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Everything posted by ReadMeLattice

  1. What I meant (added it after) is that Kailyn would definitely not be top of the list if we're really looking at risks.
  2. Judging by that court hearing, the documents are likely stuck to somebody's windshield with chewed gum. Yeah, I forget about him sometimes.
  3. Javi is a huge misogynist. He's totally one to think his own cheating (which he obviously did) is OK, but a girl who cheats is a whore.
  4. Smoking like Corey and Jo do is a much bigger risk than skydiving or rollercoasters. Eating like Gary or Amber do or drinking like Maci are much riskier too. So I don't think we can judge them based on risk. Kailyn would definitely not come out on top there.
  5. I think he always has. It was part of his Hard Rapper Living in My Mom's House 4 Now persona. So do only Cole, Corey, Chelsea, and Javi have jobs?
  6. I've said it before and I'll say it again...Part of the reason I don't have sympathy for Meri is her materialism. Had she fallen for a guy who gave her unconditional emotional support, I'd be singing a different tune. I could buy the "she was neglected and lonely" thing. But by all accounts, the catfish was an asshole to her. Her voicemails suggest a relationship that was desperate on her part, frantically begging for him to call or not be angry anymore. So the "guy" wasn't kind. But he WAS rich. And I think that was a much bigger part of her being willing to leave Kody than "his love" ever was. She's not going to get a job or live a less extravagant lifestyle. Given a choice, she'd choose a loveless marriage with a wealthy lifestyle over a loving relationship in a poor or middling one. She just thought she could get wealth and a hotter, younger dude who wanted to be monogamous. And I don't think the monogamy was the biggest part of that equation, or at least it was only half.
  7. I finally watched the full court scene...Wow, Nathan did not do that case any favors. His story included mentions of Twitter and someone's boyfriend calling him a female. WTF. Is he taking the Donald Trump handbook on argumentation to heart?
  8. Well, JO actually reported a few things on the blog that we later found out from the show were true, but which Meri had previously tried to hide. I think that's why people are still interested in what she has to say.
  9. Damn. That's a lot of dads for 4 women. Not to slut shame but holy shit. Mine would go: Cole, Gary, Corey, Taylor, Jo, Javi, Ryan, Tyler, Jeremy, Nathan/David/Adam tied. I don't count Andrew because I don't give him props for leaving just like I wouldn't give a mom props for leaving, they just don't count as a parent.
  10. My favorite is actually Andrew because we've hardly ever had to see him.
  11. I think Gary might be my favorite dad. Then Corey. Then Nathan and David! JK JK jk.
  12. @Tatum, I totally agree. Unfortunately legally it has to be one victim and one perpetrator, and while anyone who assaults someone does deserve the legal consequences, the fault went Jenelle, very closely followed by Nathan, and Jessica with less fault but fault nonetheless. The best possible outcome was a screaming match. The best! Is that really appropriate to instigate when there are kids involved? And yes, @GreatKazu, sitting in the car was a total lie. Nathan and Jessica weren't telling the truth either. This was orchestrated to get back at Jenelle. Not that I have a shred of sympathy for her, but come on, those two were not blameless.
  13. Exactly @ghoulina, when she told him to stay away I don't see how that's neglect. Wouldn't coming around when she specifically told him not to be violating her consent?
  14. I agree. Nathan obviously has nothing to say because he's assaulted her much more intensely 2 times since this incident that we know about. But he definitely wanted to make Jenelle jealous and instigate a conflict when he brought her over there. He was hoping for that outcome so he could call the cops on her just like she did on him. And he knows she's bipolar and can't handle her emotions just like he can't. Nobody deserves to be assaulted, and I'm absolutely not defending Jenelle, she's a POS as far as I'm concerned. It is absolutely not Jessica's fault that she was assaulted...Any of the 3 times we know about. But Nathan very much orchestrated this and wanted it to happen. Fucked up considering he was putting his gf in danger. Instead of upset, he was probably gleeful.
