective too.
  8. Boo I just logged on hear to find that Kristin is gone 😭😭😭 I’ve got two episodes of S4 left. I like Kristin!!!! I thought she was really sincere and seemed like the type of person who would take care of you in a stoic, calm, cool sort of way. I’m super chaotic so I’m drawn to people like Isobel and Kristin. This show keeps getting rid of people that I like! I loved Ortiz! The only consolation is that I adore Ray too. They better keep him!!!
  9. Ugh Sunny is horrible this season. And people complained about Anne! Why do they think it is entertaining to have her scream and yell like that? Have Michael and Bobby been briefed because they look downright uncomfortable sometimes when she goes especially nuts.
  10. I thought it was just me!!!!! I’m a solid cook and nothing I’ve ever made using a Martha Stewart recipe has been good!!!!! I gave up after a few recipes no matter how nice the pictures are.
  11. I think this is on par with the Larissa season for me. I did not enjoy her or her win at all. Emma Dean and Justin were a bit of a “WTF” in terms of their wins but I didn’t find them unpleasant as people. The three finalists here are all varying degrees of unpleasant. Best thing about this season has once again been this forum!!! Have enjoyed all your comments and updates immensely 👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️
  12. Those choux buns look like 💩💩💩 I’m not cursing, they have that shape and irregularity, looking like they came out of something’s bottom.
  13. What is the structure for this week? I heard that there is no elimination? So what are they all cooking for?
  14. Aww I’m sad that Austin left. I will miss his sunny demeanour and lovely smile. Loved Spring and now love Summer! Excellent set of contestants! Love fruity desserts so the elimination was right up my alley.
  15. @katisha what is the vibe on social media? I find it interesting that Ben the recapper has the same feelings as us and that as three random individuals we are having similar judgements about certain people on this show.
  16. Me five!!!!! I’ve always loved Alex and have never found her to be mean. I didn’t watch last season though but on Chopped, Worst Cooks, Supermarket Stakeout etc she’s always been constructive. She’s definitely expressive though so if she thinks someone is a fool it’s pretty obvious but I don’t see any mean spirit behind it. They are huge fools a lot of the time!
  17. For some reason X keeps previewing Sav’s tweets for me and she comes off as rather unpleasant. Massive chip on her shoulder and uber defensive.
  18. This show does weird things to me. I started the show being annoyed at Nat and Mimi but now I don’t mind them at all. In fact I can appreciate their cooking prowess and willingness to take risks. Mimi in particular is super creative. I liked Sav in the first few weeks. Now she’s as much of a one trick pony as Brent or the ice cream guy or the girl who made frozen desserts with moulds every week.
  19. Maybe they need to pay for the extra judge plus blew their budget on Jamie so we’re getting lots of tiktok stars!
  20. Kwame is so so so sour!!! My goodness what happened to him??? I remember liking him in his season! Everytime I’ve seen him on TV after Top Chef he’s been sour. It’s interesting because some of the people who I initially didn’t care for on Top Chef such as Michael V, Marcel, Brian Malarkey have gone on to be great judges (Brian Malarkey is a very good judge!) or very likeable in their various other appearances.
  21. She was on Wildcard Kitchen with Joe Sasto and Justin Sutherland where they acknowledged the moustache, the beard and Stephanie’s fabulous hair! *** I’m in my own corner but I always enjoy Restaurant Wars. I like the drama with all the bungled tickets etc. As for this season, it’s ok but I’m not finding it riveting.
  22. I can’t stand extract or amaretto! I find them bizarre because almonds to me don’t have any strong flavour! Then all of a sudden you have these smelly things that are meant to taste like almonds! And I make frangipane tarts, cakes with almond meal etc, can’t taste/smell that awful flavour they call almond!
  23. Wooooohooooo the best baker won! Congratulations Steven!!!! What a satisfying season this has been 🥳🎉👏 I honestly thought Steven was getting the “Best baker pretty much all season but bombs on the last challenge” edit when they had Jesse highlight that it was based on the last bake and kept showing Steven running out of time. I was so worried that he wasn’t going to finish! His cake was gorgeous and was the only one looked like stained glass. It was clearly a class above the other two cakes. Nikki’s dragonflies were bad!!!! I didn’t mind the cake too much, I liked the black in comparison to the brown lines on Robert’s cake but the dragonflies just dragged down the entire thing. As a passionate almond flavour hater (like the nut, eat products with almond meal, hate the essence or whatever that they use for almond flavour) I cheered when Nikki told Robert she didn’t like the after taste and he needed another way to flavour it! I actually agreed with Nancy about the red roses. Not so much that they looked Chrismassy but the colour was too bright for the rest of the cake. That said, it was a beautiful cake regardless! I had more of an issue with Duff dinging Steven for the one side butterflies. Dude did you see the other two cakes with their birds and dragonflies????? Overall a top notch season with a satisfying conclusion!!!
  24. 😭😭😭 that was a difficult episode to watch! Martel and Young Chris were my favourites!!!!! And they both went home😭😭😭 Hopefully they will pop up regularly on the various Food Network shows!
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