  15. On another note, the poor People of South Carolina. They sure do lose a lot.
  16. I mean exactly what you said, that I don't understand why it's kept at school when they have a way to transport it. "That don't make no sense." He *has* a wheelchair van already but leaves the chair at school. And a standard non-motorized chair would injure someone with muscular dystrophy if used often. I don't know about the T ball, maybe someone else remembers. Maybe the doctor said something totally different to them separately, though that would go directly against everything he's said on screen and everything I know about muscular dystrophy. This actually happens with other parents of muscular dystrophy a lot when they refuse to use a wheelchair or don't believe the doctor. It only hurts the kids.
  17. How can you be tired of her coming out? It was 5 seconds lol! The rest of the show was all sidestepping around the catfish for the 8,000th time.
  18. @BitterApple, omg he was truly the brattiest and punkiest. Trying to act all tough but lived in a super nice suburban house with his mama who paid for everything!! Fuck Jeremy. Used to feel for him but he's truly a POS.
  19. Well, hopefully you wouldn't go as far as *my* parents lol, but yes, a lot of people who feel they're "accepting" don't realize how deep their internalized homophobia goes. I can't have any sympathy for that due to my experience (my parents made it about them and their feelings), but I do think it's important to note, as the gay marriage law made a lot of people go "OK, that one's work!" Yeah, no.
  20. Yes, I hope he changed his mind too. But his actions haven't shown he has. At all. I would think if you bought a wheelchair van, you'd use it, if he changed his mind. And maybe not let your kid do T ball?!?!
  21. I agree, @Tatum, and I also think their lot has a distrust of educated people. Jeremy didn't want to go to therapy to see "some guy with a PhD" (he said derisively). While I can understand Corey's feelings to an extent, I do think sometimes he and Leah think they "know better" what's best for Ali. Than a specialist. And they...Don't.
  22. And it's not like there aren't a wealth of other hobbies available. I don't get it. It seems willfully stupid. Maybe they only see sports or cheer as valid hobbies? I think something really bad would have to happen for her to be able to use the wheelchair regularly. And the sad part is, I think they think they're doing her a favor by letting her run around for these few years. But what would be so much better for her in the long run would be actually having a quality life for a lengthy number of years. The only choice for that is the wheelchair.
  23. @GreatKazu, I guess, but I would need evidence the other way since Corey previously called the wheelchair "giving up" (which I think is embarrassment and ableism) even after they were repeatedly told the need for it by the doctor, she's rarely in the wheelchair in any photos, and they both talked at the last reunion about her playing T ball. Now maybe he has had a major change of heart, but his opinion was always that she should use the wheelchair as little as possible, long after the doctor told them the opposite. If it's not embarrassment, maybe it's just laziness? Holding out hope *for their child* would mean using the wheelchair, not avoiding it. I understand that parents are going to be upset but it's not about them anymore and it's been years. Their feelings don't matter, their child's health does. I haven't seen any evidence that either of them is good with the wheelchair and I don't know why it's at school since they have a wheelchair van, which is as expensive as a wheelchair itself, to transport it. Highly irresponsible and selfish. I hope that behind the scenes he's made a shift in his attitude for the sake of his daughter, and I think he has more of a chance of being responsible with it than Leah does, but I'm not going to assume anything.
  24. @seasick, unfortunately that's not true at all (that it's a so what now). I wish it was when it's not. When I came out as bi I was disowned, told I was disgusting and should have never been born, etc., by my parents, and they aren't very conservative. My birthday was soon after that and my mom didn't say a word to me. Later she emailed me that she wished she'd had an abortion. Many of my friends had similar or much worse experiences (being beaten, kicked out of the house, losing a job, excluded from all family events). And I'm in my 20s so this was not long ago. "The fight is over now" is sooooo untrue. Laws still exist that allow discrimination against gays in the workplace. Hate crimes continue in large numbers. People still get physically or sexually assaulted for being trans or gay. Therapists still tell people they're just confused. People still get fired, disowned or shunned for it.
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